Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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Out: Men should not question Ford's accusations

In: It's sexist for Men to not question Ford's accusations

Grassley is going to have a female former prosecutor from AZ lead the questioning and the NYT/lefties are now declaring that it's "sexist" to have a woman lead the questioning. Mere days after insisting that men have no business questioning Ford or her allegations.

Its totally inappropriate for the GOP to bring in a sex crimes expert to conduct the questioning tomorrow. So inappropriate in fact, that the victim may not show up. It would be better to have Spartacus Booker and Frankenfienstien give the accuser softball questions that are provided to her ahead of time.
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Do you have a Ph.D. in clinical psychology?

I love how the Joe Sixpacks of the World can so easily explain away the trauma of a high school assault that a young teenage girl has experienced.
And yet you apparently have decided they're valid with about the same psychological skills...

If she ever files that criminal complaint, then the joe sixpacks of the world will be sitting in the jury box deciding the merit of her observations after listening to expert testimony on both sides. It won't be full of Ph. D.'s in clinical psychology.

I have read quite a bit about memory and witness testimony though. It's quite possible that the incident did indeed happen but it wasn't Kavanaugh or his group of friends. The memory often has holes even when asked to describe an event directly after the event. As time builds, you naturally fill in the holes using logic and biases and other cues; sometimes accurately and sometimes inaccurately. It's why investigators will interview suspects repeatedly over time. It's also why statements change over time. It can actually be more suspicious for someone to tell the story the exact same way every time over years as if from a script.

Repressed memories are especially touchy because they are extremely vulnerable to external suggestion from the therapist (assuming they come up in therapy), from current events, and from current biases. Look at the "Renate's Alumni" situation; Kavanaugh said they shared a single kiss and "Renate" said they never kissed. Doesn't mean either of them is lying. They're remembering differently, which you would expect after 30+ years. In this way, Dr. Ford could believe with every ounce of her soul that Kavanaugh was the perpetrator and be totally wrong. It's not even that uncommon.

Which is why there have traditionally been statutes of limitations in place. Memories age and physical evidence degrades or is destroyed by normal human activities and you can't mount an effective prosecution. In our technological and digital age, however, we're finding incriminating evidence long after the crimes have been committed that has not degraded. This has lead to an expansion and removal of many of the statutes, especially for crimes like sexual assault. Which is a good thing; except when it's not. Because accusations based solely on memories are still subject to the same issues as before. That's why there needs to be some supporting evidence other than the accuser's 30+ year old memory.
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She's not a victim as she had been portrayed. She's a potential witness. None of the victims of this have come forth in any of the years since (maybe one of them will now). So, is there any corroboration to her claim? All the exact same issues with her allegation exist as with the others except she's not even the victim of whatever happened.
She's not a victim as she had been portrayed. She's a potential witness. None of the victims of this have come forth in any of the years since (maybe one of them will now). So, is there any corroboration to her claim? All the exact same issues with her allegation exist as with the others except she's not even the victim of whatever happened.
You didn't read it you twat. She said she was drugged and gang raped and that Kavanaugh was one of the dudes that raped her.
yikes at the energy some are putting in to defend this guy

He's not being hired to work at a Marketing firm in Hollywood, it's a lifetime appointment with a lot of power. Even if he is innocent of any SA accusation he clearly is lying about his past. Maybe nominate a square next time that doesn't pull out his penis in group settings after a few drinks.
Im totally fine with Kavanaugh not becoming a SCOTUS judge. Just bring Mike Lee up and see if they can find dirt on him.
Does it not occur to anyone that maybe there are people so afraid of losing legal abortion on demand that they’ll do anything to delay this until after the midterms? In the current political climate, there’s no doubt that there’s no shortage of people who believe the ends justify the means, even if it means perjury and slanderous character assassination.
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Does it not occur to anyone that maybe there are people so afraid of losing legal abortion on demand that they’ll do anything to delay this until after the midterms? In the current political climate, there’s no doubt that there’s no shortage of people who believe the ends justify the means, even if it means perjury and slanderous character assassination.
Ahhh yes. Everyone's lying about this but we didn't think to make up stories about the SCJ that was confirmed last year. What a major mistake that we forgot to slander him.
In the current political climate, there’s no doubt that there’s no shortage of people who believe the ends justify the means.

