Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

There's been a record turnout inspite of Dump. He's only getting 35% of the vote. He has never won a majority and he never will. At this point McCain, Romney, W, Dole, HW, Reagan were already winning states outright. If he's the nominee the GOP turnout will be the worst in history and the GOP will lose the white house and senate. He has a higher disapproval rating than Hillary. Hillary, Reid and Pelosi will be leading the country until 2020 if Dump is the nominee. Just the facts. Feel free to spin away and lie some more like Dump. POLLS POLLS POLLS he's the only one that loses to Hillary.
Um no. There's been a record turnout because of Trump. just like the tv ratings for the debates are the highest ever. I get where you're coming from. But your analysis here is wrong.
I've voted third party for several elections now and it's a waste of time. Why bother? It makes absolutely no difference. I'm hoping that Cruz gains some momentum but will support whomever the Republican nominee is this cycle because I would hate another 4 years of libtard Democrat in the White House. I'm not voting for a candidate anymore, but voting against.
I've voted third party for several elections now and it's a waste of time. Why bother? It makes absolutely no difference. I'm hoping that Cruz gains some momentum but will support whomever the Republican nominee is this cycle because I would hate another 4 years of libtard Democrat in the White House. I'm not voting for a candidate anymore, but voting against.

Problem is Clinton and Trump are the same person with a different letter beside name.
Problem is Clinton and Trump are the same person with a different letter beside name.
Thank you for pointing that out, wow. Now that I think about it they do both have the same stance of immigration, trade and national security. You're so freaking smart, how you have heard things no others have is impressive.
Trump donated six figures to Hillary's last Presidential campaign. Old people don't change their political views. Ever.
Trump donated six figures to Hillary's last Presidential campaign. Old people don't change their political views. Ever.
when will the establishment people realize the will of the people of their party. The two establishment candidates finished a very distant third and fourth in each contest today. Join us or fade away.
Thank you for pointing that out, wow. Now that I think about it they do both have the same stance of immigration, trade and national security. You're so freaking smart, how you have heard things no others have is impressive.
Trump was for amnesty before he was against it. They differ on the wall, that comment by Trump at first was a throw away, that stuck. and he kept building on it. Hillary and Trump are more alike than they are different.
when will the establishment people realize the will of the people of their party. The two establishment candidates finished a very distant third and fourth in each contest today. Join us or fade away.

To be honest Rubio was not and establishment candidate. He became that as all the big guns the establishment were paying for dropped out.
Rubio won Fla Senate as a conservative Tea Party guy beating establishment choice of Crist.

Cruz had a pretty good knight. Problem is if Trump sweeps next week, he will be very tough to catch.
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I've voted third party for several elections now and it's a waste of time. Why bother? It makes absolutely no difference. I'm hoping that Cruz gains some momentum but will support whomever the Republican nominee is this cycle because I would hate another 4 years of libtard Democrat in the White House. I'm not voting for a candidate anymore, but voting against.
Cruzman Sachs bro & he's way too kook Christian happy for non kook Christians
To be honest Rubio was not and establishment candidate. He became that as all the big guns the establishment were paying for dropped out.
Rubio won Fla Senate as a conservative Tea Party guy beating establishment choice of Crist.

Cruz had a pretty good knight. Problem is if Trump sweeps next week, he will be very tough to catch.
Yes Rubio was the Tea Party candidate, their favorite son and when I lived in Florida I voted for him and donated to his campaign. I liked Marco, right up until he was one of the main guys in the gang of eight. At that point he shows his true colors, he is easily bought and paid for.

I don't like Trump, I like what stands for. I hate the establishment and if you're a republican that is not benefiting from them being in power than I don't understand why anyone would want them in power. Trump while not a real republican at least stands for something.

I have five main desires for the government.
1. Fix the economy and the debt
2. Fix the over taxation of this country
3. Bring the corporate taxes down and bring the over seas money home.
4. Fix immigration issue without changing the demographics of the country over night.
5. Rebuild the United States defenses.

That is is, I don't care what party does that, I don't care which candidate takes responsibility. I have always said I was socially liberal and fiscally conservative. I know that if an establishment candidate gets elected he/she will do one of those, #5. As long as Trump or Cruz wins most of those will get solved. Actually Cruz would be better for me but my concern about him is he is too socially conservative but I would still support him over anything I see on the left. That and I don't think he can be elected due to the blue wall. No matter which one wins, John Kasich needs to be the V.P candidate to help win Ohio. Without Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and one other major state behind the blue wall, a republican can't win.
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Kasich made it pretty clear in an interview on friday, he has 0 interest in VP spot. Said he would rather finish the job in Ohio. That might change if asked, but he was pretty adamant about it.

I still think Cruz/Rubio is the tix. Problem is if Trump wins Ohio and Fla in a week or so it may be too late.
when will the establishment people realize the will of the people of their party. The two establishment candidates finished a very distant third and fourth in each contest today. Join us or fade away.

Great way to side step the fact you're supporting the male Hillary. 35% does not equal the will of the people. You sound like Obama claiming a mandate with 51% of the vote.
Trump donated six figures to Hillary's last Presidential campaign. Old people don't change their political views. Ever.

Hillary (and obviously Bill) were strongly against Gay Marriage...heck, Hillary helped Bill write up his Defense of Marriage Act (for only a Man/Woman).
Trump ain't the male Hillary. Hillary has establishment support.

It's also "fúck you establishment" vote for not supporting Ron, Gary, Rand etc.
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I have five main desires for the government.
1. Fix the economy and the debt
2. Fix the over taxation of this country
3. Bring the corporate taxes down and bring the over seas money home.
4. Fix immigration issue without changing the demographics of the country over night.
5. Rebuild the United States defenses.

