Russian invasion into Ukraine is imminent

Actually ... the French were pretty involved with our Revolution and the British did blame the French (and Spanish)! That's why the British Crown quickly re-kindled relations with the US.

Heck, it was the international trading corporations of the British Crown, and their own wars that dragged in the financing of the Crown, against French, Spanish even Dutch and other merchant interests, who now needed money, that were telling the British Crown to tax the colonies, and even conspiring to take over the colonies.

The French too were working with the Spanish to do the same to us! The French had minimal gains, and the Spanish were looking to leaverage the French to regain more than they did too. Most specifically ...

The original, preliminary agreement that became the eventual Treaty of Paris of 1783 (similiar to the original design of the Peace of Paris of 1763, had the French and Spanish won), even made the US a protectorate of the French, and under French adminsitration, which would not only put the French in charge of land re-distribution, but ... what the Spanish were most adamant about ...

The fear that the new US would still make British trade a priority over Franco-Spanish interests, right in the 'American backyard' ... and they were right!

Of course ole' Benjamin Franklin made it perfectly clear what that would lead to with the French, should they insist on it. That finally put an end to it, and the US became it's own nation.

Just like we were with undermining Ukrainian democracy 2008-2014. That was finally the end of it in 2014. Even the EU complained to the Obama administration how much our lobbyists and their career politicians were interfering at that point.

Some of you guys really do not know your history of Ukraine, do you? You do understand all but Trump's name, or those directly associated with Trump later on (after 2014), were redacted from the Russian report, correct? There was a reason for that.

Seriously guys, know your ****ing history, not the textbook non-sense.
First - my point completely flew over your head. Of course the French were involved and of course the Brits shifted blame. Buying the British narrative would strip the United States of our own agency. The reality was that we (the people) wanted independence and enemies of Britain supported that effort. Just because we got support doesn't change the fact that WE wanted independence.

It's precisely the same with Ukraine. They voted to leave the Soviet Union by nearly a 90/10 clip in 1991. The Maidan was driven by the people. The Ukrainian Parliament OVERWHELMINGLY supported the economic alignment with the EU. At the last minute Yanukovych decided not to sign the agreement and sign a deal with Russia instead. THAT is what inspired the Maidan - not US subversion.

In 2019 a Ukrainian court found Yanukovych guilty of treason for his efforts to suppress the protests and conspiring directly with Russia for support in doing so. In 2014, Ukranian prosecutors implicated a bunch of Russian FSB agents for their on-the-ground support in trying to stop the protests.

Whatever role we had in supporting the pro-EU movement in Ukraine, it pales in comparison to Putin's efforts to squash it. But regardless, there is ZERO the US can do if the people don't want it. Look how fast the Taliban ran through Afghanistan despite years and years of boots-on-the-ground efforts to create a democratic country. Fell apart in days.

That's the bottom line - the Ukranian PEOPLE do not want to live under Russian rule. They greatly prefer to align closer and closer to the west. Putin may not like that and by extension we do - but it's their right as a sovereign people to make that decision. Putin's invasion only proves their worst fears correct and validates our efforts to support them.
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That does not give him the right to remove opposition parties. He should embrace them and maintain an union government in a time of war. They are against the Russians too. They have pledged their support to him.

But nope ... Z's gonna serve Z's interest. No, sorry, he needs to be called out on it! Sorry, but truth! He doesn't get to destroy his political opponents. Z did it because he could!

giving the Ukranian leadership a 'blank cheque.' He desires a lot of sympathy and understanding, yes. But this? It's a power grab, pure and simple. He knows the Russian defeat is just a matter of time now, and he's using the moment to solidify power.
Honestly - are you an expert on Ukrainian Martial Law? Do you know what authorities he's granted under emergency powers and what he's not? Or is this just a principled stance?

You have WAY to much confidence in your analysis of Zelensky's motives. Unless you've been studying him for years as a passion project, then you are simply touting your opinion as fact. The only statement I've made is to reserve judgement - it's easy AF to throw stones from the comfort our desks.

For someone who likes to call other people ignorant, you sure spend alot of time surfing the crest of Mt. Stupid.

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Honestly - are you an expert on Ukrainian Martial Law?
That's like being okay with what Lincoln did in Maryland, even if the SCOTUS ruled it Unconstitutional after the war was over. The suspending of civil rights. The execution of various people. And the seizure of the Lee homestead atop of all that.

It's about the civics. But, it's 'okay' under Martial Law. Guess what?!
So is executing someone without trial! Totally legal under Martial Law!!!

Do you know what authorities he's granted under emergency powers and what he's not? Or is this just a principled stance?
Of course it is a 'principled stance!' What gave you the notion otherwise?

