Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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They missed the window for questions. Sorry. Next time be on time.

Oh yeah, baby, we've got to rush this smelly mess through NOW before it gets any stinkier!!! God forbid, that in this day and age an allegation of sexual misconduct be treated with any real seriousness by the Senate Judiciary Committee.
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Oh yeah, baby, we've got to rush this smelly mess through NOW before it gets any stinkier!!! God forbid, that in this day and age an allegation of sexual misconduct be treated with any real seriousness by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Question: did Diane Feinstein take this seriously? Did anyone who saw this letter take it seriously? Was she taking this seriously when she took steps to not launch a special Senate investigation since it’d alert Republicans that she has this, all so she can spring it later under the guise of a smear campaign?

It’s like you’re utterly incapable of understanding that this is a garbage cluster F entirely because Feinstein and Democrats wanted it this way . Because they didn’t take anything in this letter seriously, but recognized that it could be weaponized at a time of their choosing.
Question: did Diane Feinstein take this seriously? Did anyone who saw this letter take it seriously? Was she taking this seriously when she took steps to not launch a special Senate investigation since it’d alert Republicans that she has this, all so she can spring it later under the guise of a smear campaign?

Sadly, it’s like you’re utterly incapable of taking the matter of sexual assault seriously.

You'd rather call it "a garbage cluster F" and refocus attention on Senator Feinstein rather than give this serious allegation the attention it deserves when its regarding a nominee for the highest court in the land.
Sadly, it’s like you’re utterly incapable of taking the matter of sexual assault seriously.

You'd rather call it "a garbage cluster F" and refocus attention on Senator Feinstein rather than give this serious allegation the attention it deserves when its regarding a nominee for the highest court in the land.

It’s clear that you know I’m right on this but you have to deflect any assert something ridiculous like “I don’t take sexual assault seriously”. You know your beloved Democrats weaponzied this into a smear campaign but you can’t brjng yourself to admit it.

Probably why of the 4 questions I asked, you answered none.
you have to deflect any assert something ridiculous like “I don’t take sexual assault seriously”

Perish the thought!!!! Goodness gracious, everybody here knows how seriously you take sexual assault allegations. Sorry I posted something SO ridiculous.

My bad. :)
Perish the thought!!!! Goodness gracious, everybody here knows how seriously you take sexual assault allegations. Sorry I posted something SO ridiculous.

My bad. :)

Lol you’re the king of taking a post and responding to the one single thing you can while avoiding the things that embarrass you. Pretty soon you’ll be quoting one word at a time to insert some snarky comment that no one but you finds hilarious
Yep- Feinstein and democrats sure are serious about this whole thing.

Yep- Feinstein and democrats sure are serious about this whole thing.

Did you read Annette D's follow-up twitter comment to Grassley?

She said "It must be really annoying to repeatedly ask for documents so that you can undertake a thorough investigation and be repeatedly denied." :)
Did you read Annette D's follow-up twitter comment to Grassley?

She said "It must be really annoying to repeatedly ask for documents so that you can undertake a thorough investigation and be repeatedly denied." :)

Is this some asinine comment that disregards the fact that the Senate has received more documents on Kavanaugh than the last 5 SC nominees combined?

Are you incapable of responding to entire posts and not just snippets that you think you can respond to?
Is this some asinine comment that disregards the fact that the Senate has received more documents on Kavanaugh than the last 5 SC nominees combined?

Just curious, how many of those documents are from his years in the Bush Administration?
New polls show that women prefer democrats by a 20 point margin over republicans. That was taken before republicans victim shamed and swept an attempted rape charge against a powerful man under the rug. This is why you all aren't having any sex.
New polls show that women prefer democrats by a 20 point margin over republicans. That was taken before republicans victim shamed and swept an attempted rape charge against a powerful man under the rug. This is why you all aren't having any sex.

How many of those women believe that Bill Clinton raped a woman?

I wonder how many of them are demanding DNC leadership remove Keith Ellison? Who is accused of rape by a woman with actual mountains of evidence?
New polls show that women prefer democrats by a 20 point margin over republicans. That was taken before republicans victim shamed and swept an attempted rape charge against a powerful man under the rug. This is why you all aren't having any sex.

