Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

No, that is what MSNBC reported, go listen to his quote. It was a temporary ban from specific areas of the middle east. The primary responsibility of the President of the United States is to protect the American people. Allowing thousands of people in with little to no documentation and proof that ISIS has planted people within the Syrian refugee population, I find it incomprehensible that the President would not take actions to screen the immigrants properly.

Was that before or after he said all of the Syrian refugees should be let in?
Was that before or after he said all of the Syrian refugees should be let in?
I don't give a crap when he said it, what I care about is what he is saying now. He is the only candidate that has the balls to say what needs to be said. If not for Trump, immigration would not even be discussed right now. The pathetic excuse of a republican leadership in both the house and senate had the ability to stop the Syrian immigration but both groups caved to the president. They had language in the budget that would restrict the Syrian immigration and they took it out. As I have said before, I don't like Trump, I like what he stands for. He puts Americans first, not just in terms of immigration but in terms of the economy, job creation and others. Now I fully expect people like you to find holes in all his stances but at least he brings up the point. If you spent a tenth of the time looking into the people you want to vote for maybe you would realize that they are good at promising but useless in results.
Well when people in the name of Judaism start blowing shit up and killing innocent people in this country, you can start down that path. You embellish so much you remind of a pubescent teenage girl.
No no no the chosen folk are much more clever than that. The one group you cannot criticize, that's who rules you. They've done a truly marvelous job coopting a large chunk of Christianity that its their God given duty to "stand w Israel" :::jerkoff motion::: + the Hollywood propaganda & pretty much 90% of everything in between. Pure evil genius stuff. Not even hating, just inpressive.
I don't give a crap when he said it, what I care about is what he is saying now. He is the only candidate that has the balls to say what needs to be said. If not for Trump, immigration would not even be discussed right now. The pathetic excuse of a republican leadership in both the house and senate had the ability to stop the Syrian immigration but both groups caved to the president. They had language in the budget that would restrict the Syrian immigration and they took it out. As I have said before, I don't like Trump, I like what he stands for. He puts Americans first, not just in terms of immigration but in terms of the economy, job creation and others. Now I fully expect people like you to find holes in all his stances but at least he brings up the point. If you spent a tenth of the time looking into the people you want to vote for maybe you would realize that they are good at promising but useless in results.

Lol. So you don't care what he says or does. Just that he eventually spews bullshit that you like after he flips back and forth and finally lands on the best polling bullshit. Where do I sign up?!?!?!
And people like Rubio is doing all he can to allow the to happen.
Rubio is tough but reasonable on immigration like most of America. Regardless of what you think of his campaign he is smart enough to know that Cruz's and Trump's extreme mass deportation pledge is suicide in a General Election. The thought of ICE officials hunting down 12 million law abiding Illegal Immigrants & breaking up families would be a terrible look for this country(imagine the worldwide media coverage of this happening) and most Americans agree on a path to legal status.
No no no the chosen folk are much more clever than that. The one group you cannot criticize, that's who rules you. They've done a truly marvelous job coopting a large chunk of Christianity that its their God given duty to "stand w Israel" :::jerkoff motion::: + the Hollywood propaganda & pretty much 90% of everything in between. Pure evil genius stuff. Not even hating, just inpressive.
Do you where the swastikas on weekdays or just weekends?
Rubio is tough but reasonable on immigration like most of America. Regardless of what you think of his campaign he is smart enough to know that Cruz's and Trump's extreme mass deportation pledge is suicide in a General Election. The thought of ICE officials hunting down 12 million law abiding Illegal Immigrants & breaking up families would be a terrible look for this country(imagine the worldwide media coverage of this happening) and most Americans agree on a path to legal status.
Rubio has ZERO chance of winning states like Penn, NY, Michigan and Ohio. Without those it's a waste of time. Until the republican establishment realizes that they can't win without those states, they will never win a national election again.
Rubio has ZERO chance of winning states like Penn, NY, Michigan and Ohio. Without those it's a waste of time. Until the republican establishment realizes that they can't win without those states, they will never win a national election again.
won't happen since it looks like Trump or Cruz have the edge but a Rubio-Kacish ticket would win Florida and Ohio. Hillary wins Florida comfortably against Trump
No, that is what MSNBC reported, go listen to his quote. It was a temporary ban from specific areas of the middle east. The primary responsibility of the President of the United States is to protect the American people. Allowing thousands of people in with little to no documentation and proof that ISIS has planted people within the Syrian refugee population, I find it incomprehensible that the President would not take actions to screen the immigrants properly.
Former Vice President Dick Cheney blasted Donald Trump's Monday call for a "total and complete shutdown" of all Muslims from entering the U.S., saying it goes against the foundation of religious freedom.
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Former Vice President Dick Cheney blasted Donald Trump's Monday call for a "total and complete shutdown" of all Muslims from entering the U.S., saying it goes against the foundation of religious freedom.

