And just like that, the ride is over. Prehours trading is down 80 points. Once again, the game wins.
All the way back down to 260, just like that. Tripped the breaker a couple of times now.
I'm guessing that a trading company halting trading is probably uh bad? Almost like Twitter silencing the right.
Tripped again at 126. They can only keep trading open for 20 seconds at a shot, lol.
Tripped again at 132, then again at 155. 80k shares being traded per second. This is like watching a tennis match.
Uneducated suckers/gamblers

AMC went way over pre covid stock price as they are in jeopardy of bankruptcy even prior to covid. Now stock is down 50% today alone.

Gamestop is a gaming retailer closing stores and not making money at a time gaming is huge. The industry is moving to streaming. Their valuation went over $30b which is way ahead of traditional retailers that are making money and growing (Walmart and Target). Gamestop is down 33% today alone

IT has nothing to do with any sort of fundamentals or financial assessments. Some people are obviously going to end up being losers in this whole thing, but plenty of people have also made money, so can't really say they are suckers.
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Point is playing these stocks is not investing. It can swing back to $30 in weeks. Even the options market is pricing in stupid moves by tomorrow and next week. If you're on the right side you will make money. No real difference than going to vegas. AMC as an example might not even exist in 2022. Huge gamble now higher than pre covid numbers

Nobody is pretending it is investing, it is trading. I didn't get any GME, but I bought some AMC yesterday, made about 10K real quick, and got out, which is what I assume a lot of people did. Nobody who is buying this is doing so planning on holding it so where AMC or GME is in 2022 doesn't really matter.
I'm still trying to fathom the idea that Melvin is short 138% in GME. Though, they claimed to have covered their shorts yesterday.
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I'm still trying to fathom the idea that Melvin is short 138% in GME. Though, they claimed to have covered their shorts yesterday.

The whole idea you can short more shares than actually exist seems pretty sketchy to say the least. That is the type of stuff that needs to be looked into, not retail investors who figure out how to beat the system.
The whole idea you can short more shares than actually exist seems pretty sketchy to say the least. That is the type of stuff that needs to be looked into, not retail investors who figure out how to beat the system.
I believe naked shorts like this were already illegal, or at least they were at some point in time before deregulation.
According to this, there are still 61 million shorts out there that will have to be covered.
I'm still trying to fathom the idea that Melvin is short 138% in GME. Though, they claimed to have covered their shorts yesterday.
I kind of doubt that. They borrowed 2.8 billion but they were several times that amount under yesterday.
Based on not allowing them to buy a particular stock and saving their customers money?
It ensured that their customers with GME positions lost money as they only allowed sale activity which drove the price down so hedge funds could cover which they did today. After hours price is back up due to the hedges buying to cover short positions.

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