Just a tad ironic coming from the same folks who thought that having a SCOTUS nominee sit around for 293 days without calling a Senate hearing or vote was perfectly fine for our country.
Just a tad ironic coming from the same folks who thought that having a SCOTUS nominee sit around for 293 days without calling a Senate hearing or vote was perfectly fine for our country.

Irony is the fact that Kennedy retired with confidence that Trump could nominate a successor that wouldnt be subject to political gamesmanship.
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Too far from midterms to pull this on Gorsuch.
As a liberal I am just glad we have so many women out there who just happened to party with Cavanaugh who are also willing to sacrifice their private lives, careers, family privacy, etc etc in order to save abortion rights. The last victim would lose all her security clearances if she purjured herself, effectivly ending her career. Such a brave sacrifice for no personal gain to just retain rights we already have.
Or, Kavanaugh was a teenage scumbag.

It's so hard to decide which scenario is more believable.
As a liberal I am just glad we have so many women out there who just happened to party with Cavanaugh who are also willing to sacrifice their private lives, careers, family privacy, etc etc in order to save abortion rights. The last victim would lose all her security clearances if she purjured herself, effectivly ending her career. Such a brave sacrifice for no personal gain to just retain rights we already have.

Clearly you dont understand what the term perjury means
I'm also glad this recent woman had the planning to make sure she told people about the made up gang rape within days of it not happening just incase she needed to save abortion rights.

And Dr. Ford was so smart to accuse Kavanaugh in private in 2012 in case she needed to fall on a sword to save abortion rights.

These woman are so brave to sacrifice so much and mastermind this to save abortion rights.
Just a tad ironic coming from the same folks who thought that having a SCOTUS nominee sit around for 293 days without calling a Senate hearing or vote was perfectly fine for our country.
I’m pretty squarely in the middle politically. I didn't vote Trump, and I’m not really a fan of him personally. Garland should have been voted on.
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Or, Kavanaugh was a teenage scumbag.

It's so hard to decide which scenario is more believable.

Ok, I'll indulge this idea.

If Kavanaugh was actually a horny teenager with agressive tendencies, how does this diminish his qualifications to be a SCOTUS justice?
Ok, I'll indulge this idea.

If Kavanaugh was actually a horny teenager with agressive tendencies, how does this diminish his qualifications to be a SCOTUS justice?
1. He lied about it.
2. He's accused of date raping a girl. Which, combined with the other accusations, the book by Judge, the yearbook, the calendars, seems pretty likely.
As a liberal I am just glad we have so many women out there who just happened to party with Cavanaugh who are also willing to sacrifice their private lives, careers, family privacy, etc etc in order to save abortion rights. The last victim would lose all her security clearances if she purjured herself, effectivly ending her career. Such a brave sacrifice for no personal gain to just retain rights we already have.
It’s not a brave sacrifice if it’s a lie. Swetnick is really difficult to believe, considering she claims to have gone to nearly a dozen parties where stuffings andngang rapes occurred and she kept going, even getting gang raped herself. I know kids do stupid things, but holy shit... I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t have been disturbed to see a girl get gang raped, but I’m supposed to believe this woman saw it multiple times and kept going to the parties without telling anyone what happened?
1. He lied about it.
2. He's accused of date raping a girl. Which, combined with the other accusations, the book by Judge, the yearbook, the calendars, seems pretty likely.

So how does this diminish his ability to interpret the laws of government and determine whether they are consistent with the constitution?
Ok, I'll indulge this idea.

