Just consider this- two of the largest lobbying arms to continue current SNAP policy have been.......Coke and Pepsi. People who make sugar shit in a can.
Under current SNAP rules, people can buy candy, soft drinks, energy drinks, bakery cakes, ice cream, seafood, and steak with their SNAP cards.
There is absolutely no reason why someone taking assistance from the government should be able to go shopping and come home with bags full of coke, Red Bull, gummie bears, moosetracks, and surf and turf.
I agree with you.
I also think someone should be able to choose between something like potatoes or rice instead of eating white rice every week.
I would actually love to know if there is any research out there on if people "feel good", they are more likely to succeed? You pointed out that eating the same thing may motivate someone to work harder to get them out of that situation but is that the case? It's an honest question which I think would be interesting to see.