Dick Chaney blasted is absolutely hysterical.
won't happen since it looks like Trump or Cruz have the edge but a Rubio-Kacish ticket would win Florida and Ohio. Hillary wins Florida comfortably against Trump
Not sure how you think Rubio can beat Hillary in Florida but Trump can't when as of today Trump is beating Rubio in Florida? Makes no sense.

Not sure how you think Rubio can beat Hillary in Florida but Trump can't when as of today Trump is beating Rubio in Florida? Makes no sense.
then you don't know politics. some candidates are better suited for a general election but don't survive a partisan and increasingly extreme primary.

Kacish is a consistent 4th place primary finisher but also would be a better General Election Candidate than Trump or Cruz

then you don't know politics. some candidates are better suited for a general election but don't survive a partisan and increasingly extreme primary.

Kacish is a consistent 4th place primary finisher but also would be a better General Election Candidate than Trump or Cruz
Funny I do t know politics yet your exact words work against you. All the polls you are using today mean nothing in a general election. If Trump is the republican candidate and the noise is out of the field then come talk to me about polls.
Please don't infuse facts into 85's conversation. He is the first to scream rapist, racists, fascist and anything else he can come up with.

Isaac Amanios - had three children
Bennett Betbadal - Three young Children
Harry Bowman - Two young Children
Sierra Clayborn -
Juan Espinoza - Two young Children
Aurora Godoy - One young Child
Shannon Johnson -
Larry Daniel Kaufman -

Damian Meins - Two children
Tin Nguyen
NicholasThalasinos - Two children
Yvette Velasco

Mike Wentzel - Six young Children
Robert Adams - Three young children

85, those are the names of the innocent people your "one person and his wife who slipped through the cracks" murdered. That is 24 kids that won't have their father or mother growing up. Forgive me for supporting a temporary ban of immigrants from a war torn region that the State Department can't screen properly.

Those guys should have been responsible and not had children, knowing at any time they could be a victim and their bastards would be left walking the streets without a father.
Rubio is tough but reasonable on immigration like most of America. Regardless of what you think of his campaign he is smart enough to know that Cruz's and Trump's extreme mass deportation pledge is suicide in a General Election. The thought of ICE officials hunting down 12 million law abiding Illegal Immigrants & breaking up families would be a terrible look for this country(imagine the worldwide media coverage of this happening) and most Americans agree on a path to legal status.

I don't think you hunt them down, but when you do get them you put them on a bus or plane with a one way tix. You toughen up enforcement towards those who hire them, and you never ever give them legal status nor citizenship. And you seal the border.

You break in to my house I shoot you, I don't adopt you.
I don't think you hunt them down, but when you do get them you put them on a bus or plane with a one way tix. You toughen up enforcement towards those who hire them, and you never ever give them legal status nor citizenship. And you seal the border.

You break in to my house I shoot you, I don't adopt you.
This will never happen. There are powerful Republicans who don't want this.
Sir G truly is taking this debate to the lowest point it can possibly go.

It seems you want to ban people from entering to prevent the possibility of ANYONE dying. You know, since you chose to list the victims' names from CA and pointed out they were fathers or something.

