Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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we've reached the point of either ...
  • He was part of a 'gang rape' culture using 'date rape' drug
or ...

Or we believe Kavanaugh who said he was a church-going, virgin Boy Scout who never did anything naughty.
1. So who did she tell, and can they corroborate this?

2. Bullshit. When you were a teenager would you have kept quiet about your friends either gang raping girls or your female friends being drugged and raped by guys “lining up” to violate them? I sure as shit wouldn’t have, and don’t know anyone who would. Teenage social scene my ass, this story requires a house full of teenagers all keeping the secret including multiple gang rape victims not telling parents, teachers, etc.

3. The FBI investigation is what the democrats want because they hope it would take them through the midterms and maybe they’ll retake the Senate. It’s a political game.

She says they can back her up. I have no clue her statement just came out no one knows yet.

Take back the Senate or not the dems don't seat a new Senate until 2019 so there's plenty of time to rubber stamp a non rapist.
Or we believe Kavanaugh who said he was a church-going, virgin Boy Scout who never did anything naughty.
Some people don't believe I'm a Boy Scout, even though it's my MO. I'm sure if you go back 30+ years ago, you'll find ex-girlfriends who have some bad things to say about me, even the ones who dumped me because I was 'too frigid.'

I don't believe any teenager is a saint. But this has become 'high school laundry' with total mis-representation of facts and plenty of not just 'political interests' but 'litigation influence' in the case of at least the first accuser. This would have been thrown out if it wasn't #metoo.

Kavenaugh already has sworn statements from the four (4) people the first Accuser says were there. All she has is sworn statements from four (4) people from 2012-2018. The US media is utterly mis-representing that. What does he have to do? Really?

Oh, but it's "we believe women by default," so we ignore everything else. Now the first accuser is saying it wasn't 1982, now that the candidate has produced a calendar from 1982, and people are coming forward to confirm he was at those various locations in his calendar.

I think we are witnessing the 'nuke button' that is easy for politicians to press. His career, if he doesn't make it to the bench, is over.
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We're all ****ed, men and women, if the accusations can be made from latent memories.

Cut the bullsh*t. I don't care whether you grew up in the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s, there's not a man alive who doesn't know if he forced himself on a girl and there's not a woman alive who doesn't know if she was assaulted.
She says they can back her up. I have no clue her statement just came out no one knows yet.

Take back the Senate or not the dems don't seat a new Senate until 2019 so there's plenty of time to rubber stamp a non rapist.
Address point two. That’s the most important part of the whole thing. It’s about the credibility of her story.
Cut the bullsh*t. I don't care whether you grew up in the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s, there's not a man alive who doesn't know if he forced himself on a girl and there's not a woman alive who doesn't know if she was assaulted.
Rape was a crime in the 80s too. If there were dozens of parties were girls were being raped by a train of boys, you’ve thought it would’ve gotten out and there would’ve been at least one police report filed.
Cut the bullsh*t. I don't care whether you grew up in the 60s, 70s, 80s, or 90s, there's not a man alive who doesn't know if he forced himself on a girl and there's not a woman alive who doesn't know if she was assaulted.
No BS!

If we are going to equate "high school laundry" and "mis-appropriation" of them like the New York Times story I posted, then 80% of men and women are guilty of rape in high school!

Furthermore, the latest, 3rd Accuser is the first one to say it was "gang rape" with "date rape" drugs -- with actual penetration and 'lines of men' -- and not just "jumping on her in a bed" (1st Accuser) or "exposing himself" and/or "it being in her face"during a drinking game (2nd Accuser). There is a huge difference between systematic gang rape using drugs (3rd Accuser), and just "inebriated attempts at intimacy" (1st Accuser) and "pushing games too far" (2nd Accuser).

Now, let's go back to the 20th century. A lot of drunk women had sex and regretted it. But back in the '60s, '70s, '80s and even '90s, it wasn't categorized as rape. The "Yes Means Yes" putting 100% of the burden on men for getting not only verbal (or written) consent, but to evaluate if a woman is "helpless or not," and not be "inebriated or under-the-influence" themselves, didn't come about until the 21st century.

