I think these statements pretty much sums up the problem in its entirety, and utterly miss the whole reason we have an approval process.
@Ucfmikes is literally continuing to redefine things like
'experimental' and asserting
'we can predict.'
That is absolutely and
utter brazzen bull. I'm not asserting anything, positive or negative, other than what is known. People cannot even do basic statistics here, which is why they don't realize things about kids and children at all. I mean, according to the US Media, they are dropping like flies.
The Pro-vaxxers used this with one of the HPV vaccines that the US FDA eventually yanked too. And there have been many others. We are only continuing to compile immediate/short-term -- I stress
immediate/short-term only -- complications as we add more groups to the EUA.
Every vaccine has impacts and complications. The question always is how much, how immediate, and what are the long-term complications, and how quickly can be identify and test for them?
Today, we have virtually
no understanding, and definitely ,
not even for immediate impacts and complications, other than PEG, which has
not been the majority
issue at all (despite the
assumptions it would be)!
But the pandemic pushed those to the side, because of evaluation of the risks. But now, we're asking kids, children, and others ... who aren't even affected. No one wants to look at those CDC statistics. But we're going to force it on them. Why?
"Stop the spread!"
Even if it doesn't. I hate being right. But I've been predicting so many things that have come true. Right now the 'effective immunity' percentages people are now arguing for with SARS-CoV-2 are higher than anything ... ever. Maybe, just maybe, that means Coronaviruses -- like the 6 major classifications of Coronaviruses before it.
also using a new, simplistic approach that costs little money and time to
'get to market.' The US FDA refused to even allow immunity for mRNA until the pandemic. Yields, integrity, transfer and other questions have always been raised.
We could have had an effective, traditional SARS-CoV vaccine in 2020, if we started 15 years ago ... but we did not. Why is that? Why is mRNA being touted? It's about economics, not effectiveness.