Every day, here in the US, our elected leaders, push the boundaries. I mean, Pelosi, even Republicans, and others in Congress, especially their families, can totally trade on insider information, and it's completely legal. We use the FISA courts against citizens for political reasons.

And that's not even under Martial Law! To quote Eddie Murphy from the satire movie 'The Distinguished Gentleman,' but -- way, way too close to the truth -- "Everything I did would be legit here!" Now add Martial Law to that!

I guess that's the difference between you and I. I don't ask "What is legal?"
I ask, "WTF are they doing?! What purpose does this serve the country?"
At some point, civics have to matter; actual leadership, to an end, not self-service.

Z is totally taking advantage of the situation for nothing that has anything to do with the Russians. It would be one thing if those politicians were actively undermining his authority. But they are not! Might as well be Singapore in the 20th century.

You have WAY to much confidence in your analysis of Zelensky's motives.
So ... what did those politician 'do' to deserve this?

Almost everything is 'legal' under Martial Law! That's precisely why we question it! Again .. what did those polticians 'do' to deeerve this? That's the question!

But ... you're only worried about what's 'legal' during Martial Law. If you were an Ukrainian, guess what? Your family can be killed by the state ... no trial. All legal!

But I guess I'm the stupid Libertarian to be questioning what goes on during Martial Law. Ladies and gentlemen ... I give you the 'modern, enlightened, Progressive' US citizen!

Man, I really miss Liberals. They questioned government. Now Progressives question anyone who questions government.

If the US ever comes under Martial Law, it would be interesting who would 'ban' the 'other party' first ... Republicans ban Democrats, or Democrats ban Republicans?

Although I'm sure we Libertarians would be toast ... immediately ... if we held any offices because we question war.

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First - my point completely flew over your head. Of course the French were involved and of course the Brits shifted blame. Buying the British narrative would strip the United States of our own agency.
I don't understand. You mean you agree the west is at least partially responsible for Ukraine? If so, then my apologies, I misunderstod.

But if not, then ... how did this 'fly over my head?'

The reality was that we (the people) wanted independence and enemies of Britain supported that effort. Just because we got support doesn't change the fact that WE wanted independence.
Independence was the symptom.
It started in Parliament, and with the trading mega-corps. They wanted to push the costs of the prior war, which was largely started by the mega-corps themselves, which drew in the Crown, on the 13 Crown Chartered, Corporate Colonies.

If we, the Corporate Colonies, paid, then that was less of a burden for them.

If we, the Corporate Colonies, rebelled, then the other mega-corps would take over our Crown Charters, as they would be revoked by the Crown, and give to others, like the Hudson Bay, West Indies, et al., who wanted the 'developed' Colonies for their own coffers.

Eventually Massachusetts caused the latter, and eventhough the other 12 Corporate Colonies refused to join them, and George the III was sympathetic, Parliament what it and its oligarchy wanted, rebelling. That's why Paraliment blamed all 13 for what Massachusetts did on its own, for a full year, rejecting every letter and concession from the other 12, eventually drawing in Virginia and Pennsylvania, let alone New York.

The military and new money in the UK were also interested in the rebellion result. The undeveloped areas were not desired by the mega-corps, and would become new homesteads, a new land owner royal entitlement.

Even the early battles, outside of New England, were fought by Corporate Troops, not Crown Troops ... from the Hudson Bay (which we invaded) to the Frontier.
This is all history that has been lost because we didn't want to demonizing corporations. It's now repeating itself as we are the dying Merchant Republic the UK once was.

It's precisely the same with Ukraine. They voted to leave the Soviet Union by nearly a 90/10 clip in 1991.
No argument! And I think we (US, NATO) f'd Ukraine with the 1990-91 agreements, much like the Czechs in the 1930s. However ...

The Maidan was driven by the people.
You're talking only 2014, after the prior overthrows in the preceding years too?! You know we -- the US, and its oligarchy -- partially supported Russia in this, prior to 2014, correct?! Especially politicians and their lobbyists with their corporate interests.

That's why The Podesta Group and others came under immense scrutiny, and why the Biden family is not above questioning too. We have our ogliarchy too, and it's not a 'good look.' In fact, many respects, we look hypocritical, and that resonates with the average Russia.

If we were honest, open and transparent about this, then Putin would not have as much 'stock' with his own people. But because we lie our @$$es off about our own interference, Putin gets a lot of support. It's as simple as that!

The Ukrainian Parliament OVERWHELMINGLY supported the economic alignment with the EU. At the last minute Yanukovych decided not to sign the agreement and sign a deal with Russia instead. THAT is what inspired the Maidan - not US subversion.
Again, symptom, not cause.

