Again, as a Libertarian who regularly points out the US media is beyond biased towards Progressives ... Trump still majorily f'd up.He's also a secretive N Korean agent.
Literally anything the lefties can dream up is now legit to consider.
It would have been one thing if he had his 'generic statement' and left it at that. But when several CEOs resigned from his one commission over it, he struck "the black guy" within a hour. So ... put this all together ...
- Trump calls out Islamic Terrorism, constantly, regularly
- Trump has made a huge deal out of cops v. BLM too, but ...
- Trump doesn't call out White Supremacy Terrorism, all while ...
- Trump calls out Black CEO (and not 2 others) -- within a hour -- who resigns over not calling out White Supremacy Terrorism, then ...
- Trump still takes several days before finally calling
Trump looks like -- at best -- an imbecile and -- at worst -- indirectly condoning the racism, period. It's hard to look at it any other way.
Yes, I know, the ACLU was there and reported how the counter-protestors ...
- Outnumbered the protesters
- Didn't have a permit, and were unlawful, unlike -- ironically -- the legal protesters (even if racist)
- Weren't stopped by police, who wanted a fight, to get right of the legal protesters
- The city immediately called it 'unlawful,' and focused on the legal protesters, instead of the actual instigators of the violence
Basically, the city utterly violated the civil rights of the protesters (yes, violated the civil rights of the racist a-holes), and purposely set up mutual violence, so they could get rid of them. I'm the first one to point this out. If they can do that to the worst of us, they can do it to the best of us too -- under the argument, "oh, you're racist too" (sorry, but happens regularly).
But it doesn't remove how Trump handled it. He f'd up, badly. Just like how the North Carolina state government f'd up the Charlotte city ordinance on bathrooms. When Progressives 'bait' Conservatives, Conservatives have to turn it on them. Unfortunately, too many Conservatives just go straight at it, instead of arguing the civics.
There is still the fact that 1 racist took out 20 people, 1 of them dead. If it was an Islamic jihadist, Trump would have been all over it. That's why he's getting hit hard in the US media, and it's very justified.