FDA issues vaccine warning

Deaths are now almost exclusively in unvaccinated people. In May, Covid deaths were 99.2% in unvaccinated people

Also, In England with the new Delta variant, the deaths amount to .08% of unvaccinated people who contracted it. That’s 44 out of almost 55,000 with no age, demographic, and comorbidity data to put that into context. So, 99.92% of unvaccinated people did not die after contracting the Delta variant.

Percentages are fun.
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Also, In England with the new Delta variant, the deaths amount to .08% of unvaccinated people who contracted it. That’s 44 out of almost 55,000 with no age, demographic, and comorbidity data to put that into context. So, 99.92% of unvaccinated people did not die after contracting the Delta variant.

Percentages are fun.
This can't be true. If it was, why would the government be sending out a nationwide task force to address the delta variant?

Also, In England with the new Delta variant, the deaths amount to .08% of unvaccinated people who contracted it. That’s 44 out of almost 55,000 with no age, demographic, and comorbidity data to put that into context. So, 99.92% of unvaccinated people did not die after contracting the Delta variant.

Percentages are fun.
Lies, damn lies and statistics. We are going to lock-down again because 'effective immunity' has shown to be impossible, once again, with any Coronavirus in history.

Sigh ... we need people to stop spewing BS with empty promises that fits Smallpox or Polio, let alone ignore the realities of those vaccinations and their history too. Coronaviruses have been, and will continue to be, unstoppable ... let alone they don't affect children.

We need to start admitting this, and accept it, so we can move on. Because the more this does not hold true, the more the lock-downs continue. Why? Empty promises that will never come to be. People say that's me advocating 'killing kids.' Sigh ...

Children get all sorts of cardio/pulm/CNS issues from all sorts of diseases too. We utterly over-reacted on this, and the 'New Hotness' in 'Overnight Vaccines' have stopped older people from dying, but are not the pancea everyone had hoped.

We were fully warned about this too, but we ignored it. Just like we were fully warned that even N95 masks don't work, but we ignored it. We literally don't want to believe it. We're in full denial. Yet ... the facts are here.

And that's before we understand what's going to happen long-term with 'Overnight Vaccines.'

Also, In England with the new Delta variant, the deaths amount to .08% of unvaccinated people who contracted it. That’s 44 out of almost 55,000 with no age, demographic, and comorbidity data to put that into context. So, 99.92% of unvaccinated people did not die after contracting the Delta variant.

Percentages are fun.
Cool. So.., since the Delta variant is not yet the major variant in the United States and isn’t that bad, I’m good. Unvaccinated people, not so much. Virus types are fun!!!
Hell.., let’s just scrap all these useless vaccines. The pandemic life was so fun!!!!
Lies, damn lies and statistics. We are going to lock-down again because 'effective immunity' has shown to be impossible, once again, with any Coronavirus in history.

Sigh ... we need people to stop spewing BS with empty promises that fits Smallpox or Polio, let alone ignore the realities of those vaccinations and their history too. Coronaviruses have been, and will continue to be, unstoppable ... let alone they don't affect children.

We need to start admitting this, and accept it, so we can move on. Because the more this does not hold true, the more the lock-downs continue. Why? Empty promises that will never come to be. People say that's me advocating 'killing kids.' Sigh ...

Children get all sorts of cardio/pulm/CNS issues from all sorts of diseases too. We utterly over-reacted on this, and the 'New Hotness' in 'Overnight Vaccines' have stopped older people from dying, but are not the pancea everyone had hoped.

We were fully warned about this too, but we ignored it. Just like we were fully warned that even N95 masks don't work, but we ignored it. We literally don't want to believe it. We're in full denial. Yet ... the facts are here.

And that's before we understand what's going to happen long-term with 'Overnight Vaccines.'
Just a matter of time before people also believe that crisper-cas9 is totally safe and you should embrace it.
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Lies, damn lies and statistics. We are going to lock-down again because 'effective immunity' has shown to be impossible, once again, with any Coronavirus in history.

