Why do people go to campaign rallys to protest?

Sir Galahad

Todd's Tiki Bar
Gold Member
Feb 3, 2004
I watched the video of the guy getting punched at the Trump rally in North Carolina and I just don't get it. Maybe its me and I have a life, or maybe I just value my personal time too much to waste it listening to people I disagree with but I just don't get it.

If I go to a Hillary campaign rally in an urban area and start interrupting her speech and talking about Trump or Cruz I'm pretty sure the response I would get. I don't condone what was done but I have to wonder the motivation of the protesters. I'm so tired of these protesters complaining about their treatment when they get escorted out, what the hell are you expecting. , When your motivation is to interrupt what others came to see and hear you are putting yourself in that situation and that was your choice.
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Why do ppl give money to political parties or candidates?
In my case I have several reward checking accounts where I need to use the debit card 12 times a month to earn a high rate of interest so setting up some $0.50 recurring donations means a few fewer $0.03 gas pump transactions. Same idea w charities.
I watched the video of the guy getting punched at the Trump rally in North Carolina and I just don't get it. Maybe its me and I have a life, or maybe I just value my personal time too much to waste it listening to people I disagree with but I just don't get it.

If I go to a Hillary campaign rally in an urban area and start interrupting her speech and talking about Trump or Cruz I'm pretty sure the response I would get. I don't condone what was done but I have to wonder the motivation of the protesters. I'm so tired of these protesters complaining about their treatment when they get escorted out, what the hell are you expecting. , When your motivation is to interrupt what others came to see and hear you are putting yourself in that situation and that was your choice.

There have been protesters at some point for most every candidate.

You do realize that the only supporters assaulting these protesters are Trump people, yes?

And not only did that redneck deck the black kid yesterday, he then came out on record stating he'd kill him next time. I can only imagine the size of the David Duke/Trump shrine in this man's house.

I'd like to attend a Trump rally if only to get a taste of the deep seeded racism and hatred dripping from the walls.
There have been protesters at some point for most every candidate.

You do realize that the only supporters assaulting these protesters are Trump people, yes?

And not only did that redneck deck the black kid yesterday, he then came out on record stating he'd kill him next time. I can only imagine the size of the David Duke/Trump shrine in this man's house.

I'd like to attend a Trump rally if only to get a taste of the deep seeded racism and hatred dripping from the walls.
Yes because only redneck racists support Trump. 85, you're such a drama queen.
Yes because only redneck racists support Trump. 85, you're such a drama queen.

It's mostly true. I live/work in redneck central. A lot of my neighbors have Trump signs in their yards and people that work with me support him including my parents and uncle, even if they won't admit it because I give them so much shit about it. And no I'm not just being an anti mainstream Chemmie. Yes they're mostly blue collar white folk that feel like they've been left behind with Obama's racism and all the BLM crap. I see that too, white people are evil racists is all over the place. It doesn't mean you should feed all those fears to become popular and turn a third of the GOP into something the Dems have been calling us for eight years. Maybe I'm not old enough and haven't been drug through the mud long enough but the guy is an asshole plain and simple. I like Rick Scott, Romney is great. I'd love a businessperson turned politician as President cough Fiorina cough. Not Trump though. He's a fuxking giant douchebag. Never Trump. I'd rather the country stay stagnant for four more years with Billary than see what happens with Dump as President. It will be WW3.
She wore that short dress and had a few drinks in her. She was asking for it!
And I live on Long Island and work in NYC and I see Trump sign everywhere. In Manhattan they are everywhere in the high rise windows, guess those are rednecks as well.

Get over yourselves.

Redneck, LI white trash, hipsters. What's the difference. Chemmie will be on the Trump train soon. Dump is the most hated and Bernie has become way too popular and mainstream.
Lol @ the we hate the pussification of America but dont want a movement group. We have someone who finally is doing something about it but youd rather stick to letting the pc ****ers win cause you think it makes you unique making fun of it.
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My fellow trump train conductors would love to see the fággot millienial Twitter meltdowns about trump. Almost as good as the GOPe fàggots in here who don't get why two boring lame ass guys who happen to speak Spanish aren't being drooled over by the masses.
This is the dumbass thinking that addresses your dumbass OP.
So let me understand your thinking. Its okay for thugs and idiots who don't agree with Trump to go INTO a Trump rally where people may have traveled for hours to see him speak. Then instead of sitting there quietly they constantly interrupt what others came to see. When they get escorted out they continue to disrupt what others came to see. These same people complain about they way they are treated on the way out.

Well here is my thoughts, GOOD. I hope they got the crap beat out of them.

