Your weekly update on left wing hate and violence

I have been in some meetings all morning. All bullshit aside, did this shooter target republicans or is this just talk ??


The shooter, identified as James T. Hodgkinson, appears to be a Bernie Sanders fan. His Facebook page reads, "Democratic Socialism in Three Words: 'We the People.'"

One of his most recent posts says, "Trump is a Traitor. Trump Has Destroyed Our Democracy. It's Time to Destroy Trump & Co." [sic]

"I want Bernie to Win the White House." he wrote Aug. 12th, 2016. "Bernie is a Progressive, while Hillary is Republican Lite. ... Bernie is the Only Candidate in Decades that Really Cares about the Working Class."
It's not surprising at all that this happened. This is merely an extension of the type of vitriall and violence being promoted and celebrated by the left.
Be honest homies - you honestly think that most liberals are violent and would celebrate this? If so, that's all I need to know about who you all are as individuals.
Be honest homies - you honestly think that most liberals are violent and would celebrate this? If so, that's all I need to know about who you all are as individuals.

His FB page is identical to TONS of lefties I know. People who obsess and hate every single day.

We have a NYC play, sanctioned by the city and sponsored by corporations, depicting the murder of Trump every night.

Why would I think this guy is an outlier?
His FB page is identical to TONS of lefties I know. People who obsess and hate every single day.

We have a NYC play, sanctioned by the city and sponsored by corporations, depicting the murder of Trump every night.

Why would I think this guy is an outlier?

Because the vast majority of people, regardless of politics are not-violent. Violence is not "normal". There are 7 BILLION people in the world, most people do not engage in violent acts. It's just fact.
Be honest homies - you honestly think that most liberals are violent and would celebrate this?

Most? Probably not but it seems that millions of followers believe violence is the answer if they lose certain elections. Heck, in just the first few minutes of live tv reports, thousands posted Likes and Laughing emoticons on LIVE TV COVERAGE links on this targeted attack, let alone the bafoons who even commented on their pleasure in those links too.
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Be honest homies - you honestly think that most liberals are violent and would celebrate this? If so, that's all I need to know about who you all are as individuals.
Since liberals = pot-smoking hippies, how can they be responsible for the violence?

BTW, didn't the violence start when people started punching protesters inside Trump's events? If it didn't start there, it didn't help either
Be honest homies - you honestly think that most liberals are violent and would celebrate this? If so, that's all I need to know about who you all are as individuals.
I think it's far more normal among liberals and more fringe among conservatives.
Yes, as THOUSANDS of people posted Likes and Laughing emoticons on LIVE TV COVERAGE links on this targeted attack, let alone the bafoons who even commented on their pleasure in those links too.

It's the internet K_L, anyone can press a keyboard, doesn't mean they are going to go out there and kill someone. After Pulse - there were some pretty evil things said online by people - including in our own city.

I think its gross when people celebrate violence at all, regardless of political affiliation. I see it on both sides - if you don't fine - I know there is no point arguing with you.
Because the vast majority of people, regardless of politics are not-violent. Violence is not "normal". There are 7 BILLION people in the world, most people do not engage in violent acts. It's just fact.

To answer your previous question, I'd have to say no. I don't think most libs are violent. However, I do believe that there is an inordinate amount of hatred and intolerance in many libs, which is not "normal" either. Hatred ultimately begets violence.
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To answer your previous question, I'd have to say no. I don't think most libs are violent. However, I do believe that there is an inordinate amount of hatred and intolerance in many libs, which is not "normal" either. Hatred ultimately begets violence.

I think there is an inordinate amount of hatred in people right now. People are becoming way too polarized, on BOTH SIDES. Yes, I will gladly admit that this includes liberals too - but I do believe it to be a "fringe" group of liberals, although it does appear to be growing.

