This thread started to talk up Wal-Mart's wage increases from tax cut savings and were not allowed to bring up the fact that they used tax cut savings to buy back stock while laying off employees and cutting stores?
You were trying to justify the government taking in less revenue because of how much it would benefit the American worker but if you point out that it only primarially has benefited the ownership of Wal-Mart you reply "Wal-Mart is not a charity" well the American government is not a charity. We have exploded the national deficit under this tax plan. We've essentially borrowed so Wal-Mart can buy back stock.
This doesn't help you or me or republicans or democrats. It specifically helps Wal-Mart ownership and proves you'll suck trumps droopy orange nutsack as he ****s you from behind.
So do you believe businesses should have profits limited by the government?