You're missing the entire context of 2008-2014 prior! Just like the whole American Revolution! Career politicians and their lobbyists from the US Congress really f'd Ukraine 2008-2014, just like UK Parliament did the US Colonies 1763-1773 ... and purposely so, to their own, selfish end.

We're done here. You want to look at 2014 only. I'm looking at history, and how it repeated itself ... just like with the American Revolution. I cannot even begin to discuss this with you if you don't want to recognize 2008-2014, and just want to talk 2014 alone!

2014 happened because of the prior interference by the US as much as Russia ... sometimes in cohorts with them!

The US interferes in elections more than Russia does! And when people like you dismiss that, you just feed right into Russia's argument!
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I don't understand. You mean you agree the west is at least partially responsible for Ukraine? If so, then my apologies, I misunderstod.

But if not, then ... how did this 'fly over my head?'
Responsible for pushing Ukraine towards western democratic ideals, towards EU integration, and away from Russian imperialism? Yea absolutely. Responsible for Putin launching the largest ground war in Europe since WWII because he wasn't getting his way? Absolutely not.

Here's where I think the disagreement is. Just because someone has a motive - even if it's a motive you sympathize with - doesn't shift responsibility for one's own actions.

If your neighbor is a huge dick and let's his dog crap in your grass without cleaning it up, everyone agrees he's the dick. But no, he's not partially responsible if you decide to murder his family and set his house on fire to solve the problem, even if uncleaned dog poo (which he's 100% responsible for) created the motive.

And yes - a cadre of US folk have been effing around in Ukraine. Manafort, Hunter, Rudy and crew. All that shit was 100% undermining Ukrainian democracy full stop. All those things hurt both Ukraine and US interests and benefitted Putin's narrative. Does zero to shift responsibility from the aggressor.
Responsible for pushing Ukraine towards western democratic ideals, towards EU integration, and away from Russian imperialism? Yea absolutely. Responsible for Putin launching the largest ground war in Europe since WWII because he wasn't getting his way? Absolutely not.

Here's where I think the disagreement is. Just because someone has a motive - even if it's a motive you sympathize with - doesn't shift responsibility for one's own actions.

If your neighbor is a huge dick and let's his dog crap in your grass without cleaning it up, everyone agrees he's the dick. But no, he's not partially responsible if you decide to murder his family and set his house on fire to solve the problem, even if uncleaned dog poo (which he's 100% responsible for) created the motive.

And yes - a cadre of US folk have been effing around in Ukraine. Manafort, Hunter, Rudy and crew. All that shit was 100% undermining Ukrainian democracy full stop. All those things hurt both Ukraine and US interests and benefitted Putin's narrative. Does zero to shift responsibility from the aggressor.
We've been meddling with Ukraine for 30 years, which encouraged a lot of corruption and the rise of oligarchs. We are complicit in what is happening there right now.
Of course it is a 'principled stance!' What gave you the notion otherwise?
You probably won't believe me but I'm 100% a libertarian at heart. Libertarian ideals are how I WANT the world to work. I want libertarian thinkers and philosophers to be right. But libertarian idealists suffer the same fundamental problems as a Marxist - they ignore the reality that his human behavior.

War is bad. War leads to really bad shit. This is why we don't want war. But once war shows up on your doorstep, you have a choice - you can submit to the aggressor or you can fight like hell.

The people of Ukraine want to win and expel the Russian invaders. They are the ones who get to decide and ultimately judge Zelensky for his ability to achieve that singular goal. You can be as critical as you want to be of his choices, but I'm pretty sure the villagers hiding from Russian tanks and the mom's covering their babies as artillery shells rain around them could really give two shits about civil liberties right now.

This is the problem with being an idealist. You want to apply libertarian ideals to a situation they are not equipped to handle.

Although I'm sure we Libertarians would be toast ... immediately ... if we held any offices because we question war.

If you held an anti-war position with an invading foreign army bombing your cities that demands surrender and capitulation while 95% of the public wants to fight like hell - yea that's gonna look pretty sus and your political career would over anyway.
We've been meddling with Ukraine for 30 years, which encouraged a lot of corruption and the rise of oligarchs. We are complicit in what is happening there right now.
Listen to Putin's own words. He doesn't believe Ukraine should even exist - that modern Ukraine is only separate from Russia because Lenin screwed up. Putin thinks Ukraine should be his because reasons.