A group of people interrupted and block D.C. Pride this last weekend, where I was and guess what? Turned out to be another group of liberals who were mad about B.S. Guess what else? 99.8% of the people there were pissed at them. People just always need to be angry at something and it's dumb.
With 2 of the more recent attacks in the US being Bernie supporters, I wonder if he will come out and condemn them.
Bipartisan THANK YOU should go out to the Capital Police members who were only there because Scalise (Majority Whip gets 24/7 protection) as this could have easily turned into an unthinkable massacre.

Also, quick response from local Alexandria, VA Police and Could ty Sheriff helped as well.

Odds are those Capital Police (believe 2 were wounded) were initially outgunned till the shooter finally dropped his rifle/ran out of ammo and switched to his pistol.
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I think there is an inordinate amount of hatred in people right now. People are becoming way too polarized, on BOTH SIDES. Yes, I will gladly admit that this includes liberals too - but I do believe it to be a "fringe" group of liberals, although it does appear to be growing.

A group of people interrupted and block D.C. Pride this last weekend, where I was and guess what? Turned out to be another group of liberals who were mad about B.S. Guess what else? 99.8% of the people there were pissed at them. People just always need to be angry at something and it's dumb.

When is the last time a crazed conservative attempted to murder 25 Democratic lawmakers?

You are pathetically trying to make this a "both sides!" Thing by trying to deny that the hate and violence has escalated to never seem before norms on the left wing in this county.
Trump speaking Live. Shooter has now died from his injuries. He thanks the Capital Police for their life saving actions.

He also thanks the local first responders from the Alexandria area.
His FB page is identical to TONS of lefties I know. People who obsess and hate every single day.

We have a NYC play, sanctioned by the city and sponsored by corporations, depicting the murder of Trump every night.

Why would I think this guy is an outlier?

Its not an outlier when those in attendance celebrated by giving a full-throated standing ovation.

"The audience attending the Public’s Free Shakespeare in the Park that night saw a production that leaned heavily on the topical references in the first half of the show, with Julius Caesar (played by Gregg Henry) sporting blonde hair and overlong ties and mimicking Trump’s hand gestures. Caesar’s wife (played by Tina Benko) spoke with a Slovenian accent, similar to Melania Trump’s, and there were nods to pink pussy hats and Twitter. The story’s assassination scene, which is the main focus of the controversy, was bloody — but the subsequent events played like a warning, as the murder’s noblest political goals were crushed.

The crowd stood to applaud when it was all over"

“The event here is not my show. The event here is the right-wing hate machine,” he added in an interview following the opening night performance"
When is the last time a crazed conservative attempted to murder 25 Democratic lawmakers?

You are pathetically trying to make this a "both sides!" Thing by trying to deny that the hate and violence has escalated to never seem before norms on the left wing in this county.

OMG. You are a chore to speak to.

Violence isn't a who's dick is bigger contest. Violence = bad. It doesn't matter if you kill one or kill 25.

85, it is a both sides thing. There are bad people on the right and bad people on the left. If you look a few messages up, I've said that violent tendencies for people on the left is getting worse. It's not good, I think it's dumb. However, it's not anywhere near the norm or what most people think. If you believe that, go stock up on supplies and get your bunker ready or something.

Also - what is your deal with always having to name call? Does it make you feel better? I'm not pathetically doing anything but saying violence is bad.
I think there is an inordinate amount of hatred in people right now. People are becoming way too polarized, on BOTH SIDES. Yes, I will gladly admit that this includes liberals too - but I do believe it to be a "fringe" group of liberals, although it does appear to be growing.