This is what is pissing every man off right now, and even a good number of conservative women. The facts are being skewed ... heavily! The "four (4) sworn statements" on the 1st Accuser is getting old, and I'm tired of the US media telling that dead wrong. Then there's the problem of the Accusers wanting to go 2nd after the accused, which is just beyond logic.

It's literally looking like some people consider the candidate the greatest threat to Roe v. Wade, and despite what they think they remember from 30-35+ years ago, they cannot find anyone to support their statements. All they can find are people who didn't even know them, or what they said this decade, and usually just a few years ago. That's the problem I really have!

Because everyone one of us is ****ed if we let it go to this. It's an automatic 'nuke button' for anyone's career.
Address point two. That’s the most important part of the whole thing. It’s about the credibility of her story.
I'm a 32 year old man. I'm not going to address why a young girl wouldn't come out and report a sexual assault or what stopped her from reporting her classmates. Because I don't know. But I have been told by plenty of women that reporting sexual abuse is harder than it appears especially in the past when you might have been blamed for being drunk or being at the party or wearing something provocative.

So if you want to come out and say that a teenage girl in the 1980s should have been more brave, feel free, but I'm not going there.
Rape was a crime in the 80s too. If there were dozens of parties were girls were being raped by a train of boys, you’ve thought it would’ve gotten out and there would’ve been at least one police report filed.
And it's only the 3rd Accuser to make this claim, directly, and even claims 'date rape' drugs were being used, with the systematic 'gang rape.'

Everything before that had 0 penetration, just an 'assault' on a bed (1st), and was a 'drinking game' that 'spilled over' to 'exposure' and 'forced touch.' (2nd)

The first accuser's four (4) 'witnesses' all have sworn testimony they don't know what the heck she is talking about, not even the event or location, from 35+ years ago.

The second accuser's still compiling information, although there is an alleged woman who confirmed she was told it happened shortly after the event, but wasn't at the event -- not a witness, just someone who confirms she was told about event 33-34 years ago in college.

The third accuser is the big one, well beyond the claims in the first two. So if more women 'come out of the woodwork' and validate that one, and that it was his actual high school and the men she hung around (like the "14 Alumni" of that one girl they dated), then that would be very damning.

Right now we have over 100 people that knew of the candidate in high school and college backing him, and tens of thousands of women who didn't even go to school with the accusers or around them at these times, backing them, with not even a handful from the period.

That last aspect has been most troubling for me. The US media keeps reporting "supporters," and that -- from the actual periods, sadly enough -- backs the candidate far, far more -- well over an order of magnitude.

A couple of these women are not powerless, and one is extremely connected, with an 'axe to grind' too.
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Each story that comes out is more bazar than the one before it. I don't for a minute think 2 high school kids held 10 or more drinking parties where they would get a girl drunk, and drugged, and than watch others gang rape her and it never came out. One of these girls would have broken down and came forward, other girls who watched this happening would have said something, and what kind of girl goes to 10 parties with these animals knowing it was happening, until their turn came up. I was giving Mrs Ford the benefit of the doubt, but the 2nd story rang up a lie and this one even more so.

This kind of depraved behavior, does not stop on a dime and never happen for 30 plus years, it escalates, Teens, Men who do this kind of thing are truly sick people. At first I thought there was likely a middle ground between Ford and Kavanaugh's stories, I no longer believe that. I believe this is pure political garbage designed to not only keep him off the bench, but also ruin him.
Now, let's go back to the 20th century. A lot of drunk women had sex and regretted it. But back in the '60s, '70s, '80s and even '90s, it wasn't categorized as rape. The "Yes Means Yes" putting 100% of the burden on men for getting not only verbal (or written) consent, but to evaluate if a woman is "helpless or not," and not be "inebriated or under-the-influence" themselves, didn't come about until the 21st century.

More bullsh*t.

