:joy::joy::joy: bro nobody cares what an inbred young Earth creationist from nowhere, NE thinks about the SotU address.

It was a disgusting partisan speech filled with lies and called off with a disgraceful medal given to a truly disgusting man who has done nothing but divide this country with hate.

You are part of the problem.
She looked like a manic lunatic the entire night

Too bad Democrats can’t find it within themselves to cheer for things like low minority unemployment, low women’s unemployment, a child surviving birth at 21 weeks, and a rejection of socialism.

Great night for Trump
I thought she came off exactly as she intended. You're pulling the lever for Trump no matter what. You're not her audience.
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She looked like a manic lunatic the entire night

Too bad Democrats can’t find it within themselves to cheer for things like low minority unemployment, low women’s unemployment, a child surviving birth at 21 weeks, and a rejection of socialism.

Great night for Trump
It was a preplanned, scripted, petty stunt that made her looked bitter. Another win for Trump.
She looked like a manic lunatic the entire night

Too bad Democrats can’t find it within themselves to cheer for things like low minority unemployment, low women’s unemployment, a child surviving birth at 21 weeks, and a rejection of socialism.

Great night for Trump

I thought the worst was when she didnt clap for the little girl who got a scholarship.
It was equivalent to Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" She lost the moral high ground here but Republicans never held Joe Wilson accountable, in fact he raised $2 million the next week. I suspect that Nancy will use this to fundraise.

As far as the SOTU, it had tons of obvious lies.
1.) Obama's economy wasn't a disaster, it actually was stronger in the last 3 years than Trump's first three years. GDP was stronger under Obama.
2.) Trump isn't trying to protect pre-existing conditions, he's in court right now trying to remove them.
3.) “Thanks to our bold regulatory reduction campaign, the United States has become the #1 producer of oil and natural gas in the world, by far.” The US became #1 in 2012.
4.) Trump said that he confirmed a record number of federal judges. 187 is not a record.
5.) Trump claimed credit for the low unemployment rate by ending Obama's "failed policies" There has been no change in the trajectory of unemployment in the last 11 years.

This will be a divisive base turnout election. It's going to get really ugly.

This election will definitely be one that political pundits will study for a long time. Trump seems to only care about securing his base and antagonizing the other side. Most politicians when they want to get re-elected, they reach out to the other side maybe adopt a policy or two. DeSantis won by .5% and he immediately adopted increased teacher pay which was a Gillum policy. DeSantis will probably win re-election by 10% next time. Consistently opening political wounds by antagonizing your opponent may feel good in the moment but doesn't seem like good strategy. We'll see.
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color me shocked inbred Trump loving maggots are outraged because they are a bunch of snowflakes while they ignore all the actual lies made during that pathetically pandering speech
I thought she came off exactly as she intended. You're pulling the lever for Trump no matter what. You're not her audience.
So.., what do you think of her ripping up the speech in front of millions of Americans? How did that help Democrats? What did it prove? Democrats are making this too easy
Guess what everyone's talking about from last night. Nancy ripped some papers.

Guess what theyre not talking about...
Guess what everyone's talking about from last night. Nancy ripped some papers.

Guess what theyre not talking about...
The country isn’t talking about the speech? Maybe you need to interact with live people
It was equivalent to Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" She lost the moral high ground here but Republicans never held Joe Wilson accountable, in fact he raised $2 million the next week. I suspect that Nancy will use this to fundraise.

As far as the SOTU, it had tons of obvious lies.
1.) Obama's economy wasn't a disaster, it actually was stronger in the last 3 years than Trump's first three years. GDP was stronger under Obama.
2.) Trump isn't trying to protect pre-existing conditions, he's in court right now trying to remove them.
3.) “Thanks to our bold regulatory reduction campaign, the United States has become the #1 producer of oil and natural gas in the world, by far.” The US became #1 in 2012.
4.) Trump said that he confirmed a record number of federal judges. 187 is not a record.
5.) Trump claimed credit for the low unemployment rate by ending Obama's "failed policies" There has been no change in the trajectory of unemployment in the last 11 years.

This will be a divisive base turnout election. It's going to get really ugly.

This election will definitely be one that political pundits will study for a long time. Trump seems to only care about securing his base and antagonizing the other side. Most politicians when they want to get re-elected, they reach out to the other side maybe adopt a policy or two. DeSantis won by .5% and he immediately adopted increased teacher pay which was a Gillum policy. DeSantis will probably win re-election by 10% next time. Consistently opening political wounds by antagonizing your opponent may feel good in the moment but doesn't seem like good strategy. We'll see.
Well from my Google machine I see GDP the GDP in 2018 was 2.9%, Obama hit that number once in 2015. Obama’s last three years the GDP averaged 2.3% and was 1.6% in his last year. Trump’s first three years he has averaged 2.53%. He is doing this all the while fighting a trade war with China.

