2024 Election Thread

TDS sufferers pretending they would allow themselves any semblance of positivity towards President Trump's speech is hilarious.

everyone knows you made up your mind before even watching it, which you did, because you love hating him more than his supporters love him.
Known TDS Dave Portnoy even thought it was too long .
Absolutely brutal just posting direct quotes from the current GOP candidates that mirror exactly what Democrats having been saying about trump. The same things our resident inbred twats have been whining about with their asinine "tds" horseshit.

Literally everyone is smart enough to see through trump except for the absolute bottom dredges of American society, the room temperature IQ club.

Sad to see Republicans sell their soul for power but not surprising.

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Fun fact.

Remember that Bill Clinton guy?

Ya know.., the guy that was elected president OVER 30 YEARS AGO. The guy that banged Monica Lewinsky.

Well…., he’s now STILL YOUNGER than Trump and Biden.
Fun fact.

Remember that Bill Clinton guy?

Ya know.., the guy that was elected president OVER 30 YEARS AGO. The guy that banged Monica Lewinsky.

Well…., he’s now STILL YOUNGER than Trump and Biden.

Both Clinton and W are younger than both these stupid fossils.

If Biden had any dignity, he would further an executive order that prevents anyone older than 77 from running for president, thereby disqualifying Donald and himself.
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Rino's not liking Trump is nothing new. Before Trump many of them hated Reagan. And they all hate real conservatives.
Just another day when I’m upset at the Democratic Party for sitting on their asses instead of developing a plan over the last 4 years to promote some fresh candidates. I feel like Biden would have been more open to ceding the floor if this plan was hatched out over time instead of suddenly in a reactionary panic. Especially since the republicans decided to rehash Trump again. Would have been ripe for an Obama type figure to win, though I realize someone like him doesn’t quite exist within the party right now.
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And some of you guys said that Trump was a threat to Democracy 😂

“I shouldn’t be here right now, but something very special happened,” Trump, who wore a smaller bandage on his ear than he had at the Republican National Convention, said at the rally in Grand Rapids.
Last week, I took a bullet for democracy,” Trump said to an energized crowd.
The Democrats need to stop dicking around with Biden or Trump is going to be president

It’s probably already too late

He needs to step down THIS WEEK
What is the delay?
The Democrats need to stop dicking around with Biden or Trump is going to be president

It’s probably already too late

He needs to step down THIS WEEK
What is the delay?
Yeah I think the damage is done unfortunately. It was a risk (albeit a necessary one) to start the “Biden, drop out” train, but what wound up happening is a perception of a severely fractured party was created, which just added to the damage that Biden initially did at the debate.
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Cultists won't care; partly because they can't read and partly because they are in a cult, but every single person with a greater than room temperature IQ knows Trump is a threat to our country

I is a low IQ . I don't belong to no cult but I keep hearing how this Orangeman is a threat to my country. You know when a hurricane comes a blowing them weather people tell us the threats like inches of rain , storm surge , winds, tornaders and stuff. I keep hearing he is a threat but not a single person could specify exactly how this guy is a threat? Can you help this simpleton out Ninja and list exactly what Trump is a threat too? Can you list the top 3 or 4 things Trump will harm and how it will impact my life in a negative way? Thanks a bunch .
Dems are trying to kill democracy, trying to force out the duly elected nominee of their party. Elites rule.
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Enough of the aingst over Trump Biden neither is going to be the next president.
Dems will replace biden before election. Michelle Obama will be next president.
First part down, from june 12.

And yes Shuck, Biden is a Demented, Pedophile.
The funny thing is he is so bad off he can't run for reelection and yet he can continue aa prez for the next 6 mos.
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Obviously Kamala is going to be the replacement because all hell will break loose in the party if she’s not. But if I had my choice, I would push for former Democratic primary candidate Amy Klobuchar. This country is in desperate need of some stable mom energy.
Both Clinton and W are younger than both these stupid fossils.

If Biden had any dignity, he would further an executive order that prevents anyone older than 77 from running for president, thereby disqualifying Donald and himself.
Don't think that one would hold up in courts.
I've been led to believe that our Usual Suspects are equal bashers. They crap on Biden because he's too old and Trump (honest, honest) because he's a crook.

I wonder what their excuse will be for bashing Harris now.
Of course not. Once upon a time, the courts were about determining what's right and what's wrong. Now, it's become, what's good for our political objectives.
No not right or wrong, "Constitutional" And it has always been political, just before it was 5-4 liberal and now that is reversed.
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It’s a shame that we can’t re-rack the democratic nominees real quick, have a debate or two, and then have a primary day. I know that the constitution says that we can’t because we already did, but common sense should prevail shouldn’t it?