2024 Election Thread

As always, nice job, Fox News! 👍

Yeah, Biden's whispered 'weaknesses' have me convinced we've gotta reelect a deranged A-hole currently fighting four felony court cases and who's influence has made the House of Representatives an absolute embarrassment.

It's a head-scratcher why anybody reads their sh*t.
As always, nice job, Fox News! 👍

Yeah, Biden's whispered 'weaknesses' have me convinced we've gotta reelect a deranged A-hole currently fighting four felony court cases and who's influence has made the House of Representatives an absolute embarrassment.

It's a head-scratcher why anybody reads their sh*t.
Typical. Someone says something, and you address the news organization rather than what what was said.

Rather telling that the one under indictment is neck and neck with comatose Joe. But hey, keep that old head of yours in the sand.
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Typical. Someone says something, and you address the news organization rather than what what was said.
What "News" organization? You mean the company that paid $787.5 million for LYING about Dominion Voting machines?
Rather telling that the one under indictment is neck and neck with comatose Joe. But hey, keep that old head of yours in the sand.
Who has his head in the sand? A guy who respects "Comatose" Joe's accomplishments as President? Or a guy breathlessly following the poll numbers for the one under indictment?

BTW, anyone who follows politics knows polls that come out a year before the election are absolutely worthess.
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What "News" organization? You mean the company that paid $787.5 million for LYING about Dominion Voting machines?

Who has his head in the sand? A guy who respects "Comatose" Joe's accomplishments as President? Or a guy breathlessly following the poll numbers for the one under indictment?

BTW, anyone who follows politics knows polls that come out a year before the election are absolutely worthess.
Lmao at accomplishments. Further proof old people like you should have to pass a mental acuity test before they’re allowed to vote.
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Lmao at accomplishments. Further proof old people like you should have to pass a mental acuity test before they’re allowed to vote.
If you believe the Biden Administration hasn't righted the clusterfcuk State of the Union left by Trump and his cronies, I am not the one here who desperately needs a mental acuity test. :)
If you believe the Biden Administration hasn't righted the clusterfcuk State of the Union left by Trump and his cronies, I am not the one here who desperately needs a mental acuity test.
Loleffingl. He’s doing such a great job, dummy.


Inflation, retirements, gas prices, Afghanistan, stfu
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At least shooky can’t screech that it came from Fox News, even though I’ve posted countless shit from cnn that speaks to how terrible comatose Joe is doing.
Imagine that your brain is so altered, scarred and taken over by the Trump presidency that you actually think that Biden is a good president.
He’s doing such an effing fantastic job that 70% of the Democratic Party don’t want him to run in 2024.
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Imagine that your brain is so altered, scarred and taken over by the Trump presidency that you actually think that Biden is a good president.
When Biden is compared to Donald Trump, his likely 2024 GOP opponent, he's the only damn choice unless your brain is so warped by the Orange Man that you'd actually vote for him again despite all his 'witchhunt' bullsh*t.
When Biden is compared to Donald Trump, his likely 2024 GOP opponent, he's the only damn choice unless your brain is so warped by the Orange Man that you'd actually vote for him again despite all his 'witchhunt' bullsh*t.
Biden isn’t fit to run a retirement home let alone a country

Glad you want to DESTROY 2 countries now
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You do you and keep doing the lesser of 2 evils thing
Okie Dokie
Sounds like Shucky would vote for the leader of Hamas before Trump and it’s not even close

Yeap. I am sure shooky and all the rest of the Biden lap dogs mailed every last bit of the fantastic returns they got from their stocks and retirements to charitable causes or refused them outright all because it happened under Trump. I imagine they thank God every night that all that shit has flatlined or lost tons of money under comatose Joe all so they didn't have to read mean tweets.
it would be pretty embarrassing for this country to elect a convicted felon.

Biden is on shaky ground and can lose. I still think he edges out Trump as a nominee , still one year away. Haley could beat Biden but maga will deem her ‘too woke’ for her refugee take.
Just for everyone's SA, if you blame the US's inflation problems on the current POTUS you lose absolutely all credibility.

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If you believe the Biden Administration hasn't righted the clusterfcuk State of the Union left by Trump and his cronies, I am not the one here who desperately needs a mental acuity test. :)
Biden Trade deficit up 38.5%, 5.5 million illegals entered US, violent crime up 25%, Debt up 5 Trillion as of July 2023. Anyone supporting Biden or Trump is out of their minds.

I don't pretend I have the answer, but if it is Trump or Biden we need a better question.
Biden Trade deficit up 38.5%, 5.5 million illegals entered US, violent crime up 25%, Debt up 5 Trillion as of July 2023.
The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling! ;)

I, for one, am glad for President Biden's foreign policy chops and Secretary of State, Tony Blinken's diplomatic skills. I shudder to think where the world would be today without them. Can you imagine the clusterf*ck if we still had Trump and Mike Pompeo
Once again, we’re approaching another House GOP-led Government shutdown. I’d like somebody to explain to me how creating a man made crisis benefits the ‘Fiscal Conservative Movement’ in any way, shape, or form?

Do those clowns in the House really believe it’s a 2024 election winner?
At least it sounded phonetically better in the original German. Trump just sounds like an uneducated narcissist. Gotta love the irony of espousing literal Nazi views on Veterans Day.

At least it sounded phonetically better in the original German. Trump just sounds like an uneducated narcissist. Gotta love the irony of espousing literal Nazi views on Veterans Day.
wow. Just when you think Trump can’t get any more unhinged—-he does.
At least it sounded phonetically better in the original German. Trump just sounds like an uneducated narcissist. Gotta love the irony of espousing literal Nazi views on Veterans Day.

He sounds batshit crazy and has even hinted at camps. If he wins things on this country are not going to go well.
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He sounds batshit crazy and has even hinted at camps. If he wins things on this country are not going to go well.
The problem is the American media isn’t covering him to highlight the crazy anymore. They let the ‘TDS’ accusations from his first few years in the WH have them now ignore and not report most of the insane things he says . He is graded on a completely different scale than any other politician which is dangerous
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The problem is the American media isn’t covering him to highlight the crazy anymore. They let the ‘TDS’ accusations from his first few years in the WH have them now ignore and not report most of the insane things he says . He is graded on a completely different scale than any other politician which is dangerous
Eh it doesn't even matter anymore. 48% of this country is legitimately insane. Facts no longer matter to them. They are in a cult. Trump could literally murder someone and 48% of voting Americans would shrug it off and say the victim was probably immigrant vermin and deserved it.
The problem is the American media isn’t covering him to highlight the crazy anymore. They let the ‘TDS’ accusations from his first few years in the WH have them now ignore and not report most of the insane things he says . He is graded on a completely different scale than any other politician which is dangerous
I wish I could 'like' this x 1000. Not only is he getting batsh*t crazier, he's getting increasingly senile. For all the focus on Biden, if Joe said HALF the incoherent sh*t that's been coming out of Trump's mouth lately, we'd have already invoked the 25th amendment.
I wish I could 'like' this x 1000. Not only is he getting batsh*t crazier, he's getting increasingly senile. For all the focus on Biden, if Joe said HALF the incoherent sh*t that's been coming out of Trump's mouth lately, we'd have already invoked the 25th amendment.
Wait, it's not normal for a former president to call people who you disagree with "vermin"?
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He sounds batshit crazy and has even hinted at camps. If he wins things on this country are not going to go well.
When he's back in office, you are getting locked up. There will be a New World Order lead by Trump.

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