2024 Election Thread

LOL Why should I bother responding to you? It's crystal clear you have no fcuking clue was DEI even is!!!!

Yeah, if I'm a Black college student, I sure wouldn't want student support services designed to help me succeed. 🤪

LOL Yeah, the BLACK VOTE is going to make the difference for Trump this time around!!!! Whoohooo!!! 2020 - Blacks for Biden 93% 2016 - Blacks for Hillary 88% But Fox News told you Trump is going to bigly eat into the minority vote this time around. So HEY, you know what you're talking about, right? BTW, they also told you the Dominion Voting Systems screwed over Trump last time.

I swear stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote.

Yep, that insult should help mask what a clueless idiot you are.
Nah, actually it sounds like you have no freaking clue what DEI is or you wouldn’t make ridiculous claims like you just did. You might want to set that one down because you’re embarrassing yourself. Maybe you can tell me how blacks need to be smart again.

What in the fukc are you rambling on and on about Fox News for? Is that your go to when you’re getting slapped around? What’s next, are you gonna call me MAGA?

You still fail to acknowledge that more and more blacks and minorities in general are voting for Trump. You can screech all you want, but it doesn’t change that basic fact. Does that hurt your feelings?
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I swear stupid people shouldn't be allowed to vote.
i agree.

wait, what's this?
  • Individuals who identify as Republican have greater probability knowledge
  • Individuals who identify as Republican have higher verbal reasoning ability
  • Individuals who identify as Republican have better question comprehension
  • Cognitive ability’s effect on party identity works through socio-economic position

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BBBBBBButttt buttt buttttt, guyyyyyyyyys, if we didn't have so many minorities voting for democrats, IT WOULD BE US WHO WOULD HAVE GREATER PROBABILITY KNOWLEDGE, VERBAL REASONING, QUESTION COMPREHENSION AND STUFF!!!!!

--Adolf Shooky, probably

(Adolf Shooky realizing what he said was 100% racist)

Well guuuuuuuuyyyyyssssss, the questions that they asked all those minorities WERE UNDOUBTEDLY RACIALLY BIASED!!!!!!!!!

-Adolf Shooky, probably
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(Adolf Shooky realizing what he said was 100% racist)

Well guuuuuuuuyyyyyssssss, the questions that they asked all those minorities WERE UNDOUBTEDLY RACIALLY BIASED!!!!!!!!!

-Adolf Shooky, probably
(Adolf Shooky realizing that not all democrats are minorities, contrary to the narrative he hears on CNN, MSNBC, and the rest of his liberal news outlets)

I couldn't expect any less from a bunch of FOX NEWS MAGA HATS WHO WORSHIP DONALD TRUMP!!!!!!


Adolf Shooky, probably
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So, are we supposed to be totally offended by what he said or something? Because it seems like he was being his typical smart-ass, tongue-in-cheek self and he's said things that are a billion times worse.
Everyone is so triggered by Trump. That wasn’t NEARLY the worst thing that he has said even this week. lol.

We already know he sucks. Trump cares about Trump. He’s an unstable, egotistical maniac. Just don’t vote for him.
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Racist people like Adolf Shooky and GatorBull think minorities are far too stupid to know what's good for them, so they take take it upon themselves to tell them what they need in their lives and how they must vote. And then they call them Uncle Toms and dumb shits when those same minorities feel like they are being pandered to. You know, like Joe Biden loves doing:

Nice try, but I DISLIKE Biden more than Trump. I just hate the outright hypocrisy of Republicans. You still didn't answer my question...are you ok with Trump bringing 2 gang members with active cases on stage to endorse him? ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!! You guys are such d---riders that you refuse to criticize Trump no matter what he says or does and that's scary.
Nice try, but I DISLIKE Biden more than Trump. I just hate the outright hypocrisy of Republicans. You still didn't answer my question...are you ok with Trump bringing 2 gang members with active cases on stage to endorse him? ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!! You guys are such d---riders that you refuse to criticize Trump no matter what he says or does and that's scary.

No, I'm not ok with it. Happy?

Are you ok with Biden being a pedo?

ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!! You guys are such dickriders that you refuse to criticize Biden no matter how many teens he fondles, and that's scary.
No, I'm not ok with it. Happy?

Are you ok with Biden being a pedo?

ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!! You guys are such dickriders that you refuse to criticize Biden no matter how many teens he fondles, and that's scary.
Thank you! That's all I ask. It's ok to disagree with your party. My buddies who are Trump fans refuse to acknowledge when he does something wrong. Blind loyalty is not a good thing. And I DISLIKE Biden. Not every person who dislikes Trump is a Biden fan. Me being of Haitian descent, it was the Clintons and Joe Biden who forced Haiti to get rid of its military which led to our president being easily assassinated and gangs taking over the country. Joe Biden still feels that Haiti shouldn't have a military. Biden is hot trash. I didn't even agree with him being Obama's VP. I thought he could have chosen somebody better. I dislike both parties evenly but dislike Republicans a little bit more b/c of the contradictions.
That's all I ask. My buddies who are Trump fans refuse to acknowledge when he does something wrong. And I DISLIKE Biden. Me being of Haitian descent, it was the Clintons and Joe Biden who forced Haiti to get rid of its military which led to our president being easily assassinated and gangs taking over the country. Joe Biden still feels that Haiti shouldn't have a military. Biden is hot trash. I dislike both parties evenly but dislike republicans a little bit more b/c of the contradictions.

Your problem is expecting to engage in an actual discussion with an idiot whose idea of a ‘witty’ comeback is …

Shooky showing off all 67 of his IQ points yet again.

OP called me a dickrider and I respond in kind. And yet, I answered his question, dumb shit. But you completely ignore that and the fact that he initiated this one and now you decide to look like a fool.

I notice that you've now ignored Biden being a pedo for like the fourth time. Glad you're AOK with him showering with his daughter. People like you make me sick.
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Nice try, but I DISLIKE Biden more than Trump.
I dislike both parties evenly but dislike Republicans a little bit more b/c of the contradictions.
so let me get this straight.

you dislike Biden more than Trump, but you dislike R's more than D's.

so it would then follow that you like Trump more than you like the average R, yet every post of yours is crying about how much you hate Trump.

you don't even know what you think.
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so let me get this straight.

you dislike Biden more than Trump, but you dislike R's more than D's.

so it would then follow that you like Trump more than you like the average R, yet every post of yours is crying about how much you hate Trump.

you don't even know what you think.

Where is Adolf Shooky in this movie?

what a crazy myth. But not to crazy MAGA idiots

Brave of you to not #BelieveAllWomen !
Joe sounds near death and Trump is lying at record pace
Yep basically. Horrid for the country. Biden needed to come out strong to try to win back the disenfranchised democrats. Instead he is anything but that. He’s slurring, flubbing, and freezing up. It doesn’t matter right now that everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth is a lie. All that matters tonight is the optics and Biden is sabotaging any chance he had.
That was painful to watch, but I kept watching because I feel like it could be a pivotal point in American history. Biden obviously didn’t do anything to disprove everyone’s fears about his mental state (but his policy stuff was much better than Trump), while Trump did nothing to disprove that he’s a terrible person and that he’s a pathological liar. The question is… is it at all realistic to be able to replace Biden on the ticket at this point in time? I think the Democratic Party failed tremendously over the last 4 years by not planning for the next cycle, trying to prop up a fresh young candidate. Instead it’s damage control. And the country is going to be worse off for it.
Where was this during the debate? He sounded 100 times better and stronger right after, just talking off the cuff.
Where was this during the debate? He sounded 100 times better and stronger right after, just talking off the cuff.
adrenaline kicked in and gave the drugs for one last little push. I thought Trump won the debate, and Biden was better than I expected. Sounds like others saw him as worse than I did. The Dems will replace him and then your vote really won't matter, You will be picking the Elites choice for the job. Never allow the minions to decide things.
How much is Trump up in the polls now???

If last night didn't reinforce that Biden and the Dems are toast come November if he stays on the ticket, I don't know what will.
That was painful to watch, but I kept watching because I feel like it could be a pivotal point in American history. Biden obviously didn’t do anything to disprove everyone’s fears about his mental state (but his policy stuff was much better than Trump), while Trump did nothing to disprove that he’s a terrible person and that he’s a pathological liar. The question is… is it at all realistic to be able to replace Biden on the ticket at this point in time? I think the Democratic Party failed tremendously over the last 4 years by not planning for the next cycle, trying to prop up a fresh young candidate. Instead it’s damage control. And the country is going to be worse off for it.
It is the reason for all the Super delegates. They can drop him anytime they wish. They need to 25th him before the convention, Problem is then Kamala is prez and they hate that idea, and she would be hard not to put in at convention. It will be interesting to see who Swamp wants to replace Joe who the people voted to be the nominee. Biggest loser no matter what is the country.
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