Sigh ... we need people to stop spewing BS with empty promises that fits Smallpox or Polio, let alone ignore the realities of those vaccinations and their history too. Coronaviruses have been, and will continue to be, unstoppable ... let alone they don't affect children.

We need to start admitting this, and accept it, so we can move on. Because the more this does not hold true, the more the lock-downs continue. Why? Empty promises that will never come to be. People say that's me advocating 'killing kids.' Sigh ...

Children get all sorts of cardio/pulm/CNS issues from all sorts of diseases too. We utterly over-reacted on this, and the 'New Hotness' in 'Overnight Vaccines' have stopped older people from dying, but are not the pancea everyone had hoped.

We were fully warned about this too, but we ignored it. Just like we were fully warned that even N95 masks don't work, but we ignored it. We literally don't want to believe it. We're in full denial. Yet ... the facts are here.

And that's before we understand what's going to happen long-term with 'Overnight Vaccines.'
Still waiting for you to show how the mRNA proteins stay in your body after I made your fatass look stupid with articles to prove it
Not long. That's why by using this technology we are probably just creating stronger strains of the virus.
Well, there's no proof of that either.

I have no idea what @Ucfmikes is talking about, because he keeps having an argument with me over, as he even admitted, "rumor." Not once did I ever say or use that "rumor."

We actually don't know how long any mRNA type or Ad vector vaccine will continue to work for various people, and it's likely very variable too. But the problem is that people like @Ucfmikes doesn't understand what they are talking about, so they say things like "It's gone."

How the body reacts, builds up immunity, and the body keeps producing spike proteins has nothing do with the 'gene therapy' non-sense he's arguing against, that I never, ever brought up. It's like he wants to argue with some fool he wants to argue with, and not anything I'm saying.

But how the body reacts, builds up immunity and the body keeps producing, will vary greatly.

We've seen the same with the Ad vector in the Truvada against HIV. For some people, it's very effective, and doesn't have to be taken often. With other people, Truvada isn't only totally useless, but it can actually increase the chance of HIV infection.

Everything is speculation at this point. We won't have the statistics for years.

But we will start seeing more traditional vaccines in the coming months. How those hold up against the mRNA, Ad and other types, will be interesting.
Well, there's no proof of that either.

I have no idea what @Ucfmikes is talking about, because he keeps having an argument with me over, as he even admitted, "rumor." Not once did I ever say or use that "rumor."

We actually don't know how long any mRNA type or Ad vector vaccine will continue to work for various people, and it's likely very variable too. But the problem is that people like @Ucfmikes doesn't understand what they are talking about, so they say things like "It's gone."

How the body reacts, builds up immunity, and the body keeps producing spike proteins has nothing do with the 'gene therapy' non-sense he's arguing against, that I never, ever brought up. It's like he wants to argue with some fool he wants to argue with, and not anything I'm saying.

But how the body reacts, builds up immunity and the body keeps producing, will vary greatly.

We've seen the same with the Ad vector in the Truvada against HIV. For some people, it's very effective, and doesn't have to be taken often. With other people, Truvada isn't only totally useless, but it can actually increase the chance of HIV infection.

Everything is speculation at this point. We won't have the statistics for years.

But we will start seeing more traditional vaccines in the coming months. How those hold up against the mRNA, Ad and other types, will be interesting.
Is covid-19 a retrovirus?
Is covid-19 a retrovirus?
No, but the first, major, widespread application of Adenovirus type attack vector -- namely Adenovirus [serotype] 5 (Ad5), a type of cold virus -- in a similarly in how it inhibits HIV via RNA, was Truvada.

It was because of the issues with Ad5, that J&J went with Ad26 -- another type of cold virus often known for causing pink eye as well -- of which I had a very excellent immune response too (worse than anyone else I know who had the J&J).
Can the mRNA vaccines produce a replicate virus in someone, even if they had no immune response?
ut the problem is that people like @Ucfmikes doesn't understand what they are talking about, so they say things like "It's gone."
You are the idiot who keeps arguing that
about the long-term side effects of mRNA vaccines, when the fact of the matter is that I the history of vaccines almost ever side effects that has occurred was in the first 6 weeks. You’re to stupid to understand that this is not a medication and doesn’t alter the DNA of cells and are continuing to spew out misinformation about “spike proteins”

Happy reading

I’ve been getting a lot of questions in the last few days about several Spike-protein-related (and vaccine-related) topics, so I thought this would be a good time to go into them. There’s been a recent report about the vascular effects of the Spike protein alone (not coronavirus infection per se), and another presentation on similar effects in lung tissue. These are almost certainly looking at the same phenomena – the lungs are of course full of vascular tissue, and what’s being seen in both cases is very likely mediated by effects on the vascular endothelium.