Pollzzzz r bad!!! Fake pollzzzz!!!!!
How many of those women believe that Bill Clinton raped a woman?

I wonder how many of them are demanding DNC leadership remove Keith Ellison? Who is accused of rape by a woman with actual mountains of evidence?
I don't have access to that data but republicans are losing this demographic rapidly.
The results are the results. If both sides are equally rapey then one side sure is doing a better job the messaging.

Not at all equal. Democrats were the last party to seat a President who raped a woman and had his wife sham and deman the accuser on TV. Followed by the entire party behind them.
Not at all equal. Democrats were the last party to seat a President who raped a woman and had his wife sham and deman the accuser on TV. Followed by the entire party behind them.
Well since democrats are the party of rape maybe republicans should make a hard move to gain female voters. Oh, that's right, you're against everything they want.
Even some of the few sane, rationale Democrats left agree, like this guy - if Ford will not show after this charade, then the vote will go on as planned.

“She has put herself out there,” Bredesen said of Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of assaulting her while they were both in high school. “If she decided at this point to not do something, I guess the committee has to go ahead and say, ‘Well, we were willing to listen, but if she’s not willing to talk, we need to go forward.’”
She has a right to be heard, If she wants investigation go to local police where it happened. She names 2 people in letter, Kavanaugh, and TJ... something. Kavanaugh says it didn't happen, and TJ says he remembers no such party and never saw Kavanaugh act as she described. Se does not remember when, nor where the party happened, nor anyone else who was there, exactly what is anyone supposed to investigate?

Kavanaugh is considered innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. With no facts and no proof, and no real good leads where one can even look, it should be put to bed.
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Who gives a sh*t about the timing??!!?!? What's with the rush to a vote for crying out loud???

A creditable accusation about a nominee to the Supreme Court has surfaced. At the very least, the Senate should take enough time to see if there is anything to the accusation. God forbid, we see a "Cosby rerun" with a 81-year old Kavanaugh facing new allegations because no one ever took the first ones seriously. Given their pathetic treatment of Justice Garland, you'd think the Republicans would be able to delay a vote for a few weeks to investigate this matter more fully.

Who gives a shit about the timing???? It's PART of the accusation you call "credible".

A serious accusation of sexual assault was knowingly HELD ... was knowingly avoided during the questioning of the nominee ...

Sexual assault!! You guys are the ones parroting the "lifetime appointment" line to explain how important this is. Yet your ranking Senate member sat on an accusation and didn't even question the candidate about it???? Why is that? Why would somebody have HOURS and HOURS to talk with and question a candidate for a position .... have information that would definitely be a concern .... and then just not talk about it???? Not ask one question about it????

Dude ... put 2 and 2 together. Stop being led astray by people that are purposely manipulating your truth.
She has a right to be heard, If she wants investigation go to local police where it happened. She names 2 people in letter, Kavanaugh, and TJ... something. Kavanaugh says it didn't happen, and TJ says he remembers no such party and never saw Kavanaugh act as she described. Se does not remember when, nor where the party happened, nor anyone else who was there, exactly what is anyone supposed to investigate?

Kavanaugh is considered innocent until proven guilty, not guilty until proven innocent. With no facts and no proof, and no real good leads where one can even look, it should be put to bed.

There are now 2 guys that were supposedly mentioned in her claim ... and both have now come out and said the party never existed. If i were those 2 guys, I wouldn't sit in front of that senate panel for 10 million dollars. By the time they leave that seat, and by the time Cory Booker and Kamala Harris are done with their questions, half the country will think they are pedophiles.
Who gives a shit about the timing???? It's PART of the accusation you call "credible".

A serious accusation of sexual assault was knowingly HELD ... was knowingly avoided during the questioning of the nominee ...

Sexual assault!! You guys are the ones parroting the "lifetime appointment" line to explain how important this is. Yet your ranking Senate member sat on an accusation and didn't even question the candidate about it???? Why is that? Why would somebody have HOURS and HOURS to talk with and question a candidate for a position .... have information that would definitely be a concern .... and then just not talk about it???? Not ask one question about it????