Any guy who lived through the 70s or 80s as a teenager knows damn well that the 'the word' among guys during those times (and earlier) was 'if you can get them drunk enough, you'll be able to pretty much have your way with them' without consequence. Fortunately, most guys, even back then, knew it was morally wrong. But there were always some cocky hotshots - usually the high school 'untouchables' -- who didn't care and used alcohol at parties as a way to 'have sex with some girls' (i.e. rape) without getting themselves into any trouble.

Tell me I'm wrong.
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More bullsh*t.

Any guy who lived through the 70s or 80s as a teenager knows damn well that the 'the word' in among guys during those times (and earlier) was 'if you can get them drunk enough, you'll be able to pretty much have your way with them' without consequence. Fortunately, most guys, even back then, knew it was morally wrong. But there were always some cocky hotshots - usually the high school 'untouchables' -- who didn't care and used alcohol at parties as a way to 'have sex with some girls' (i.e. rape) without getting themselves into any trouble.

Tell me I'm wrong.
1000% on track. And I remember vividly many many things I did at parties in the 80s. So many excuses from the reta_dplicans
1000% on track. And I remember vividly many many things I did at parties in the 80s.

UCFBS would have us all believe it was far less complicated back then. Ha! The only thing different between then and now is that today guys know there could be serious consequences for them if they choose to take advantage of a drunk girl. Back then, the thought they could get into trouble didn't really exist.
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1000% on track. And I remember vividly many many things I did at parties in the 80s. So many excuses from the reta_dplicans

Thats odd. You can remember things that happened in the 80s but the accuser for some reason can't. Just a vague memory of something that happened somewhere, sometime. Hmmmmmm.
I'm a 32 year old man. I'm not going to address why a young girl wouldn't come out and report a sexual assault or what stopped her from reporting her classmates. Because I don't know. But I have been told by plenty of women that reporting sexual abuse is harder than it appears especially in the past when you might have been blamed for being drunk or being at the party or wearing something provocative.

So if you want to come out and say that a teenage girl in the 1980s should have been more brave, feel free, but I'm not going there.
It was allegedly at more than 10 parties and there was a “line” of boys waiting to gang rape these girls. She supposedly saw this several times and said nothing? All of those witnesses and all of those victims said nothing?

My question was asking what YOU would have done if you had seen a gang rape at a f*cking high school party? How many people do you know who would have brushed it off and not only not said anything, but continued to party with the same group of people? Continued partying with them as they continued drugging and gang raping other girls?
My question was asking what YOU would have done if you had seen a gang rape at a f*cking high school party?

When word spread around school of those deals (and yes, word gets spread around those deals), it was never described as gang rape and you know it. Those guys just had 'the good fortune' of being around when an 'easy' drunk chick 'wanted it,' baby!!!

Yeah, it's a real mystery why girls who found themselves in that kind of horrible situation never told their parents or contacted the cops. I'm sure its because - deep down - they really wanted to be raped by a bunch of teenage boys, right guys?
It was allegedly at more than 10 parties and there was a “line” of boys waiting to gang rape these girls. She supposedly saw this several times and said nothing? All of those witnesses and all of those victims said nothing?

My question was asking what YOU would have done if you had seen a gang rape at a f*cking high school party? How many people do you know who would have brushed it off and not only not said anything, but continued to party with the same group of people? Continued partying with them as they continued drugging and gang raping other girls?

At this point its like they arent even trying to come up with a legitimate story.

15-20 years ago the democrats were really good at political gamesmanship. Now they just seem to think they can throw any kind of crap against the wall and know that, however unbeleivable it is, their base will believe and run with. Which many of them do, I guess.

Just like Trump paying a hooker to piss on him in Moscow. Seriously? Thats the best you can come up with?

The left has overplayed the sexual assault/rapist/metoo angle. They think pop-culture is far more influential to far more people than it really is.
The absurdity of these claims and the liberals peddling this bullshit here summarized in one tweet:

At this point its like they arent even trying to come up with a legitimate story.

Yeah, where the hell do those libs get this crazy rape stuff??!?!? Okay, we may have heard of 'easy' drunk chicks having sex at high school and college parties, but no rape was involved. If they had sex, it was because they 'wanted' it, not because any boy would ever think of taking advantage of a girl's drunken condition.