In the first study, hamsters were injected with a pseudovirus was created that expressed surface Spike protein, while in the second the researchers just injected the protein directly into mice. The pseudovirus team went on to compare endothelial cells with different mutational forms of the ACE2 surface protein (S680D, with increased stability and S680L, with decreased stability). The response to the pseudovirus was quite different in these two, suggesting that it is indeed the binding of the Spike protein to ACE2 that’s a key part of this process. That happens as the coronvirus infects vascular tissue, of course, but this work shows that it’s not the whole process of viral infection that’s responsible for all the trouble: it starts with the initial binding event.

So I’ve been getting questions about what this means for vaccination: if we’re causing people to express Spike protein via mRNA or adenovirus vectors, are we damaging them just as if they’d been infected with coronavirus? Fortunately, the answer definitely seems to be “no” – in fact, the pseudovirus paper notes near the end that the antibody response generated by vaccination against the Spike protein will be beneficial in two ways, against infection and against the Spike-mediated endothelial damage as well. There are several reasons why the situation is different.

Consider what happens when you’re infected by the actual coronavirus. We know now that the huge majority of such infections are spread by inhalation of virus-laden droplets from other infected people, so the route of administration is via the nose and/or lungs, and the cells lining your airway are thus the first ones to get infected. The viral infection process leads at the end to lysis of the the host cell and subsequent dumping of a load of new viral particles – and these get dumped into the cellular neighborhood and into the bloodstream. They then have a clear shot at the endothelial cells lining the airway vasculature, which are the very focus of these two new papers.

Compare this, though, to what happens in vaccination. The injection is intramuscular, not into the bloodstream. That’s why a muscle like the deltoid is preferred, because it’s a good target of thicker muscle tissue without any easily hit veins or arteries at the site of injection. The big surface vein in that region is the cephalic vein, and it’s down along where the deltoid and pectoral muscles meet, not high up in the shoulder. In earlier animal model studies of mRNA vaccines, such administration was clearly preferred over a straight i.v. injection; the effects were much stronger. So the muscle cells around the injection are hit by the vaccine (whether mRNA-containing lipid nanoparticles or adenovirus vectors) while a good portion of the remaining dose is in the intercellular fluid and thus drains through the lymphatic system, not the bloodstream. That’s what you want, since the lymph nodes are a major site of immune response. The draining lymph nodes for the deltoid are going to be the deltoid/pectoral ones where those two muscles meet, and the larger axillary lymph nodes down in the armpit on that side.

Now we get to a key difference: when a cell gets the effect of an mRNA nanoparticle or an adenovirus vector, it of course starts to express the Spike protein. But instead of that being assembled into more infectious viral particles, as would happen in a real coronavirus infection, this protein gets moved up to the surface of the cell, where it stays. That’s where it’s presented to the immune system, as an abnormal intruding protein on a cell surface. The Spike protein is not released to wander freely through the bloodstream by itself, because it has a transmembrane anchor region that (as the name implies) leaves it stuck. That’s how it sits in the virus itself, and it does the same in human cells. See the discussion in this paper on the development of the Moderna vaccine, and the same applies to all the mRNA and vector vaccines that produce the Spike. You certainly don’t have the real-infection situation of Spike-covered viruses washing along everywhere through the circulation. The Spike protein produced by vaccination is not released in a way that it gets to encounter the ACE2 proteins on the surface of other human cells at all: it’s sitting on the surface of muscle and lymphatic cells up in your shoulder, not wandering through your lungs causing trouble.