Dude ... put 2 and 2 together. Stop being led astray by people that are purposely manipulating your truth.

Shuckster will respond to a 3 paragraph response by picking out 1 sentence and re-framing the entire debate in a way that makes him think he's right.

He knows "his side" is being obscene and repulsive with this stunt but he's entrenched.
Shuckster will respond to a 3 paragraph response by picking out 1 sentence and re-framing the entire debate in a way that makes him think he's right.

He knows "his side" is being obscene and repulsive with this stunt but he's entrenched.

And thus, most of the problems with this board and politics in general. You become entrenched in a narrative .... and you can't give it up even though you know it is stupid ... because you can't let the other side win.

We are all guilty of it.
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@BG_Knightmare Honestly, no kidding here- this guy needs a ban. He's repeatedly thrown around "retard" as an insult and he is not worthy of being allowed to keep posting here.

There is no place for a person who used "Retardplicans" to remain on this board under our new civil rules.

Are you as angry in real life as you appear online?
Who gives a shit about the timing???? It's PART of the accusation you call "credible".

A serious accusation of sexual assault was knowingly HELD ... was knowingly avoided during the questioning of the nominee ...

So what? That's a red herring. Feinstein's action takes nothing away from the credibility of the accusation. Ford shared her story but was reluctant to give her name and face all the knee-jerk scorn and ridicule from the Right that -- surprise, surprise -- she's gotten now.

The lady isn't some tabloid headline chaser, she's a respected college professor who needs this circus like she needs a hole in the head. The LEAST the Senate can do is to take the time to have her claim investigated.

Why would she make up a story and put another boy -- Kavanaugh's buddy no less -- in the room when the assault occurred? I find it interesting that she's asked for this man to be questioned under oath. But I suppose he would be okay as long as he sticks to his "I can't recall the incident" story, right?
So what? That's a red herring. Feinstein's action takes nothing away from the credibility of the accusation. Ford shared her story but was reluctant to give her name and face all the knee-jerk scorn and ridicule from the Right that -- surprise, surprise -- she's gotten now.

The lady isn't some tabloid headline chaser, she's a respected college professor who needs this circus like she needs a hole in the head. The LEAST the Senate can do is to take the time to have her claim investigated.

Why would she make up a story and put another boy -- Kavanaugh's buddy no less -- in the room when the assault occurred? I find it interesting that she's asked for this man to be questioned under oath. But I suppose he would be okay as long as he sticks to his "I can't recall the incident" story, right?

Wrong. She didn't want to come out on this? Please. Shortly after shopping this story to her local Democratic Rep and the WaPo, someone then paid for her to arrange a private polygraph test in early August. Who does that, if they have absolutely no intention of coming forward and making this public?

As for "Scorn and ridicule", please kindly GTFO with that nonsense. The GOP Senate Judiciary Committee has bent over backwards to accommodate her to speak in any way or fashion that she wishes. Democrats demanded "LET HER BE HEARD!" and yet when everyone possibly obliges, they say "HOW DARE YOU ASK HER TO SPEAK?"

What a disgusting charade this is.
So what? That's a red herring. Feinstein's action takes nothing away from the credibility of the accusation. Ford shared her story but was reluctant to give her name and face all the knee-jerk scorn and ridicule from the Right that -- surprise, surprise -- she's gotten now.

The lady isn't some tabloid headline chaser, she's a respected college professor who needs this circus like she needs a hole in the head. The LEAST the Senate can do is to take the time to have her claim investigated.

Why would she make up a story and put another boy -- Kavanaugh's buddy no less -- in the room when the assault occurred? I find it interesting that she's asked for this man to be questioned under oath. But I suppose he would be okay as long as he sticks to his "I can't recall the incident" story, right?

hahaha.... you are dug in pretty deep. I realize you can't give up your position now ... so should probably just stop arguing with you.

I hope you realize that the two "boys" she said were there have both publicly came out and said they have no idea what she is talking about. Yep ... solid accusation by a known Anti-Trumper .... about when they were 17 .... and a party that nobody even remembers happening. But, hey, let's not seat a guy that has high marks from both sides of the aisle.