I agree to an extent. There is an inordinate amount of hate in people right now but where I diverge from your opinion is where you talk about fringe. Although the fringe is growing, based on all the news over the past 1.5 years, it's way more populous than you think. Will many of those fringe personally commit acts of violence? Probably not but I think there are many of those included in the fringe who celebrate it.
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Don't make excuses. He was a right-winged nutjob, just like Oklahoma building bombers. Just like the people who bomb abortion clinics. It happens on both sides but some in this thread seem to think only the left does this. Tragic in all instances.
Actually I disagree. When I think of skin heads and nazi's I see the left, not the right. Now the Oklahoma City bomber, I'll give you that one, which was 22 years ago.
They were right winged nutjobs, own it. Their are no left wing militias in South Georgia or Idaho.
Probably not but only because you can be a left wing militia nut job and be out in the open because it's accepted.
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I agree to an extent. There is an inordinate amount of hate in people right now but where I diverge from your opinion is where you talk about fringe. Although the fringe is growing, based on all the news over the past 1.5 years, it's way more populous than you think. Will many of those fringe personally commit acts of violence? Probably not but I think there are many of those included in the fringe who celebrate it.

Well then they are sh!tty people and I want nothing to do with them.

The way and speed at which we receive news and can express ourselves has also evolved. We get news instantly now and can say how we feel without thinking first.

People are a lot worse on the internet than they are in real life. Although it's not bad now, growing up a gay person, back when I was younger some of the stuff I read in news story comments was horrible. Do people actually act on that? No. Do they even mean it sometimes? No. A keyboard gives people something to hide behind.
The left has turn into a very violent group of folks. Kathy Griffin was a great recent example. Time for them to reflect on themselves. Time to stop rioting and become productive members of society.
sjw libtard commies are doing their typical violence and praising mao and stalin. Think Abe Lincoln. The beatings of elderly trump supporters. The bashing of the skull with a cast iron bike lock, pepper spraying both sucker attacks. Where are the attacks and initiating violence by the free speech movement? Remember the lib prof asking to get some muscle over there. Berkeley? The professor at Evergreen afraid for his life because he wouldn't honor kicking whites off campus for a day? The multicultural animals were acting like animals in their environment And, as usual, this elderly antifa sjw is a coward attacker, he used a long gun at a distance to shoot unarmed republicans freedom loving Trump supporters.
If you libtards who post on this board like chemtard and militantgayrightsknight can't get on with President Trump, then you deserve to be punished to the full extent.
MAGA God Bless Trump.
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sjw libtard commies are doing their typical violence and praising mao and stalin. Think Abe Lincoln. The beatings of elderly trump supporters. The bashing of the skull with a cast iron bike lock, pepper spraying both sucker attacks. Where are the attacks and initiating violence by the free speech movement? Remember the lib prof asking to get some muscle over there. Berkeley? The professor at Evergreen afraid for his life because he wouldn't honor kicking whites off campus for a day? The multicultural animals were acting like apes in their And, as usual, this elderly antifa sjw is a coward attacker, he used a long gun at a distance to shoot unarmed republicans freedom loving Trump supporters.
If you libtards who post on this board like chemtard and militantgayrightsknight can't get on with President Trump, then you deserve to be punished to the full extent.
MAGA God Bless Trump.

Are you okay?
The shooter was a Bernie Sanders volunteer coordinator during his campaign.

It's amazing how mainstream this hate and violence has become. This man spent time with Sanders. This is not the fringe any longer.
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The shooter was a Bernie Sanders volunteer coordinator during his campaign.

It's amazing how mainstream this hate and violence has become. This man spent time with Sanders. This is not the fringe any longer.
Bernie should resign for what he has started.
Bernie Sanders did speak on Senate floor and denounced this and any firms of violence as a despicable act.
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Don't make excuses. He was a right-winged nutjob, just like Oklahoma building bombers. Just like the people who bomb abortion clinics. It happens on both sides but some in this thread seem to think only the left does this. Tragic in all instances.
Actually I disagree. When I think of skin heads and nazi's I see the left, not the right. Now the Oklahoma City bomber, I'll give you that one, which was 22 years ago.
What you see is meaningless, they're right winged hate groups.
A left wing Democratic extremist sent an email to Claudia Tenney today stating "1 down, 216 to go".