Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

Lol at voting for the tax communist Cuban over Trump. Next time you f@gs cry because the pussy libs want another safe space or throw you in jail for hurting their pc feelings or if the blm monkeys rob you and assault someone you know remember Trump was your last chance...

We have reached new levels of stupidity in this thread. One would have to go hard in the paint to surpass the dumb shit KL, gal, and Coke have shat out but you did it. Congrats.
Lol at voting for the tax communist Cuban over Trump. Next time you f@gs cry because the pussy libs want another safe space or throw you in jail for hurting their pc feelings or if the blm monkeys rob you and assault someone you know remember Trump was your last chance...
"Blm monkeys" huh?
Lol at voting for the tax communist Cuban over Trump. Next time you f@gs cry because the pussy libs want another safe space or throw you in jail for hurting their pc feelings or if the blm monkeys rob you and assault someone you know remember Trump was your last chance...

Sometimes I do want to see the absolute worst possible thing happen in this election cycle, so stupid hicks like this can learn there are consequences for their stupidity.

Let's burn the whole f*cking thing down. I'm voting for Trump
Sometimes I do want to see the absolute worst possible thing happen in this election cycle, so stupid hicks like this can learn there are consequences for their stupidity.

Let's burn the whole f*cking thing down. I'm voting for Trump

Lots of people make stupid mistakes and the worst possible thing happens.

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Sometimes I do want to see the absolute worst possible thing happen in this election cycle, so stupid hicks like this can learn there are consequences for their stupidity.

Let's burn the whole f*cking thing down. I'm voting for Trump

A lot of people give you shit on this board (deservedly so, at times) but this is god damn fantastic. Bravo.
I'm surprised therightknight is still here given his many racist comments. Like, real racism.

Also a Trump fan.
I'm surprised therightknight is still here given his many racist comments. Like, real racism.

Also a Trump fan.
I'll agree on the racist comment but what does the Trump fan comment mean ? Trying to paint all Trump supporters as ignorant , racist hicks is just plain stupid . I am not a Trump man but I won't lie , the more I see the insults and painting everyone with a broad brush because it fits the narrative people want to portray it makes me consider it . I'm fully expecting a barrage of insults for this post but so be it . Closing our borders to illegals like the laws state they are supposed to be shouldn't be such an issue but it is . All the wall talk is exaggeration and I would hope people realize that but I guess not
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I'll agree on the racist comment but what does the Trump fan comment mean ? Trying to paint all Trump supporters as ignorant , racist hicks is just plain stupid . I am not a Trump man but I won't lie , the more I see the insults and painting everyone with a broad brush because it fits the narrative people want to portray it makes me consider it . I'm fully expecting a barrage of insults for this post but so be it . Closing our borders to illegals like the laws state they are supposed to be shouldn't be such an issue but it is . All the wall talk is exaggeration and I would hope people realize that but I guess not

I'm not saying that all Trump fans are racists; I'm just saying that most all racists are Trump fans.
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I'll agree on the racist comment but what does the Trump fan comment mean ? Trying to paint all Trump supporters as ignorant , racist hicks is just plain stupid . I am not a Trump man but I won't lie , the more I see the insults and painting everyone with a broad brush because it fits the narrative people want to portray it makes me consider it . I'm fully expecting a barrage of insults for this post but so be it . Closing our borders to illegals like the laws state they are supposed to be shouldn't be such an issue but it is . All the wall talk is exaggeration and I would hope people realize that but I guess not

Because to believe that building a giant wall along the Mexican border will solve the illigal immigration problem when most illegals are here on over-stayed visas requires someone to be completely ignorant of fact and completely unable to make a logical argument.

The wall is literally the only proposal Trump has discussed at any level of detail.

It's not hard to conclude that this man's supporters are ignorant, and many are probably also racist.
Because to believe that building a giant wall along the Mexican border will solve the illigal immigration problem when most illegals are here on over-stayed visas requires someone to be completely ignorant of fact and completely unable to make a logical argument.

The wall is literally the only proposal Trump has discussed at any level of detail.

It's not hard to conclude that this man's supporters are ignorant, and many are probably also racist.
Did you read my post ? Did you read what I said about immigration ? Can you tell me what is wrong with following the actual law about immigration and illegals ? Skip the Wall talking point for just a minute and tell me how following and enforcing existing laws make you a terrible person . Because its doesn't matter if you or me or anyone else likes it illegals are just exactly that . We have natural born citizens starving while people illegally in this country receive aid . That's just bullshit
Did you read my post ? Did you read what I said about immigration ? Can you tell me what is wrong with following the actual law about immigration and illegals ? Skip the Wall talking point for just a minute and tell me how following and enforcing existing laws make you a terrible person . Because its doesn't matter if you or me or anyone else likes it illegals are just exactly that . We have natural born citizens starving while people illegally in this country receive aid . That's just bullshit
You shouldn't blindly follow laws. The law as it is written doesn't make sense for where our country is at today. You see them as illegals who are taking government aid, where others see them as humans who come to this country and work hard. Just like the immigrants who preceded them.
They should do it the right way then . I fully support and employ folks here legally through government sponsored programs and visas . There is a limit to what our tax revenue can support and I firmly believe we should take care of our own citizens first and foremost . If that makes me a bigot , racist or any other cool names you know it all liberals can cone up with I'll proudly wear the title . And your response about following laws doesn't surprise me
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Did you read my post ? Did you read what I said about immigration ? Can you tell me what is wrong with following the actual law about immigration and illegals ? Skip the Wall talking point for just a minute and tell me how following and enforcing existing laws make you a terrible person . Because its doesn't matter if you or me or anyone else likes it illegals are just exactly that . We have natural born citizens starving while people illegally in this country receive aid . That's just bullshit

I never said we shouldn't enforce existing immigration law, but I don't agree with the orthodox view that we should break up families who are here contributing socially because we have ineffective lawmakers unable to adjust with the times.