If that's your stance, why just Muslims? We should simply ban everyone and deport 80% of the country since you know, we must assure that no one dies at any given time. Sure, there is violence that totally eclipses what happened in CA, not carried out by Muslims, but hey- f*ck those Muslims, right?!

It's truly amusing but also terrifying, watching you attempt to spin your support for the outright UNCONSTITTIONAL ban on an entire religion. I suppose you also support Trump's outright support of using illegal torture practices that constitute war crimes. I suppose you also support Trump's implied support for the white supremacist vote that he's carrying to the tune of 100%?
He is the only candidate that has the balls to say what I want to hear.


He puts Americans first, not just in terms of immigration but in terms of the economy, job creation and others.
Yet he licences his brand to the foreign companies that make his Vodka and clothing line. He couldn't find an American company to lend his name to? Drumpf isn't just looking out for America, he's looking out for his wallet and the wallets of his fat cat investors. He has no intention or ability to make America great. He's a cliche.
Whereas the other Republicans & Democrats they're looking our for America? - That's the fallacy I won't embrace.

Making America Great Again on Tuesday
He had 300 applications from Americans for jobs at Maralago. He hired hundreds of foreigners with work visas and only 17 Americans. Explain how that puts Americans first.
He was 100% correct when he spoke about a seasonal job. Most resorts have the exact same thing. I recently stayed at the Homestead Resort, 90% of their restaurant and bar staff were Eastern European. Disney does it, Hilton does it and I'll bet you Rosen does it.
He was 100% correct when he spoke about a seasonal job. Most resorts have the exact same thing. I recently stayed at the Homestead Resort, 90% of their restaurant and bar staff were Eastern European. Disney does it, Hilton does it and I'll bet you Rosen does it.

So the 300 people that applied didn't really want the jobs, it was just a plot by the establishment so they could use it against him if he ever wanted to be President? Or is it cheaper to higher foreign workers and for them to essentially be indentured servants?
And take Americans yobs
So the 300 people that applied didn't really want the jobs, it was just a plot by the establishment so they could use it against him if he ever wanted to be President? Or is it cheaper to higher foreign workers and for them to essentially be indentured servants?
You are making some argument here.

Are you for or against hiring the cheapest available legal labor? Are you completely sure that the 300 Americans weren't holding out for management positions (or money)?
You are making some argument here.

Are you for or against hiring the cheapest available legal labor? Are you completely sure that the 300 Americans weren't holding out for management positions (or money)?

I absolutely support hiring the cheapest labor available, but I'm not lying about protecting American's jobs.
So the 300 people that applied didn't really want the jobs, it was just a plot by the establishment so they could use it against him if he ever wanted to be President? Or is it cheaper to higher foreign workers and for them to essentially be indentured servants?
I'm willing to bet that the majority of those applicants would not want seasonal jobs. Why do you Disney has such trouble filling summer openings. That is what led to the magic kingdom college program starting.
I'm actually not mad at him about his hiring at the resort. Go on a cruise and look at the staff. Most Americans don't want to work 7 days a week for that pay, so they hire people from other countries who will. Rubio and Cruz never talk about how many Americans he has hired.
I'm actually not mad at him about his hiring at the resort. Go on a cruise and look at the staff. Most Americans don't want to work 7 days a week for that pay, so they hire people from other countries who will. Rubio and Cruz never talk about how many Americans he has hired.
Cruises are a "bad" example since most are not US Flagged ships.
I don't think you hunt them down, but when you do get them you put them on a bus or plane with a one way tix. You toughen up enforcement towards those who hire them, and you never ever give them legal status nor citizenship. And you seal the border.

You break in to my house I shoot you, I don't adopt you.
but Cruz & Trump are even more extreme than this. they want ICE officials looking for them according to their recent interviews on the issue.

why open primaries might be a bad idea, strategic voting for Drumpf
This thread is like an episode of Springer. You feel dirty for watching it, but you can't seem to change the channel.

But if we're being honest, that's basically the entire Cooler