Okay, now that is over with... let's get back to the riots, looting, and the real issue of abject poverty. Nobody is denying the rioters are hurting their cause. However, they are a minority of overall protesters.
My point is who cares about the riots, when that is simply a symptom of a much larger problem. There is chronic poverty in society right now, and the current system does nothing about it.
On one hand, we have democrats who advocate for welfare and entitlements. These are, of course, just bnad-aids and not a permanent fix. They aren't even a good band-aid fix when the wound is as large as it is now.
On the other hand, republicans think entitlements create dependency. There is a bit of sense in this perspective, but their solution is to cut welfare entirely and let social Darwinism take over. This will only make the situation much worse than it already is.
Neither Republicans nor Democrats are willing to address the underlying problems, which are inequality, racism, and the powerful corporate influence in government that keeps the whole system afloat. No politicians have the balls to do anything about it, because they are both too dependent on the monetary influence.
Combine that with the powerlessness that comes from police abuse, rising costs of living, unemployment, disenfranchisement (voter ID laws, long lines at polling, electronic polling that many do not trust, gerrymandering, etc) and you’re just asking for riots in the streets.