If we were 100% hands off in Ukraine, Putin would still believe that. In that alternate timeline, if the Ukrainian people still chose to push towards the EU and away from Russia, nothing changes.
Crazyhole doesn’t think that Ukraine should exist either. He thinks that they are all Nazis and Russia should annihilate all its inhabitants
Listen to Putin's own words. He doesn't believe Ukraine should even exist - that modern Ukraine is only separate from Russia because Lenin screwed up. Putin thinks Ukraine should be his because reasons.

If we were 100% hands off in Ukraine, Putin would still believe that. In that alternate timeline, if the Ukrainian people still chose to push towards the EU and away from Russia, nothing changes.
Compare this to Nicaragua, Guatemala, or El Salvador. Are we complicit in the situation that those countries find themselves in?
Compare this to Nicaragua, Guatemala, or El Salvador. Are we complicit in the situation that those countries find themselves in?
Geopolitics is complicated. Rarely are lines black and white between right and wrong. Does US policy have unintended consequences? Of course. And selection bias will always drive us towards highlighting the failures. Why? Because if a slick diplomatic move lead to preventing a complicated series of events that would have lead to massive war 3 years later - you'll never know that. The victories are quiet, thankless, and leave no evidence of their existence. The mistakes are loud and obvious.

Ask yourself this - I think we're all in general agreement that the Iraq invasion was a mistake. Should we own that mistake or should we do a complex geo-political analysis and try and impart fractional complicity on other actors to make us feel better?

Everything leading up to the invasion is a complicated geo-political mess of diplomacy, spy games, corruption, competing interests, etc. But the last 28 days is 100% on Putin.
Geopolitics is complicated. Rarely are lines black and white between right and wrong. Does US policy have unintended consequences? Of course. And selection bias will always drive us towards highlighting the failures. Why? Because if a slick diplomatic move lead to preventing a complicated series of events that would have lead to massive war 3 years later - you'll never know that. The victories are quiet, thankless, and leave no evidence of their existence. The mistakes are loud and obvious.

Ask yourself this - I think we're all in general agreement that the Iraq invasion was a mistake. Should we own that mistake or should we do a complex geo-political analysis and try and impart fractional complicity on other actors to make us feel better?

Everything leading up to the invasion is a complicated geo-political mess of diplomacy, spy games, corruption, competing interests, etc. But the last 28 days is 100% on Putin.
Yes, the actual invasion is totally on Putin. At the same time, we need to understand that the US is the real target and this may our moment of recompense.
You probably won't believe me but I'm 100% a libertarian at heart. Libertarian ideals are how I WANT the world to work. I want libertarian thinkers and philosophers to be right. But libertarian idealists suffer the same fundamental problems as a Marxist - they ignore the reality that his human behavior.
Yes, but which is worse?

Marxism - The 'forced group' aka government based on 1 to a few human leadership?

or ...

Libertarianism - The 'free individuals' based on what those actual individuals want for themselves, and not forcing anyone else but themselves?

I really cannot think of many cases where Libertarianism results in a worse situation than the Marxist forcing everyone as a group, usually based on only a few humans, sometimes only one. There are many examples of downright abuse and special interest too, overwhelmingly. That's why we spend so much money on total crap.

We got very close to pure Marxism the past 2 years with the Lockdowns and Mandates, all based on 0 Science, limited or 0 Legislative law, and a lot of pure, Executive edicts. That's why the courts overwhelmingly ruled against them. It's bad enough for a Legislative body to force something. But it's horrendous for a single Executive.

That's why I'm so against Martial Law. Especially when it's enforced by the Military, not Civilians, like in Ukraine.

War is bad. War leads to really bad shit. This is why we don't want war. But once war shows up on your doorstep, you have a choice - you can submit to the aggressor or you can fight like hell.
Yes, but you don't have to 'take political advantage' of the situation. The parties banned were against the Russian invasion too. They came out and utterly lambasted Putin too. But, alas, Z's gonna take advantage.
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Responsible for pushing Ukraine towards western democratic ideals, towards EU integration, and away from Russian imperialism? Yea absolutely. Responsible for Putin launching the largest ground war in Europe since WWII because he wasn't getting his way? Absolutely not.
This was the problem with the Cold War as well.

Western Imperialism is real too. The Russians can easily point to it.
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Yes, but which is worse?

Marxism - The 'forced group' aka government based on 1 to a few human leadership?

or ...

Libertarianism - The 'free individuals' based on what those actual individuals want for themselves, and not forcing anyone else but themselves?

I really cannot think of many cases where Libertarianism results in a worse situation than the Marxist forcing everyone as a group, usually based on only a few humans, sometimes only one. There are many examples of downright abuse and special interest too, overwhelmingly. That's why we spend so much money on total crap.

