Gold +6%, Stocks -15% - Did you get your hedge on yet?

Gold price was $2050 on the day of this prediction (March 8). We are about 5 months into the 6 month prediction. Gold sits at $1766.15 today. A 14% loss. VTI is down 1.8%. Only need a 42% appreciation in gold in a bit over a month for this prediction to come true. More than likely though, you just invested in a shiny metal that can’t even outpace inflation over a long horizon.
@Boston.Knight plz respond 😂 🤣😂🤣😂🤣
Also get out of anything bublicious like tech. Miners are gonna make a nice move here too as sentiment improves. Still 25% immediate upside. The juniors are lagging (GDXJ), but they will catch up and eventually outperform the majors (GDX) .

I can see the gator jaws closing to meet halfway. Another 20% selloff on the nasdaq and 20% price improvement in gold.
Since you told people to get out of tech, QQQ is up 49% and GLD is up 29%.