The biggest problem here is not about Kavanaugh. It is the bigger picture. It's about the precedent that gets set for the future in how to deal with nominees you don't like. Democrats like to think they are "tricky" when they pull these stunts .... but ... you know this always comes full circle.
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Just curious, how many of those documents are from his years in the Bush Administration?
Part of his job in that administration was to form a legal argument for whichever side of a legal issue they told him to argue. It entailed looking at issues from angles that weren’t his or even anyone in that administration. This was during the post-9/11 fervor.

IMO, releasing these would be prejudicial to the confirmation process as you’d have Senators misrepresenting controversial opinions as his own personal views to stir up public emotion (as Kamala Harris did by intentionally editing a statement on public record from the hearings to misrepresent his opinion). Those people calling for them so vehemently are either looking to delay or looking to scour the records for gotchas.

I agree with Grassley that there is more than enough real rulings and opinions in the mountain of evidence presented to understand how Kavanaugh approaches the job of being a federal judge.
I hope you realize that the two "boys" she said were there have both publicly came out and said they have no idea what she is talking about.

Yeah, clearly this Ford woman has done a piss poor job of supporting the Democrat opposition to Kavanaugh. It's really dumb for this woman -- a college professor no less -- to have concocted a story about an attempted rape that puts Kavanaugh's friend in the room at the time. How dumb is that?

You'd have thought a woman who was clever enough to document her accusation six years ago back in 2012 to make her story appear more credible would also have been smart enough to make her story a simple "she said, he said."

So now that Kavanaugh's old high school buddy has said he has no idea what Ford is talking about pretty much ends her 'charade,' right guys?.
Yeah, clearly this Ford woman has done a piss poor job of supporting the Democrat opposition to Kavanaugh. It's really dumb for this woman -- a college professor no less -- to have concocted a story about an attempted rape that puts Kavanaugh's friend in the room at the time. How dumb is that?

You'd have thought a woman who was clever enough to document her accusation six years ago back in 2012 to make her story appear more credible would also have been smart enough to make her story a simple "she said, he said."

So now that Kavanaugh's old high school buddy has said he has no idea what Ford is talking about pretty much ends her 'charade,' right guys?.

lol it's cute how you keep referencing her as a college professor as some sort of proof that she is infallible and incapable of lying or distorting the truth. I must have missed when being a college professor earned you equal footing as the Dali Lama.

There are crackpot left wing professors on campuses all throughout this country. Especially those that reside deep in the capitol of #Resistance territory like she does.

Using Shuckster's logic:

Circuit Court Judge whose undergone 9 FBI background checks: No Credibility
Republicans don't hold a hearing for over a year on an empty SCJ seat for no reason at all. - Normal operating procedure.

Democrats would like an accused crime investigated before voting on a SCJ seat - Vile and disgusting!
Democrats hold a letter with this type of accusation since July, knowingly allowing the confirmation process to proceed, only to use it as a smear and delay tool at the 11th hour. - Normal operating procedure

Republicans offer the woman a chance to speak however she wants and hear her out - OUTRAGE!!!!

Feinstein and Democrats will not be rewarded for their disgusting behavior by getting what they want- to smear a good man and destroy his SC vote.

If she's lying why is she demanding an investigation?

She could be setting herself up to commit a crime by lying to the FBI. That carries a 10 year max prison term. She's got a family. She's a professor.

Why put yourself at risk by begging the FBI to investigate and opening yourself up to needing to lie to the FBI?
Is your red hat strapped so tight that you think someone would risk a 10 year prison term to bad mouth a judge that will be confirmed anyway?
Once this debacle is over and Kavanaugh is seated, there needs to be a Special Counsel investigation to look at how Feinstein and the Democrats withheld information in the confirmation process and attempted to destroy our Constitutional process for conducting hearings and voting on SC nominees.

Democrats must be censured and possibly impeached over this.
I also look forward to the FEC's investigation into the organizers and contributors to the Susan Collins blackmail/bribe fund, which is a clear violation of campaign finance laws.

Liberals have conducted themselves in a severely disgraceful manner.
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