Two genomics experts on record: mRNA covid 💉 contaminated ☠️

praying for the victims of this horrible gene therapy experiment gone wrong. They've completely trashed the immune system. Nobody is born an anti-vaxxer. Hope you don't find out the hard way 🙏🏼

Brother - 5x - Cancer, febrile erratic blood pressure, shingles re-activation
Mother In Law - heart arythmia, shingles reactivation

Vaccines in general and shingles seem to be connected. My wife has had shingles twice, both came after the flu shot. She even had the shingles vaccine before the 2nd out break of shingles. She no longer takes any kind of vaccine. She isn't anti vaccines in general, but doesn't want any for her.
Five doctors could not solve the problem. These white coats are the biggest bunch of sheep and pussies🙄

Afraid last years flu shot may be my last.
fckd up my sister too. She got a Covid shot in one arm and the flu shot in the other and then almost ended up in the hospital

About two weeks later govt came out and said getting both shots the same day there is a signal of stroke 💰🤦‍♀️

I mean look at the credentials of these people that criticize mRNA

“Gold-man has gold at $2500 in 6 months. What Gold-man wants, Gold-man gets.”
-Boston Knight early 2022

Great day to load up on gold. To the 🌙.