But that's besides the point. Trump seems strong on immigration because he's always going on about this damn wall. He has no coherent plan to address actual immigration problems, just a big dumb wall to fire up his big dumb base
They should do it the right way then . I fully support and employ folks here legally through government sponsored programs and visas . There is a limit to what our tax revenue can support and I firmly believe we should take care of our own citizens first and foremost . If that makes me a bigot , racist or any other cool names you know it all liberals can cone up with I'll proudly wear the title . And your response about following laws doesn't surprise me

With that post, you just made a more coherent argument on immigration than Trump has. That's the problem.
You shouldn't blindly follow laws. The law as it is written doesn't make sense for where our country is at today. You see them as illegals who are taking government aid, where others see them as humans who come to this country and work hard. Just like the immigrants who preceded them.

I don't like paying taxes. I'm going to stop paying because I disagree with the law.
You shouldn't blindly follow laws. The law as it is written doesn't make sense for where our country is at today. You see them as illegals who are taking government aid, where others see them as humans who come to this country and work hard. Just like the immigrants who preceded them.

This is 100% utterly false. And it's a lie being spread by the left that needs to stop.

It's fairly simple- there is a law that says coming into this country without any papers or check by authorities is illegal. Illegal. Period. Everyone coming over that border in tunnels knows they're coming illegally, and shouldn't be shocked when we call them on it and send them back.

This is nothing like the immigrants who came before them. They were legal immigrants who came through legal channels. Notice the key word here- legal.

You want the narrative to accept that illegal and legal immigration are the same thing, but they aren't, and that's what is bastardizing this entire conversation to the point that left wing politicians now actually advocate for breaking Federal Law.
This is 100% utterly false. And it's a lie being spread by the left that needs to stop.

It's fairly simple- there is a law that says coming into this country without any papers or check by authorities is illegal. Illegal. Period. Everyone coming over that border in tunnels knows they're coming illegally, and shouldn't be shocked when we call them on it and send them back.

This is nothing like the immigrants who came before them. They were legal immigrants who came through legal channels. Notice the key word here- legal.

You want the narrative to accept that illegal and legal immigration are the same thing, but they aren't, and that's what is bastardizing this entire conversation to the point that left wing politicians now actually advocate for breaking Federal Law.
That's only because the government picks and chooses who they want to consider legal and illegal almost arbitrarily. There's no difference between a Mexican, Hatian, or Cuban who enters the country.
Racist, xenophobe whatever. I'm sure you have lots of names for people you don't like. Once again, who do you support?

Once again, no one. I don't like any of the remaining candidates on either side. Why is that so hard for you to comprehend?
You shouldn't blindly follow laws. The law as it is written doesn't make sense for where our country is at today. You see them as illegals who are taking government aid, where others see them as humans who come to this country and work hard. Just like the immigrants who preceded them.
That is all warm and fuzzy but we have laws for a reason. How many work hard? How many are receiving benefits?
That's only because the government picks and chooses who they want to consider legal and illegal almost arbitrarily. There's no difference between a Mexican, Hatian, or Cuban who enters the country.

Picks and chooses? What are you talking about?

If you knowingly enter the country outside the legal channels of entering, and staying, then you're here illegally. It's completely clear to both them and the government.
This is 100% utterly false. And it's a lie being spread by the left that needs to stop.

It's fairly simple- there is a law that says coming into this country without any papers or check by authorities is illegal. Illegal. Period. Everyone coming over that border in tunnels knows they're coming illegally, and shouldn't be shocked when we call them on it and send them back.

This is nothing like the immigrants who came before them. They were legal immigrants who came through legal channels. Notice the key word here- legal.

You want the narrative to accept that illegal and legal immigration are the same thing, but they aren't, and that's what is bastardizing this entire conversation to the point that left wing politicians now actually advocate for breaking Federal Law.

Actually the left wing wants to see immigration reform that changes our laws to adjust to modern times, but since the government body responsible for changing old out of date laws is disfunctional some may be throwing up their hands.
Picks and chooses? What are you talking about?

If you knowingly enter the country outside the legal channels of entering, and staying, then you're here illegally. It's completely clear to both them and the government.
The crucial 1923 Supreme Court case United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind created the official stance to classify Indians as non-white, which at the time allowed Indians who had already been naturalized to be retroactively stripped of their citizenship after prosecutors argued that they had gained their citizenship illegally.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 (the McCarran-Walter Act) revised the quotas again, basing them on the 1920 census. For the first time in American history, racial distinctions were omitted from the U.S. Code. As could be expected, most of the quota allocation went to immigrants from Ireland, the United Kingdom and Germany who already had relatives in the United States.

Read a little about the history of our immigration laws.