Have you ever wanted to grab a girl by the p *$$*?

Have you ever wanted to grab a girl by the p*$$*?

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No, that's only something rapists do. The same goes for women, they should never grab a dick.
Just curious, but how do you actually grab it? Do you cup your whole hand around it, or insert your middle finger like you're grabbing a bowling ball?

I thought I would ask the professionals.
The p** is just like an open hole so you can't really grab it. Aren't you really just grabbing the taint?
An entire thread of people just disqualified themselves from the presidency. They will later feel the burn from these remarks during the great "moral" purge of 2028 when millenials have fully taken over. Have fun in those re-education camps!!!
An entire thread of people just disqualified themselves from the presidency. They will later feel the burn from these remarks during the great "moral" purge of 2028 when millenials have fully taken over. Have fun in those re-education camps!!!
I done / said a lot more than this to disqualify me for presidency. Yet I have never committed a felony. Nobody wants a president that is a stick in the mud.

I'm about to provide another reason to disqualify me during the tailgate today.
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The p** is just like an open hole so you can't really grab it. Aren't you really just grabbing the taint?
Thread needs selfie with arrows and proper terms to make sure we are talking about the same thing. Any female can provide selfie
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