Here are some excepts from the CNN story:

Protesters, meanwhile, shouted "We shut s*** down" and "We stumped Trump." Others chanted "Bernie" as supporters whipped out Bernie Sanders campaign signs.

Maria Hernandez, a 25-year-old community organizer, broke out into dance as a Trump campaign staffer announced that the rally had been canceled.

"I've never been more proud of my city," Hernandez told CNN.

Hernandez, who came out to protest Trump, said the Republican front-runner's immigration policies, as well as racial divisions in her city, pushed her to show up and protest Trump's planned event.

"I'm protesting because I'm black and Mexican and I'm not sure where he wants to deport me to, but I deal with racism daily in Chicago and I've had enough," she said.

One Trump supporter said he was "disappointed" that the event was postponed.

"Protesters have won now," Marlin Patrick, 55, told CNN. "We just feel as if the protesters have taken over."

So a 25 year old "community activist" which is code word for unemployed instigator talking about "Her City," really her city? She does not pay taxes and is illegal but citizen's of this country don't have a right to listen to their candidate because she disagrees with his views.

This is why I support Trump, this and thousands of other cases like them.
This is what happens when you get a bunch of socialists together. They have no jobs and offer zero to society. Typical Bernie Sanders supporters.

These are the leeches of the US. They are part of the 45% that pay zero income tax and what more free stuff.
This is why the millennial protester douchebags don't get it. Two wrongs don't equal a right and it's just so easy to embellish your point. What does a noose have to do with the professional protest movement?
You posted a picture of a black con artist with a anti-Trump shirt and the noose was my response.
So let me understand your thinking. Its okay for thugs and idiots who don't agree with Trump to go INTO a Trump rally where people may have traveled for hours to see him speak. Then instead of sitting there quietly they constantly interrupt what others came to see. When they get escorted out they continue to disrupt what others came to see. These same people complain about they way they are treated on the way out.

Well here is my thoughts, GOOD. I hope they got the crap beat out of them.

Here are some excepts from the CNN story:

Protesters, meanwhile, shouted "We shut s*** down" and "We stumped Trump." Others chanted "Bernie" as supporters whipped out Bernie Sanders campaign signs.

Maria Hernandez, a 25-year-old community organizer, broke out into dance as a Trump campaign staffer announced that the rally had been canceled.

"I've never been more proud of my city," Hernandez told CNN.

Hernandez, who came out to protest Trump, said the Republican front-runner's immigration policies, as well as racial divisions in her city, pushed her to show up and protest Trump's planned event.

"I'm protesting because I'm black and Mexican and I'm not sure where he wants to deport me to, but I deal with racism daily in Chicago and I've had enough," she said.

One Trump supporter said he was "disappointed" that the event was postponed.

"Protesters have won now," Marlin Patrick, 55, told CNN. "We just feel as if the protesters have taken over."

So a 25 year old "community activist" which is code word for unemployed instigator talking about "Her City," really her city? She does not pay taxes and is illegal but citizen's of this country don't have a right to listen to their candidate because she disagrees with his views.

This is why I support Trump, this and thousands of other cases like them.

How do you know she is unemployed, doesn't pay taxes, or have citizenship? Source?

And your OP was dumb because it's rather obvious why people are protesting trump. He's a professional troll.
How do you know she is unemployed, doesn't pay taxes, or have citizenship? Source?

And your OP was dumb because it's rather obvious why people are protesting trump. He's a professional troll.
Well her exact words were "I'm Mexican, he wants to deport me." Now maybe you don't understand it but he only wants to deport illegal Mexicans, thus if she thinks she is going to be deported by a Trump administration, she must be illegal.

Anything else? Can you defend the actions of the thugs yesterday?
How do you know she is unemployed, doesn't pay taxes, or have citizenship? Source?
Well her exact words were "I'm Mexican, he wants to deport me." Now maybe you don't understand it but he only wants to deport illegal Mexicans, thus if she thinks she is going to be deported by a Trump administration, she must be illegal.

Anything else? Can you defend the actions of the thugs yesterday?

Im not defending anything the protestors did.

Also not at all surprised at the rage that Trump incites from many people. Most reasonable people can understand that. The guy is an embarrassment to our country.
Well her exact words were "I'm Mexican, he wants to deport me." Now maybe you don't understand it but he only wants to deport illegal Mexicans, thus if she thinks she is going to be deported by a Trump administration, she must be illegal.

She should be deported for that stupid comment alone. Trump protesters deserve every reaction they get. If they dont like it, we can kick them to Mexico before building that great big beautiful wall.