When did "Islamic Terrorist" start hating America?

A terrorist is a terrorist is a terrorist. White, brown, black, yellow....doesn't matter. An evil act is an evil act.
Problem is, people wanna label some of the colors as a radicalized psychopathic terrorist....unless they're white.

You couldn't be any more incorrect. Vetting ****ing people from countries that harbor terrorists is not racist or labeling anybody anything. Just keep watching the next 10 years and then lets have this same conversation
You couldn't be any more incorrect. Vetting ****ing people from countries that harbor terrorists is not racist or labeling anybody anything. Just keep watching the next 10 years and then lets have this same conversation
Terrorist don't only come from certain countries. Why not vet everyone the same?
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You couldn't be any more incorrect. Vetting ****ing people from countries that harbor terrorists is not racist or labeling anybody anything. Just keep watching the next 10 years and then lets have this same conversation

I like you but this is some of the dumbest shit I have ever read.

There is a saying about bad apples. You should Google it.
I don't particularly like you so no thanks . I have been friends with Lisa for a long time and can disagree with her without her taking it personally

Yeah I particularly don't like people who refuse to think why something happens and just want to ban a fundamental American principle.

Stay ignorant my friend. I just hope you don't have kids that you're spreading this intellectual laziness and bigotry to.
Probably the moment we aligned with Israel.

Came to post. This is our obvious modern problem: (emphasis on modern since Christianity been warring long time). The Zionist Israel firsters control everything. Basic playbook: Agitate, divide & conquer, create wars = profit. Say anything slightly questioning it? My God you are a crazy conspiracy theorist + an anti-Semite worse than Hitler!!!*

(*Hitler per the history books written by the victors)
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Came to post. This is our obvious modern problem: (emphasis on modern since Christianity been warring long time). The Zionist Israel firsters control everything. Basic playbook: Agitate, divide & conquer, create wars = profit. Say anything slightly questioning it? My God you are a crazy conspiracy theorist + an anti-Semite worse than Hitler!!!*

(*Hitler per the history books written by the victors)

The timetable fits with the "radicalization" of Islam. Israel was created in 1948 which coincides when the West starts meddling in the Middle East. In 1967 the 6 day War happens, which exposes the US' covert support of Israel. Then the US becomes Israel's primary Ally officially in 1970. Add a few regime changes like Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, probably a few others, then all people wonder why "Muslims" hate America in 2001. Then you have people like Bob and BT who would claim it's been going on for 1,500 years despite the fact that America had no conflict with the Middle East or Muslims for 150+ years.

It's amazing how willfully ignorant people are and refuse to learn even from experts like us. #Facts [smoke]
The answer is Israel, but only for this round of terrorism. Islam has been, since it's inception, a religion of intolerance and conquering those who disagree. Israel has just been the foundation for all of their current hatred. They hate the US because we are the #1 supporters of the Zionist state. They feel if they can get the US to back off of our support of Israel, they can then rise up and conquer the infidels in their land.
The answer is Israel, but only for this round of terrorism. Islam has been, since it's inception, a religion of intolerance and conquering those who disagree. Israel has just been the foundation for all of their current hatred. They hate the US because we are the #1 supporters of the Zionist state. They feel if they can get the US to back off of our support of Israel, they can then rise up and conquer the infidels in their land.
QBQ: Why do we support Israel? A: They control enough of our propaganda.

Nah crazy talk. Just do what these good ol red blooded 'Muricans say!
Drink our awesome beer & watch ur sportsball! She's so funny & hot. He's so cool & hip! EDGY!

Here's some smart guys lookin out for America!


Now don't believe any of this whatsoever. I'm just an anti-Semite nut job.

Israel never bombed our ship.
You didn't like the topic early and now you want to know everything. Which is it?
I can tell you the only cause for this: the inherent doctrine we put on people to a) never forget what was done to you a gazillion eons ago and b) human nature. There's no other cause. People are the cause. This doesn't need a thread, unless common sense is something you're lacking.

I'm speaking in general terms here.
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QBQ: Why do we support Israel? A: They control enough of our propaganda.

Nah crazy talk. Just do what these good ol red blooded 'Muricans say!
Drink our awesome beer & watch ur sportsball! She's so funny & hot. He's so cool & hip! EDGY!

Here's some smart guys lookin out for America!


Now don't believe any of this whatsoever. I'm just an anti-Semite nut job.

Israel never bombed our ship.

