Rare to see Hollywood go after Hollywood. Good stuff
Bill Maher is a true community socialist of the practical European flavor, and I mean that as complement, and recognizes the US already has socialism level of spending without the middle class taxes and regressive VAT to fund it. He's both considerate and critical, and he's far more freedom-focused these days, like some European countries, than the modern American Progressive who is shoving everything down our throats in a false sense of fair and inclusion with the taxpayers' guns. I literally cannot believe the left thinks they can get why they want without using the police state to enforce it.
I merely just disagree with Maher on which economic model is better, but we both see the oligarchy and authoritarianism with Americans no longer trusting each other and stupidly looking to the government.
Of course Maher doesn't like many Republicans views. I don't either. But we both recognize the Republicans are now embracing, out of sheer necessity and survival, Liberal concepts such as the 1st Amendment the left has abandoned, even the ACLU. It's not that the initial intent was wrong, about banning hateful speech, but it quickly became that anyone the left disagreed with was now hateful speech in some sick Kevin Bacon game of 3+ degrees of separation. This is utterly the whole reason for the 1st Amendment because Parliament acted like any criticism, let alone every protest they disagreed with, was insurrection. Big Tech is heavily funding the ACLU and their AI is driving this focus.
I thought the Covington Kids would wake them up, but they have quadrupled down. The courts, even the Progressive Justices, have tried to stop them, but they won't be. Unlike traditional media, Big Tech is impossible to sue, it's automated and answers to no one... and is 100x more profitable. It's a sick, twisted hypocrisy of the 1st Amendment, humans are out of the loop, but are listening to those advert engines, and their purposely fraudulent and even libelous articles, because it's money.
All the Republicans have to do is come out in support of Roe v. Wade, and point out even it allows restrictions on 3rd and even some 2nd trimester pregnancies and follow it to the letter, and they'd see a windfall of support. But nope. Just like the South who had legitimate grievances against the central bank and industry-oligarchy of the North, they will hold on to its arrogance en masse and assert women cannot be trusted like the African-American, and the state knows better than the individual female or minority. And that's why, just as in the case of the Civil War, the issues and wrongs will drag on for another 100 years. Because Americans refuse to deal with the underlying issues of Big Tech Social Media, just like the African-American remained abused for another century plus as the North wanted its cheap resources.
There are a growing mass of Republicans, between Trump and Abortion stances, and not just Libertarian-leaning, who are seriously considering forming minority parties that support the Republican party, and campaign with them, but are separate entities. We used to be like that, until almost a century ago. And I hope we get back to it, because everyone sees that Liberals are outcasts of the Democratic party in the 21st century.
In all cases... the US is going to be a painful experience for Americans in the future.
We are now the dying Merchant Republic, but turn more violent French than British. I don't know if it will be come revolution, I hope not, but AI is here, it's adverts, and it's 100x more popular than social media, getting us to divide ourselves and focus away from real problems. It's to get us to not look at Big Tech and the Industry who pays them, and the resulting oligarchy that controls Congress while it outlaws the 1st and 2nd Amendments just like the Hudson Bay, West Indies and other global trading corporations successfully did via Parliament 250 years ago.
I'm hitting 50. I don't have kids. If it comes to revolution, I won't be a part of it. But don't say I didn't tell you so if it does. Unless the left heeds Bill Maher, Big Tech is going to run the Civil Rights of this country right into the ground. It's even amazing how many rights citizens don't have that non-citizens do. But if I say that, I'm called anti-immigration. No, it's called hypocrisy. It's what the leadership of both the Greeks and Romans did... just to get votes, and it ran them right into the ground too... with plenty of bloodshed.
Our entire discourse is driven by what Big Tech AI says is the most profitable for advertising. It's the '90 24x7 news invention, but at 100x the margins with human compassion absent.