1. Trump fix, Raise taxes on uber rich, high import tariffs on China and Mexico.
2. See above.
3. Have not heard him say anything on the topic. DOESNT MEAN HE HAS NOT.
4. Build wall, Temp ban on middle east immigrants.
5. Its gonna happen, it will be great.
Bob, I don't speak for anyone but myself. I listed what I stand for, why not you?

How many times are you going to change the argument? You've never listed what you stand for. You just scream and yell and make threats.

Hillary (and obviously Bill) were strongly against Gay Marriage...heck, Hillary helped Bill write up his Defense of Marriage Act (for only a Man/Woman).

Thanks for proving my point. Dump is the male Hillary.
How many times are you going to change the argument? You've never listed what you stand for. You just scream and yell and make threats.

Thanks for proving my point. Dump is the male Hillary.
Bob, nice dodge. Tell me why you back the establishment.
Bob, nice dodge. Tell me why you back the establishment.

It's not a dodge. My views are very well known. I don't have to repeat them to satisfy your attempt to change the subject. You support a man that donated six figures to Hillary's Presidential campaign and also donated to Reid and Pelosi.
It's not a dodge. My views are very well known. I don't have to repeat them to satisfy your attempt to change the subject. You support a man that donated six figures to Hillary's Presidential campaign and also donated to Reid and Pelosi.
he said that was just business. IE bribery
If he were running as a Dem and not lying about all of his beliefs just to get votes he'd be supported by them. They have no morals.
Believe.... we'll agree to disagree as.... establishment $$$$$$$$$$$$ has backed HILLARY since the Clintons & the MUSLIM SOCIALIST let alone KENYAN made a deal........
Um no. There's been a record turnout because of Trump. just like the tv ratings for the debates are the highest ever. I get where you're coming from. But your analysis here is wrong.

It's not wrong. They are turning out because of Dump but it is mostly to vote against him.
Trump is saying the things that are a concern to conservatives but because its him he's a liar and he shouldnt be supported.
Wow, you're mind is a mess. Tell me about fascism again? Its called defending the country but I would hardly think you would get it. You will be the MSNBC anchor and spin it like he hates Muslims. You know what he said but keep spinning. His comments were because of the Syrian refugees that Obama wanted to bring in and was after the terrorist attack in California.

Your exact words were the State Department did not ask for help, well the State Department has a history under this administration not asking for help when they should be asking. As for my support of this policy, you damn right I support a TEMPORARY BAN of MUSLIM IMMIGRATION FROM CONFLICT AREAS until the State Department comes up with a process to property screen the very people they want to bring to this country. That was what Trump wanted and its just common sense. The State Department has come out and said they have no way to knowing who is entering the Country from that region due to false and non existent legal documentation.

85, if you support such immigration than it is you that is the fool. But hey, you support the candidate that wants to allow 15 to 20 million illegal aliens to become US Citizens so they to can vote democrat. That makes sense.

You support banning an entire religion from entering the country. On any basis.

Write 10 f*cking paragraphs, it doesn't change the fact you're a fascist.
Thot u were a ¡yeb! fluffer?
Great governor in some ways 10 years ago. Crappy candidate in 2015 and most of his ideas are a decade old and discredited in other states. I've worked full-time for Kasich for America for about a year now.
It's not a dodge. My views are very well known. I don't have to repeat them to satisfy your attempt to change the subject. You support a man that donated six figures to Hillary's Presidential campaign and also donated to Reid and Pelosi.
Bob, he is one of the worlds largest developer and thus plays the game to do so. Bain Capital's #1 guy is one of the biggest democratic fund raisers out there, he and Mitt are very close. Most every developer I have worked with give to both sides, its called playing it safe.

You on the other hand support a group of people who have accomplished nothing for the side you say you are on. Hell Bob, if you're upset of Trump giving to Democrats than why earth are you an establishment republican. They have done more for Obama than any group out there. Tell me Bob, what has your beloved republican establishment accomplished in the past six years of control over both house and Senate?
You support banning an entire religion from entering the country. On any basis.

Write 10 f*cking paragraphs, it doesn't change the fact you're a fascist.
85, you're act is so tired and sad. You're like the 4th grade bully on the play ground calling everyone names. I've lost count on how many adjectives you have called me but never once do you have any substance. Funny thing is, everything you have called me up to this point would suggest I would be supporting another candidate, maybe the one you are. Yet I am supporting the one candidate that has people of all sides supporting him, maybe that is why he is winning today.
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Bob, he is one of the worlds largest developer and thus plays the game to do so. Bain Capital's #1 guy is one of the biggest democratic fund raisers out there, he and Mitt are very close. Most every developer I have worked with give to both sides, its called playing it safe.

You on the other hand support a group of people who have accomplished nothing for the side you say you are on. Hell Bob, if you're upset of Trump giving to Democrats than why earth are you an establishment republican. They have done more for Obama than any group out there. Tell me Bob, what has your beloved republican establishment accomplished in the past six years of control over both house and Senate?

Imagine that. Making up shit again. The GOP has had control of the house and Senate for a little more than a year. You also seem to forget who the president is and that he has this little thing called a veto. You keep railing on this establishment stuff and that has nothing to do with this. Dump is a whiny obnoxious populist asshole that lies constantly. He's a bad person, that is why I dislike him. Everything he says he will do is completely contradicted by his own practices.

What does Mitt being friends with a liberal have to do with Dump being a liberal until six months ago? Dump didn't give to both sides. He almost exclusively supported Democrats.

Feel free to keep making up shit, it fits your new 35% party very very very well.
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Trump is saying the things that are a concern to conservatives but because its him he's a liar and he shouldnt be supported.

yeah conservatives love supporting planned parenthood, raising tariffs and income taxes. And we especially want to work with Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosy.