No, its nothing like guns. There are other uses for guns besides killing people. There is only one use for abortion, to kill people. Its a false narrative that you are pushing when trying to equate the 2 in an attempt to seek the higher ground.
Next he's going to start insisting that Late Term Abortion is just like a corporate tax rate debate.
Muh Libertarians!!!!!!
i believe a baby is fully developed at 35 weeks and only gains more weight until berth around 40 weeks. so i think 35 weeks you could draw the line.
however we all know medical technology has advanced so far and can help a baby outside the mother much earlier than that. i think that changes peoples view on this.
I really dont know the current laws. where do we currently draw the line? for me i draw the line at the 3rd trimester.
Why stop there? Why not go to brain waves or heart beat? Why not bring it
down from 35 weeks to 17 weeks to even just 17 days.
^ This is exactly why the arguments Conservatives make on abortion is exactly like arguments Progressives make on guns.
You want the state to outlaw
all abortions. So you put restrictions here, restrictions there ...
"Oh, they could survive on their own. Oh, they could still grow in an incubator. Oh, they could survive in another. Oh, they have brain waves or heartbeat!" That
"common sense argument against murder!"
Admit it ... you want all abortions outlawed. So you're not going to
"be happy" until you get it. And every time you say,
"Oh, we just need to ban late term abortions. That's all I want," only to come back with more limitations.
This is a
100% Civics Argument, not a debate over what constitutes
"murder." Why? Because
a supermajority of Americans are Pro-Choice, so you keep using these
"common sense" arguments to push more and more
"limitations." That's how you advocate circumventing the US Constitution and Civil Rights, instead of getting a Constitutional Amendment passed that overturns Roe v. Wade.
It's that simple! You literally do not respect Constitutional reality, and are hypocrites.
You are so programmed by right-wing media to believe it's different than guns, when 100% Constitutional-wise, it's 100% exact like the Democratic gun outlaw strategy.
Again, here's the simple question ... the litmus test, and I ask Progressives the same about guns ...
"Are you ever going to be satisfied until the right of a woman to choose for her body is taken away?"
Yes or no. It's that simple. Because if you won't be satisfied with late term abortion bans, like most of you guys were much were not before these new, state bills, it doesn't matter.
You disrespect Constitutional reality.
I'm objective. I worship the Constitution and the realities of the supermajority of the people, because that's what we all agreed to. You guy say,
"I believe ..." and other junk.
Although at least you're not screaming
"science" and
"facts" like the Progressives on things they don't understand, and blindly believe the US media and politicians on. I'll give you that.