Some of the vaccine dose is going to make it into the bloodstream, of course. But keep in mind, when the mRNA or adenovirus particles do hit cells outside of the liver or the site of injection, they’re still causing them to express Spike protein anchored on their surfaces, not dumping it into the circulation. Here’s the EMA briefing document for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine – on pages 46 and 47, you can read the results of distribution studies. These were done two ways – by using an mRNA for luciferase (and thus looking at the resulting light emission from the various rodent regions!) and by using a radioactive label (which is a more sensitive technique). The great majority of the radioactivty stays in and around the injection site. In the first hours, there’s also some circulating in the plasma. But almost all of that ended up in the liver, and no other tissue was much over 1% of the total. That’s exactly what you’d expect, and what you see with drug dosing in general: your entire blood volume goes sluicing through the liver again and again, because that’s what the liver is for. But when things like this hit the hepatic tissue, they stay there and eventually get chewed up by various destructive enzymes (that’s also a big part of what the liver is for). It’s a one-way ticket.

So the reports of Spike protein trouble are interesting and important for coronavirus infection, but they do not mean that the vaccines themselves are going to cause similar problems. In fact, as mentioned above, the fact that these vaccines are aimed at the Spike means that they’re protective in more ways than we even realized.
OK, then assume that I asked you. Can you answer it?
Not really, but I certainly won’t guess like @UCFBS or give you misinformation.

He’s dangerous, because he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. The dude is psycho. He’s like 400lbs and can’t hold down a job. Shocking, right?

Look how triggered he is when he’s called out on his BS. He’s manic. That’s why he writes these manifestos 24/7 and then you don’t here from him for days
Not really, but I certainly won’t guess like @UCFBS or give you misinformation.

He’s dangerous, because he doesn’t know what he doesn’t know. The dude is psycho. He’s like 400lbs and can’t hold down a job. Shocking, right?
You seriously can't answer that question? I'll do it for you: no, the mRNA vaccines can not lead to a replication of the virus.
You seriously can't answer that question? I'll do it for you: no, the mRNA vaccines can not lead to a replication of the virus.
Good for you. Honestly, I didn’t even read your question. It’s obvious right? It doesn’t effect the DNA of ANY CELLS

Not a question @UCFBS wants to answer and certainly not without another manifesto
Good for you. Honestly, I didn’t even read your question. It’s obvious right? It doesn’t effect the DNA of ANY CELLS

Not a question @UCFBS wants to answer and certainly not without another manifesto
Nope. It just makes your own cells create something that the body rejects.
Nope. It just makes your own cells create something that the body rejects.
That’s not exactly true and a gross oversimplification of the mechanism of action. That’s why you don’t come to Rivals message boards for accurate or detailed information about Mrna viruses. Not on podcasts either
That’s not exactly true and a gross oversimplification of the mechanism of action. That’s why you don’t come to Rivals message boards for accurate or detailed information about Mrna viruses. Not on podcasts either
That's exactly what it does. Your cells produce the spike protein, the immune system recognizes it and knocks the thing out.
As I said, until @Ucfmikes wants to stop inserting things I never said, and keep arguing with whatever 'rumors' he wants to debate that I have nothing do with and didn't even infer, there's no sense in posting. He keeps talking about things I never questioned.
As I said, until @Ucfmikes wants to stop inserting things I never said, and keep arguing with whatever 'rumors' he wants to debate that I have nothing do with and didn't even infer, there's no sense in posting. He keeps talking about things I never questioned.
Shortest post in your lifetime 👌🏻 Now time to hit the gym, so you can survive COVID
I dont want my cells to produce something my body sees and says "hey, we gotta kill that". Hashtag cancer. Hashtag autoimmune disorders.
You’re showing a major lack of intelligence and a lot of weirdness. Hashtag dumb.

I would not classify you as an anti-vaxxer, just stupid. Additionally, I don’t believe you know all these people that got COVID after vaccination. I’ll say straight out that you are lying
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You’re showing a major lack of intelligence and a lot of weirdness. Hashtag dumb.