We got very close to pure Marxism the past 2 years with the Lockdowns and Mandates, all based on 0 Science, limited or 0 Legislative law, and a lot of pure, Executive edicts. That's why the courts overwhelmingly ruled against them. It's bad enough for a Legislative body to force something. But it's horrendous for a single Executive.

That's why I'm so against Martial Law. Especially when it's enforced by the Military, not Civilians, like in Ukraine.

Yes, but you don't have to 'take political advantage' of the situation. The parties banned were against the Russian invasion too. They came out and utterly lambasted Putin too. But, alas, Z's gonna take advantage.
First off - good conversational post.

I agree that Marxism as a practical ideology is worse by a mile. It's why my ideal society is very libertarian (even if my beliefs in human nature make that ideal society impossible). So you're not going to get any arguments from me there.

You have a very Goldwater-esque "extremism in defense of liberty is no vice" kind of philosophy here. But again, that logic doesn't hold water with the pragmatic part of society that actually has to deal with crap and get shit done.

But saying we got "very close" to pure Marxism the last two years is just not true. I think Dee Snider from Twisted Sister summed this up perfectly in a tweet recently, commenting on denying anti-maskers the right to "We're Not Gonna Take It" vs allowing it's use an anti-war Ukranian message.

This was the problem with the Cold War as well.

Western Imperialism is real too. The Russians can easily point to it.
Absolutely. And if were discussing US action in Vietnam it's a different conversation. I have no interest in "blaming" Russia for our decision to go into Vietnam. Similarly, I think it's absurd to try and blame the west for Putin's terrible decision.
Absolutely. And if were discussing US action in Vietnam it's a different conversation. I have no interest in "blaming" Russia for our decision to go into Vietnam. Similarly, I think it's absurd to try and blame the west for Putin's terrible decision.
Decision to invade? No argument.

But why many of the Russian people are tolerating this? Well ... we interfere too.
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Watch the last 10 minutes of the movie "Lord of War". Then think about the fact that it isn't fiction.
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Masks never worked, lockdowns never worked, restrictions didn't work, and the vaccine doesn't stop the spread.

So forcing any of that should be "we're not going to take it". We let Fauci and commie governors completely destroy our economy for no gain. 2.5 years later we still have people around Biden getting covid.
And now this bullshit over non-bullshit, which was blatant, government and monopoly directed, censorship for
18 months. This is why I don't trust any 'Fact Checkers' who *ARE* the 'misinformation' themselves and *CAUSING* real censorship.

Russell Brand nailed it, and he's no Trump supporter...

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Decision to invade? No argument.

But why many of the Russian people are tolerating this? Well ... we interfere too.
The Russian people have no power to stop it. Those who did complain were immediately locked up and jailed. The billionaire Russians who were mostly made billionaires by Putin are the only ones who could stop him.
The Russian people have no power to stop it. Those who did complain were immediately locked up and jailed. The billionaire Russians who were mostly made billionaires by Putin are the only ones who could stop him.
You're still missing my point ... it's why Putin has a lot of support, without any threat.
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I have a lot of anxiety about this christmas. After 2 suicidal episodes this year I am really uncomfortable with the idea of being around the in-laws. This year has also brought about changes with my girls. I got divorced 8 years ago and had full custody of my kids until this year. They moved in with their mom in january and things have been pretty difficult between us since then. Nobody, including my wife, has been terribly supportive of what I've been dealing with this year and I've been putting on a happy face whenever I'm asked how things are going because when I'm honest it makes things worse. I'm just tired of it and now its going to be in my face for the next few days. Nobody understands but everybody has a solution.

Sorry to vent. Merry christmas to everyone"
We are the only ones "banning" their oil. Just means the trading is shuffled around a bit more on a global market.

We still haven't opened up drilling, pipelines, etc
They are selling it at a discount. That totally undermines the value of the dollar.
Or maybe it's because Europe didn't heed Trumps warnings. They are beholden to Russia so they're leaning on Zelensky to not interfere.
Trump is an arrogant gasbag, but ... he wasn't wrong at all here.

Trump was just 'mouthing off' what national and strategic security experts told him, and everyone in these circles know, Obama and W. most specifically. But whereas other Presidents kept those conversations in private, but Trump ... he just aired them publicly.

That's how I knew US Mass and Social Media talking heads were lying. They would say Trump is making things up, when it was true, and very well known in strategic circles already. But Trump said it, so it must be wrong. Yep ... that's right.
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Well, at least Biden is 'coming back to Earth.'

The problem is that he'll spin it ... as usual. Although in this case, unlike natural gas, he's not as directly responsible.
Where do you think fertilizer comes from, and how do you think we power our irrigation well pumps? He can't be directly responsible for one and not the other.
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