All teenage boys are frickin' Boy Scouts like Kavanaugh and his drinking buddy for crying out loud. This "me too" movement is such a sham, right guys?

Just like Trump paying a hooker to piss on him in Moscow. Seriously? Thats the best you can come up with?

Good point, Crazy! It's one thing to say that our President has had sex with hookers, but it's quite another to say he's into Golden Showers with them.

My God, do those evil libs have ANY SENSE of decency!?!?!?!?
Again, the supposedly relevant polygraph report doesn’t even match what she told Feinstein just 8 days later! Key details critical to this allegation and they are an utter mess and contradicting each other.

Coming tonight: Senate Democrats unveil that they found a woman who claims BK is in fact a Nazi who committed war crimes in 1945
Key details critical to this allegation and they are an utter mess and contradicting each other.

Well then, sounds like you can rest easy tomorrow.

Funny thing about contradicting stories, I heard Kavanaugh initially said he did drink but was not a heavy drinker back in his high school and college days. But once that little nugget came out, even old friends had to come forward and say, "weeeeeell, that's not exactly the Brett Kavanaugh I remember at the time."

Guess we'll soon see.
Well then, sounds like you can rest easy tomorrow.

Funny thing about contradicting stories, I heard Kavanaugh initially said he did drink but was not a heavy drinker back in his high school and college days. But once that little nugget came out, even old friends had to come forward and say, "weeeeeell, that's not exactly the Brett Kavanaugh I remember at the time."

Guess we'll soon see.

Oh wow- what a valid comparison! Having a beer vs having several beers - compared to big come aparts in an assault allegation.

Totally apples to apples!
Oh wow- what a valid comparison! Having a beer vs having several beers - compared to big come aparts in an assault allegation.

Dead drunk at numerous parties versus "Gee, I was a light drinker"?

LOL Spin it, baby, spin it!!!
Dead drunk at numerous parties versus "Gee, I was a light drinker"?

LOL Spin it, baby, spin it!!!

Care to address my posts above with questions that blow holes in this nonsense, or do you intend to just skip by and respond to your own posts as always?
Jesus Christ. You quoted the post without the Tweets I referenced.

Check again. I was responding directly to a post of yours that had no tweets attached.

Before bashing me, you might want to pay more attention to your own posts.
Check again. I was responding directly to a post of yours that had no tweets attached.

Before bashing me, you might want to pay more attention to your own posts.


Says the guy who responds to a post by something totally irrelevant and makes his own narrative
Yeah, where the hell do those libs get this crazy rape stuff??!?!? Okay, we may have heard of 'easy' drunk chicks having sex at high school and college parties, but no rape was involved. If they had sex, it was because they 'wanted' it, not because any boy would ever think of taking advantage of a girl's drunken condition.

All teenage boys are frickin' Boy Scouts like Kavanaugh and his drinking buddy for crying out loud. This "me too" movement is such a sham, right guys?

Good point, Crazy! It's one thing to say that our President has had sex with hookers, but it's quite another to say he's into Golden Showers with them.

My God, do those evil libs have ANY SENSE of decency!?!?!?!?

It would have been much more effective and believable to say that Trump hires prostitutes. Taking it to the nth degree just for the sake of sensationalism is where it becomes a joke.

With Kavanaugh, the same can be said. We have gone from crossing the line at a drunken party to claiming he is a gang rapist. Yeah, might want to sit this one out guys.
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Dead drunk at numerous parties versus "Gee, I was a light drinker"?

LOL Spin it, baby, spin it!!!

All in perspective. On Monday night, I passed out at the bar.

Actually, I hadnt been drinking and on my first sip of a cocktail I laughed, which made me choke, and I passed out because I aspirated my drink.

But I passed out at a bar one time.
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It would have been much more effective and believable to say that Trump hires prostitutes. Taking it to the nth degree just for the sake of sensationalism is where it becomes a joke.

With Kavanaugh, the same can be said. We have gone from crossing the line at a drunken party to claiming he is a gang rapist. Yeah, might want to sit this one out guys.
But that's the best part. Before this 3rd accusation, a lot of things would never be 'found out,' whether truthful or not.