I would not classify you as an anti-vaxxer, just stupid. Additionally, I don’t believe you know all these people that got COVID after vaccination. I’ll say straight out that you are lying
Meh. You got a shot from a company that has never created an approved product for a virus that has never been seen before that created it in record time without adequate test studies and have no recourse against them if something goes wrong.

I've survived 18 months of covid and the numbers are dropping exponentially. Why take an experimental drug at this point?
Meh. You got a shot from a company that has never created an approved product for a virus that has never been seen before that created it in record time without adequate test studies and have no recourse against them if something goes wrong.

I've survived 18 months of covid and the numbers are dropping exponentially. Why take an experimental drug at this point?
Yeah, me and A BILLION OTHERS.

You absolutely had nothing to do with ending this pandemic and IMO you shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy all the freedoms that the rest of us “team players” are going to enjoy. Your statement gives you zero credibility and is embarrassing. I would be afraid for
you to tell anyone with any intelligence what you said in public. You’re a conspiracy theorist and don’t understand science. In the time of polio, you would probably be crippled. Tell me one thing about what I said that isn’t accurate. I’m glad that I asked the question.

Yeah, me and A BILLION OTHERS.

You absolutely had nothing to do with ending this pandemic and IMO you shouldn’t be allowed to enjoy all the freedoms that the rest of us “team players” are going to enjoy. Your statement gives you zero credibility and is embarrassing. I would be afraid for
you to tell anyone with any intelligence what you said in public. You’re a conspiracy theorist and don’t understand science. In the time of polio, you would probably be crippled. Tell me one thing about what I said isn’t accurate. #Darwinism
I had nothing to do with this pandemic, period.
Aspirin side effects can include chest pain, seizures,convulsions, difficult breathing.
Damn you, St. Joseph's! 😂
Referencing the side effects of a drug that is over 100 years old is a little bit different than one that is 1 year old. The covid Vax could be closer to Vioxx than aspirin.
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Referencing the side effects of a drug that is over 100 years old is a little bit different than one that is 1 year old. The covid Vax could be closer to Vioxx than aspirin.
Only people with little minds think that something HAS to be out there 100 years for us to know that it does or doesn’t have long term side effects. Are you living in the 1950’s?
Only people with little minds think that something HAS to be out there 100 years for us to know that it does or doesn’t have long term side effects. Are you living in the 1950’s?
Ah. Going with the God complex now. We know all because we are so smart that we've figured everything out.

Another bold move. Can I write your eulogy as well when you die of an enlarged heart and ADE from the jab as well?
Ah. Going with the God complex now. We know all because we are so smart that we've figured everything out.

Another bold move. Can I write your eulogy as well when you die of an enlarged heart and ADE from the jab as well?
God complex because I got a vaccine to help end a worldwide pandemic that 1 billion or more have received including all the world leaders. You haven’t figured anything out. I overestimated you. You’re dumb. No enlarged heart here, but you have small nuts. I’m sure you’re much more likely to get a side effect from COVID than I am from the vaccine 4 months out. Good luck with Russian roulette and Darwinism. You’re 50+, right?

So.. tell me the mechanism of action to how I’m going to get an enlarged heart from the vaccine that I had 4 months ago if you’re so smart.
God complex because I got a vaccine to help end a worldwide pandemic that 1 billion or more have received including all the world leaders. You haven’t figured anything out. I overestimated you. You’re dumb. No enlarged heart here, but you have small nuts. I’m sure you’re much more likely to get a side effect from COVID than I am from the vaccine 4 months out. Good luck with Russian roulette and Darwinism. You’re 50+, right?

So.. tell me the mechanism of action to how I’m going to get an enlarged heart from the vaccine that I had 4 months ago if you’re so smart.
I'm 43, and just like Joe have a perfect calcium score in addition to a pretty wicked mullet.

The enlarged heart issue is no different than any other infection that can cause it. The virus or vaccine that mimics the virus infects the heart muscle and the immune system attacks it, causing inflammation. Unless you're going to tell me that natural infection of covid doesn't do the same thing, you may want to reconsider whether your beloved Gene therapy is really doing what vaccines are supposed to do.

Just accept the inevitable dude. You're probably going to die from the jab because big pharma and the government have a vested interest in your death.