Pre-existing conditions, well that is kind of BS statement by you, yes he is trying to undo Obama care which protected pre-existing conditions and I applaud Obama for that. What is not known is what Trump wants in its place, what he said last night was he was going to protect pre-existing conditions.

Oil Production- according to the EIA(US Energy Information Agency) the US became the largest producer of Oil in 2018.

Unemployment, not sure how you can spin this. The lowest Unemployment under Obama 4.7%, its 3.5% now. Also, under Obama, the labor participation rate dropped every year. Under Trump it’s held steady or increased making the unemployment rate even more impressive.
It was equivalent to Joe Wilson's "You Lie!" She lost the moral high ground here but Republicans never held Joe Wilson accountable, in fact he raised $2 million the next week. I suspect that Nancy will use this to fundraise.

As far as the SOTU, it had tons of obvious lies.
1.) Obama's economy wasn't a disaster, it actually was stronger in the last 3 years than Trump's first three years. GDP was stronger under Obama.
2.) Trump isn't trying to protect pre-existing conditions, he's in court right now trying to remove them.
3.) “Thanks to our bold regulatory reduction campaign, the United States has become the #1 producer of oil and natural gas in the world, by far.” The US became #1 in 2012.
4.) Trump said that he confirmed a record number of federal judges. 187 is not a record.
5.) Trump claimed credit for the low unemployment rate by ending Obama's "failed policies" There has been no change in the trajectory of unemployment in the last 11 years.

This will be a divisive base turnout election. It's going to get really ugly.

This election will definitely be one that political pundits will study for a long time. Trump seems to only care about securing his base and antagonizing the other side. Most politicians when they want to get re-elected, they reach out to the other side maybe adopt a policy or two. DeSantis won by .5% and he immediately adopted increased teacher pay which was a Gillum policy. DeSantis will probably win re-election by 10% next time. Consistently opening political wounds by antagonizing your opponent may feel good in the moment but doesn't seem like good strategy. We'll see.
Yeah, well the Florida Democrats didn’t announce plans to recall DeSantis less that 20 minutes after he was sworn into office either. It has gone both ways at the national level.

Also, of course a NYC politician is going to exaggerate their own accomplishments. It’d be far more surprising if they didn’t. It must be something in the water there.

Bloomberg does and will do the same things. Look at his ads about gun control. In order to get his number-of-children-killed statistic in one of his latest ads, he had to lump in adults aged 18 and 19. This doubled the number for effect. I’d lay money that no media company will start a website tracking Bloomberg’s exaggerations, hyperboles, and “misstatements” and rate them all as lies for effect.
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I thought the worst was when she didnt clap for the little girl who got a scholarship.

Because she didn't want to make it look like she was clapping for school choice, which often times takes resources from the public school system to give to charter schools. And honestly, I hate it when they bring out people trying to go for the emotional angle, both sides do it, but it is just used to distract from the actual issue they are talking about.
Because she didn't want to make it look like she was clapping for school choice, which often times takes resources from the public school system to give to charter schools. And honestly, I hate it when they bring out people trying to go for the emotional angle, both sides do it, but it is just used to distract from the actual issue they are talking about.

Ok. Their reason for refusing to clap for mere factual statements, such as women and minority unemployment is at or near historical lows is...…..?

It was hilarious watching these wanna be Woke D women in their dumb white outfits, sitting their stone faced as everyone else is cheering fantastic economic numbers for women.

I guess D women cheering for other women only matters when they're advocating for federally funding abortion and think they will get some credit for it.
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Ok. Their reason for refusing to clap for mere factual statements, such as women and minority unemployment is at or near historical lows is...…..?

It was hilarious watching these wanna be Woke D women in their dumb white outfits, sitting their stone faced as everyone else is cheering fantastic economic numbers for women.

I guess D women cheering for other women only matters when they're advocating for federally funding abortion and think they will get some credit for it.

Probably because Trump is trying to take credit for things that were already trending that way.
Probably because Trump is trying to take credit for things that were already trending that way.
He was right to call it out after having to hear how he hates women and how disastrous his Presidency would be for women. It’s kind of like baseline budgeting. The Democrat pols and friendly media said that Trump was going to be terrible for women and blacks and Hispanics. So the baseline was set at apocalypse. Since the numbers are well better than that, yeah he should pound his chest.
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He was right to call it out after having to hear how he hates women and how disastrous his Presidency would be for women. It’s kind of like baseline budgeting. The Democrat pols and friendly media said that Trump was going to be terrible for women and blacks and Hispanics. So the baseline was set at apocalypse. Since the numbers are well better than that, yeah he should pound his chest.