If Kavanaugh was actually a horny teenager with agressive tendencies, how does this diminish his qualifications to be a SCOTUS justice?
If he did it, he should be in prison clothes, not judge’s robes. I don’t see these as credible accusations based on the timing and the absurd vagueness of the claims.
It’s not a brave sacrifice if it’s a lie. Swetnick is really difficult to believe, considering she claims to have gone to nearly a dozen parties where stuffings andngang rapes occurred and she kept going, even getting gang raped herself. I know kids do stupid things, but holy shit... I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t have been disturbed to see a girl get gang raped, but I’m supposed to believe this woman saw it multiple times and kept going to the parties without telling anyone what happened?
1. She states that she told people about it after it happened to her
2. Welcome to the pressures of the teenage social scene.
3. She is asking the FBI to investigate her claim. The easiest way to clear Kavanaugh is to investigate this. That will also make Avanetti look really bad if it turns out she was lying. Thats a win win win for republicans yet no one wants the FBI looking around except the alleged victim. That seems wierd.
So, the 3rd accuser has decided to use Daniel's lawyer, who is running for President. She's not claiming it was systematic 'gang rape' using not just alcohol, but 'date rape' drugs. She doesn't claim the candidate raped her, but that he was just present at some of these parties.

Thus, we've reached the point of either ...
  • He was part of a 'gang rape' culture using 'date rape' drug
or ...
  • There are women who are against a conservative candidate so much, and portions of the Democratic party who will stoop to this level, that they feel the 'ends justifies the means'
BTW, I love how their are conflicting accounts in articles where some say the candidate was only 'verbally abusive' towards women but never saw move to rape women, while others say he was 'physical abusive' and was 'in line' to rape.

At this point, the Republicans are screwed either way, even if the FBI finds nothing. The timing was purposeful, and that's why it was done. We'll see if this alleged, systematic 'gang rape' culture existed. But it's safe to say the candidate's career is over if he doesn't reach the SCTOUS bench.

Although it is scary how any accusation, no matter what the political involvement and even 'personal matters' (that are 'conflicts of interest') outside of the confirmation process, are given weight they wouldn't if it wasn't a #metoo type accusation. That is scary on its own.
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yikes at the energy some are putting in to defend this guy

He's not being hired to work at a Marketing firm in Hollywood, it's a lifetime appointment with a lot of power. Even if he is innocent of any SA accusation he clearly is lying about his past. Maybe nominate a square next time that doesn't pull out his penis in group settings after a few drinks.
There are plenty of people in his past that say that he wasn’t like that at all. You just choose not to believe them. You’re believing the allegations to the exception of any standard of proof. Then saying that it’s because he’s nominated for SCOTUS? That’s asinine.

Prove the goddamn allegations and I’ll be more than happy to jump on the anti-Kavanaugh bandwagon with you. Until then, this is not the precedent that we want to set. You should not want it set either.
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1. She states that she told people about it after it happened to her
2. Welcome to the pressures of the teenage social scene.
3. She is asking the FBI to investigate her claim. The easiest way to clear Kavanaugh is to investigate this. That will also make Avanetti look really bad if it turns out she was lying. Thats a win win win for republicans yet no one wants the FBI looking around except the alleged victim. That seems wierd.
1. So who did she tell, and can they corroborate this?

2. Bullshit. When you were a teenager would you have kept quiet about your friends either gang raping girls or your female friends being drugged and raped by guys “lining up” to violate them? I sure as shit wouldn’t have, and don’t know anyone who would. Teenage social scene my ass, this story requires a house full of teenagers all keeping the secret including multiple gang rape victims not telling parents, teachers, etc.

3. The FBI investigation is what the democrats want because they hope it would take them through the midterms and maybe they’ll retake the Senate. It’s a political game.
So, here's the US mainstream media for you ...

There are four (4) people who now 'collaborate' the first Accuser's story, in sworn statements. They are all 2012-2018, and not in 1982 or the '80s at all. That's what the US media is reporting.

And the four (4) people the Accuser originally named that were present at the 1982 incident, or were told after, all four (4) have sworn statements they have no recollection of the party or the accuser speaking of it at all.

^^^ This is the US media at its finest. It's mis-representing the four (4) she originally named as the four (4) that gave sworn statements on her behalf.

This is 35 years ago. Maybe the First Accuser was 'jumped on.' Maybe she wasn't. But she didn't remember it until 2012, and it just so happened to be around the same time as various 'political issues' and 'litigation issues' and that's what's bothering me most.

We're all ****ed, men and women, if the accusations can be made from latent memories, and no one is sure where and when it happened, or if they even had the right man or group of boys.
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