
I won't quote because I don't want dumb shit in my posts but Chemmie is even more of s dumbass than previously thought . That's big too
Go ahead and tell me why. No skin off my back to make another person in this thread looks like an idiot.
We've already got 85 unable to answer the simple question I've asked him several times. Knightman has a severe case of butthurt, took his ball and isn't my friend anymore, waddling off mumbling some incoherent crap about collectivism. Jets drives a Fiat, and we all already know SirG is a flaming racist.
So, what did i write that makes me such a dumbass?
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I think the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, and stop reproducing. Let us walk hand in hand into extinction one last midnight. Brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal. You might ask, "So what's the point of getting out of bed in the morning?" Well, I lack the constitution to commit suicide.

People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time.
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When chemmie runs out of Progressive Think and HuffPo material he turns to personal attacks. Gotta love it. To think, just two years ago he was swinging from Ron Paul's balls. I give him 18 months until he stubbles upon a new propaganda website and finds Jesus and is a bible thumping evangelical.
Go ahead and tell me why. No skin off my back to make another person in this thread looks like an idiot.
We've already got 85 unable to answer the simple question I've asked him several times. Knightman has a severe case of butthurt, took his ball and isn't my friend anymore, waddling off mumbling some incoherent crap about collectivism. Jets drives a Fiat, and we all already know SirG is a flaming racist.
So, what did i write that makes me such a dumbass?
I think the police will not be charging them with anything, and the crap will hit the fan...

The Problem is many things all combined.
Our country has a problem.
Our country has a race problem, a problem with poverty, a problem with education, income inequality, crime, & many more..
race has a massive issue to play, many need to stop seeing everyone as white, black, asian, or hispanic.
people do have prejudices sadly, but those will not be gone for some time. but we can do better!
Poverty, and crime have a lot in common. No matter the race people in poverty are lead towards committing acts that would be considered against the law. Being poor sadly has become a crime though, when fees are racked up upon people that cannot afford them. Try looking into This following John Oliver segment ()
Income Inequality is a good and bad thing. I am not preaching for communism, but somehow people need to be able to afford to make a living in our country. Costs of living have increased so much, that making $60,000 used to mean you were middle class, now you can barely get by with a family of 3 don't try to think 4.
Another issue in bad neighborhoods, sadly there are BAD Schools. NO THE Kids are not bad, but it is hard to overcome so much struggle when everyone around you brings you down.

Also please tell me I am not the only one disgusted at the fact that we are losing our freedoms!
We are standing by quietly while we let a city in the USA be patrolled by Marshall law, and our Military. Those videos and photos of Baltimore sadly resemble our Invasion into Country X, not a city where civilians should have a right to protest.
Remember we had many Great Americans struggle, and give their lives for Americans not to be ruled by a Tyrant whether they are a Republican or Democrat, I stand for our constitution.

No I do not stand for Riots, and violence, but I do stand with a right to protest a wrong.

I have many good Friends that are Police Officers.
And yes Police have overstepped what they used to be. I think the answer is simple, Body Camera's for all Police should not be difficult. Also Respect, and re-educate the whole country, that if they respect the police, they will respect you. Police have a hell of a hard job, They deal with people we never would want to deal with. .. BUT they are supposed to protect & serve. If someone commits a crime, they do not deserve the police to become the Judge, Jury, & Executioner. They deserve to go to jail, not a funeral home.
Go ahead and tell me why. No skin off my back to make another person in this thread looks like an idiot.
We've already got 85 unable to answer the simple question I've asked him several times. Knightman has a severe case of butthurt, took his ball and isn't my friend anymore, waddling off mumbling some incoherent crap about collectivism. Jets drives a Fiat, and we all already know SirG is a flaming racist.
So, what did i write that makes me such a dumbass?
Anything you write makes you a dumbass. Your entire existance is about you being a dumbass. You look up dumbass in the dictionary, there isn't a picture of you because you were too much of a dumbass to get your picture taken so that people can see what a dumbass looks like. Should I continue?
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I've been driving the same truck for the last 10 years and it only just hit 100,000mi, what does that make me? Frugal or something? Or could it be I happen to like the truck?


let's get the facts straight on the butt-hurt ball-running since you seem to be confused on historical facts like everything else...last I checked you turned your back on a good group of tolerant, diverse, friendly, festive people.
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I'm not going to bother reading the whole thread but it's important to me to point out a few things.

First: Everyone here knows people who went to school when blacks weren't allowed to use white facilities. In the United States of America. The idea that black people have had a fair shake since slavery is ludicrous.

Second: Since desegregation, we have still as a country imposed social engineering policies that have directly affected the black community in a negative way.

Third: If everyone did nothing other than recognize these things as facts tomorrow, most of these "black community problems" would dissolve in a few generations. Think about the country's opinion on homosexuality in the last 30 years and how much their situation has improved in that time.

Fourth: All of that is irrelevant in talking about police use of excessive force. If I did anything those officers did, I'd be in jail. Imagine if someone killed a cop "accidentally" and it was found out that the officer had a history of pushing legal boundaries. Would it affect the amount of pressure to throw the killer away for as long as possible? Police should never be able to function like a gang protected by the city no matter what your politics. The fact that cops can beat up on black people without fear of repercussion is due first to their lack of fear of repercussion. We have proven that we won't try to hold them accountable for breaking the law. That is the problem. Fix the problem, don't jack off in front of your talking points to try to win points.
I'm not going to bother reading the whole thread but it's important to me to point out a few things.

First: Everyone here knows people who went to school when blacks weren't allowed to use white facilities. In the United States of America. The idea that black people have had a fair shake since slavery is ludicrous.

Second: Since desegregation, we have still as a country imposed social engineering policies that have directly affected the black community in a negative way.

Third: If everyone did nothing other than recognize these things as facts tomorrow, most of these "black community problems" would dissolve in a few generations. Think about the country's opinion on homosexuality in the last 30 years and how much their situation has improved in that time.

Fourth: All of that is irrelevant in talking about police use of excessive force. If I did anything those officers did, I'd be in jail. Imagine if someone killed a cop "accidentally" and it was found out that the officer had a history of pushing legal boundaries. Would it affect the amount of pressure to throw the killer away for as long as possible? Police should never be able to function like a gang protected by the city no matter what your politics. The fact that cops can beat up on black people without fear of repercussion is due first to their lack of fear of repercussion. We have proven that we won't try to hold them accountable for breaking the law. That is the problem. Fix the problem, don't jack off in front of your talking points to try to win points.
No arguing with your first and second point but your third is pure BS. Opinions are not the reason most inner cities are what they are. Its democrat policy that tells people that don't worry about bettering your situation, we will just give you a few bucks to keep your lights on.