Depends on how you are looking at. Yes, the economy is doing well (though not as great as Republicans make it out to be), but he is also appointing lots of conservative judges, we have seen many states try to for all intensive purposes outlaw abortion, etc etc. Everything isn't about the economy.
So.., what do you think of her ripping up the speech in front of millions of Americans? How did that help Democrats? What did it prove? Democrats are making this too easy

Both sides are locked in. Trump voters are still voting for Trump. Anti-Trumpers are still not voting for Trump. However, she can fundraise off of this, that's how it helped her. The "undecided" voter isn't paying attention.

Trump needs to turn his people out, Nancy needs to turn her people out and we'll see who has more people.
It was smart of the Senate to wait on impeachment acquittal until today. Like him or not, he came across as more presidential last night than we have seen him be and he pointed out quite a few things that the majority of americans agree with. I would think his approval is higher today than it was last week so the optics of the acquittal will be much better for him.
It was smart of the Senate to wait on impeachment acquittal until today. Like him or not, he came across as more presidential last night than we have seen him be and he pointed out quite a few things that the majority of americans agree with. I would think his approval is higher today than it was last week so the optics of the acquittal will be much better for him.

Also shows how partisan politics can be with impeachment with Nancy tearing up the speech. Some of those running against Trump will vote on impeachment. ;)
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The republicans got pretty annoying with standing ovations after every sentence there for a while.
It was smart of the Senate to wait on impeachment acquittal until today. Like him or not, he came across as more presidential last night than we have seen him be and he pointed out quite a few things that the majority of americans agree with. I would think his approval is higher today than it was last week so the optics of the acquittal will be much better for him.

He came off presidential to those who already think he is presidential, to others he came off the same as usual. The whole thing was pretty awful though. The "4 more years" chants made it sound like one of his political rallies, and then the Trump-Pelosi drama, Limbaugh getting a medal, etc etc. It just seemed like an overly partisan almost circus like event.
The republicans got pretty annoying with standing ovations after every sentence there for a while.

That is typical for SOTU. Every word....oh my gawd...amazing let's stand again! They did the same for Obama. It is really a show to be honest.
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Probably because Trump is trying to take credit for things that were already trending that way.

First off, disagree totally since there have absolutely been reforms and bills passed that have helped the economy.

Second, why would that matter? These people scream and yell about how they care so much about women and minorities, why then would it matter if Trump is getting credit so long as those groups of people are statistically better today than they were before? If someone really just cared about them then they'd applaud and cheer regardless.
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Democrats literally booed trump when he was talking about protecting our ICE agents, and sat silently when Trump pointed out the guy who's brother was killed by an illegal immigrant that was released by a sanctuary city.

Good look guys.
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Democrats literally booed trump when he was talking about protecting our ICE agents, and sat silently when Trump pointed out the guy who's brother was killed by an illegal immigrant that was released by a sanctuary city.

Good look guys.

This is all emotional appeal, nothing more. People who vote based on these types of anecdotal stories are part of the problem with this country.
Truly mind-boggling. Trump vows last night that he will “guarantee insurance coverage for preexisting conditions” while his DOJ is currently in court fighting against that very coverage for crying out loud!

But let’s all talk about Nancy Pelosi today, right guys?
Well from my Google machine I see GDP the GDP in 2018 was 2.9%, Obama hit that number once in 2015. Obama’s last three years the GDP averaged 2.3% and was 1.6% in his last year. Trump’s first three years he has averaged 2.53%. He is doing this all the while fighting a trade war with China.

Pre-existing conditions, well that is kind of BS statement by you, yes he is trying to undo Obama care which protected pre-existing conditions and I applaud Obama for that. What is not known is what Trump wants in its place, what he said last night was he was going to protect pre-existing conditions.

Oil Production- according to the EIA(US Energy Information Agency) the US became the largest producer of Oil in 2018.

Unemployment, not sure how you can spin this. The lowest Unemployment under Obama 4.7%, its 3.5% now. Also, under Obama, the labor participation rate dropped every year. Under Trump it’s held steady or increased making the unemployment rate even more impressive.

Buy a new Google machine. Obama his last 12 quarters is 2.566666%, Trump his last 11 quarters is 2.563636%.

Trump has no replacement plan for Obamacare. If you are trying to get rid of Obamacare without a replacement, then you are trying to get of protecting pre-existing conditions.

He said "largest producer of oil and natural gas", still 2012.

Obama's unemployment rate hit a high of 10.0% and decreased to 4.7%. At that point Trump took over and it decreased from 4.7% to 3.5%. Trump basically got put on 3rd base and is claiming that he hit a home run once he scored.
This is all emotional appeal, nothing more. People who vote based on these types of anecdotal stories are part of the problem with this country.
Hate to say it but that is most of the voters in this country.