She is NOT hot.
1801 Thomas Jefferson order an attack on Islamic Pirates. Islamic extremist were on Hittler's side during WW2, before Israel was reformed. It is nothing new.
I can tell you the only cause for this: the inherent doctrine we put on people to a) never forget what was done to you a gazillion eons ago and b) human nature. There's no other cause. People are the cause. This doesn't need a thread, unless common sense is something you're lacking.

I'm speaking in general terms here.

People may not forget, but they can forgive. Are you still angry at the Japanese for Pearl Harbor?

In case you don't follow current events, the US is currently militarily involved in serveral Middle Eastern countries.

So what's your point? Muslims are angry at Americans for the crusades?

How about you watch the video I shared. Clearly you haven't.
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It is interesting that roughly 1400 years after the creation of Christianity is when the Spanish Inquisition occurred. Islam was founded 600s and has now has been around for 1400 years.
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People may not forget, but they can forgive. Are you still angry at the Japanese for Pearl Harbor?

In case you don't follow current events, the US is currently militarily involved in serveral Middle Eastern countries.

So what's your point? Muslims are angry at Americans for the crusades?

How about you watch the video I shared. Clearly you haven't.
No, I'm not watching whatever fukcing stupid ass shit video you posted because it's not pron or cats, so why would I care?

You're asking the wrong motherfukcer because I've never been angry at anyone. I don't care, period. As long as my circle is doing fine, the rest of the world can go up in a ball of fire, I could give two shits about.

I don't care what Muslims, Americans, Blacks or Crab People are mad about. Whatever they're mad about is stupid. And dumb. Giving a shit about what the fukcing person next to you is doing is stupid. And dumb. Just worry about your god damn fukcing self and fukc everything else.

I'm speaking in general terms here.
No, I'm not watching whatever fukcing stupid ass shit video you posted because it's not pron or cats, so why would I care?

You're asking the wrong motherfukcer because I've never been angry at anyone. I don't care, period. As long as my circle is doing fine, the rest of the world can go up in a ball of fire, I could give two shits about.

I don't care what Muslims, Americans, Blacks or Crab People are mad about. Whatever they're mad about is stupid. And dumb. Giving a shit about what the fukcing person next to you is doing is stupid. And dumb. Just worry about your god damn fukcing self and fukc everything else.

I'm speaking in general terms here.
Is it difficult to rage drive in a Fiat? Picture of jets in a Fiat below.

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Is it difficult to rage drive in a Fiat? Picture of jets in a Fiat below.

Dammit, I can't see the fukcing pic. Fukcing proxy.

It is super easy to rage drive in a Fiat. Think Mike Tyson: tiny motherfukcer, with a big fukcing punch.
No, I'm not watching whatever fukcing stupid ass shit video you posted because it's not pron or cats, so why would I care?

You're asking the wrong motherfukcer because I've never been angry at anyone. I don't care, period. As long as my circle is doing fine, the rest of the world can go up in a ball of fire, I could give two shits about.

I don't care what Muslims, Americans, Blacks or Crab People are mad about. Whatever they're mad about is stupid. And dumb. Giving a shit about what the fukcing person next to you is doing is stupid. And dumb. Just worry about your god damn fukcing self and fukc everything else.

I'm speaking in general terms here.

That's alot of typing for saying you enjoy being apathetic and myopic....
That's alot of typing for saying you enjoy being apathetic and myopic....
Being apathetic and myopic means not seeing it all and not caring about anything. I see it all, but I choose what I care about.

I'll tell you what else I see: you don't really care about any of this shit either. You can give me every excuse or reason under the sun, but both you and I know it's all a front. You just like trolling, that's all.
Being apathetic and myopic means not seeing it all and not caring about anything. I see it all, but I choose what I care about.

I'll tell you what else I see: you don't really care about any of this shit either. You can give me every excuse or reason under the sun, but both you and I know it's all a front. You just like trolling, that's all.

I do care about it. Very much.

To think the covert operations by the US intelligence organizations and other non-elected officials has lead America into perpetual war, death of hundred of thousands, and has forced our hand to accept certain foreign policies is ****ing disgusting. This one of the most worst things in our nation's history. This is one of the things that destroys a country from within. And nobody seems to give a damn even when presented the facts.

This is how the world ends
not in a bang
but in a whimper.
You posting that you don't care isn't convicing anyone. #fact
No, I've convinced everyone because nobody else is talking about the subject because the subject, like this thread, sucks more than barrister's mom.


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