Now? This 3rd accuser takes it to a whole new level. This is unavoidable. If it's true, women will be coming out of the woodwork. If not, many won't, and you already have a lot of women that went to school in the same areas that knew Kavanaugh saying the high school and college accusations were total BS.

It's going to come to a head, and if it isn't true ... it's going to backfire on the Democrats, badly. And if it is true, then there will be no doubt. This systematic rape drug and gang rape accusation can't fly without collaboration, and far more than the counter support that Kavanaugh has already received.

Women will have to come out about it, or the current 'misrepresentation' the US media had been pushing will unravel. We're not taking 1 incident without actual female bottoms taken off and penetration. We're talking serial drugging and rape, among countless men with countless women.

Right now Kavanaugh has all 4 backers from the people the 1st accuser identified. Her supporters are her husband 2012, and all others 2016+ after Trump was already running.

And the 2nd accuser allegedly has only 1 person who claims she told at the time, but not a witness, and not Kavanaugh by name. We're still getting those details.

With this 3rd accuser, we're either going to see #metoo literally prove there really is this 'grand conspiracy' against women. Or the literal 'jump the shark' moment where women recognize other women are so willing to say anything to stop one person they are convinced is a threat against Roe v. Wade.

Before I thought, if I was Kavanaugh, I'd just resign and GTFO of DC. But now? Oh, I want this to be come to a head. The first 2 accusers were claiming nothing that couldn't be always considered 'hidden' and otherwise 'difficult to find ever know the truth.

This 3rd? There's gotta be a list of actually violated and raped women who remember at least the 'day after.' That's what we're talking about here... the truth will come out on this.

I've got my popcorn. The 3rd accuser is really going to make or break this thing. The Democrats are going to get what they want, the postponement. But if nothing can be found based on this 3rd accuser, from anyone that ties to at least men Kavanaugh was often with, in actual dates and places.

The whole #metoo movement is going to feel the holy hell of a backlash on 'believe by default.'
I've got my popcorn. The 3rd accuser is really going to make or break this thing.

Are you sure? Maybe it will be this new 4th accuser?

Who knows? By the time of tomorrow's hearing Choirboy Kavanaugh may be us to accuser # 6 or 7.
Okay, now we're getting somewhere.

This is 1998, and more recent. According to a 2nd hand account, anonymous, he allegedly shoved a young lady up against a wall. If he has this pattern of regular behavior, and withing 20 years, that should be easy to prove.

Either he really is like this or we've got anonymous letters flying in out of fashion because the US media has convinced enough women that he'll overturn Roe v. Wade.

As I said, the Democrats are going to get their wish. And in the end, #metoo will either thrive or come under the greatest scrutiny ever.
Are you sure? Maybe it will be this new 4th accuser?
Who knows? By the time of tomorrow's hearing Choirboy Kavanaugh may be us to accuser # 6 or 7.
Possibly. The 4th was an anonymous letter from a 2nd hand person (mom), which is 3rd hand (mom of daughter) from the person assaulted (friend of daughter of mom).

The 3rd woman will make or break this thing.

Unless Kavanaugh really is a drunk that couldn't keep his hands off of women while even working with Ken Starr. And if that's the case, everyone in DC would know.
Either he really is like this or we've got anonymous letters flying in out of fashion because the US media has convinced enough women that he'll overturn Roe v. Wade.

Conservatives love their conspiracy theories. :)
Actually, a fourth accuser didnt come forward. A person says she knows a person who knows a person that was assaulted. This is so far beyond ridiculous Im starting to pine for the days of Clinton.
There's not way Kavanaugh could be like this during the Clinton-Starr stuff, and people in DC wouldn't know about it.

So, as always, we'll see.

This is literally either the exposure of a drunk who couldn't keep his hands off of women some 15+ years after high school / college, or worse yet...

The exposure of women, #metoo and the US media who have convinced women that Kavanaugh is going to be overturn Roe v. Wade and anything to stop that must happen.
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