Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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A woman who went to school with these people came out claiming she "heard" of the incident on Facebook and of course Fake News NBC ran with it as fact.

She was asked about it and has now admitted that she made the whole thing up. To "feel empowered".


This entire accusation and story is revealing itself to be as fake as FC's small business.

A former classmate of Christine Blasey Ford tells NPR that she does not know if an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh took place as she first suggested on social media.

“That it happened or not, I have no idea,” Cristina King Miranda told NPR’s Nina Totenberg. “I can’t say that it did or didn’t.”

That’s different from what Miranda wrote Wednesday in a now-deleted Facebook post that stated definitively, “The incident DID happen, many of us heard about it in school.”

“In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen],” Miranda told NPR. “I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter.”
A day later, I'm still amazed at the quick Democratic messaging pivot from "Hear what she has to say" to "How dare you ask to hear what she has to say" and the way the media has run with it with no self-awareness.
Republicans don't hold a hearing for over a year on an empty SCJ seat for no reason at all. - Normal operating procedure.

Democrats would like an accused crime investigated before voting on a SCJ seat - Vile and disgusting!

In history, how many supreme court justices were confirmed in the last year of a president's term?
A day later, I'm still amazed at the quick Democratic messaging pivot from "Hear what she has to say" to "How dare you ask to hear what she has to say" and the way the media has run with it with no self-awareness.

Read my post above. That's why. Every single person named has called this accusation "nuts" and now we have people like this woman being caught lying about claiming people "heard about it".

They know they're complicit in an unmitigated disaster of a smear campaign and they need a way out.

A woman who went to school with these people came out claiming she "heard" of the incident on Facebook and of course Fake News NBC ran with it as fact.

She was asked about it and has now admitted that she made the whole thing up. To "feel empowered".


This entire accusation and story is revealing itself to be as fake as FC's small business.

A former classmate of Christine Blasey Ford tells NPR that she does not know if an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh took place as she first suggested on social media.

“That it happened or not, I have no idea,” Cristina King Miranda told NPR’s Nina Totenberg. “I can’t say that it did or didn’t.”

That’s different from what Miranda wrote Wednesday in a now-deleted Facebook post that stated definitively, “The incident DID happen, many of us heard about it in school.”

“In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen],” Miranda told NPR. “I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter.”
How dare people ask you specific questions when you bring forth an allegation that will ruin a person's life? Oh, the horror.
Just waiting patiently for your nuclear meltdown and Ultra Shook status in about a week
I'm a non-drugusing educated white straight male business owner in the financial sector in a red state that goes to church and maintains a monogamous relationship with my wife. I'm untouchable by anything this supreme court does.

Will I feel bad for the millions who will be harmed by this appointment. Yeah I will. Will I be shook, na not over this.
It's really dumb for this woman -- a college professor no less -- to have concocted a story about an attempted rape that puts Kavanaugh's friend in the room at the time. .

Sort of like the cop hating California College Professors that are running around with black masks on with the ANTIFA crowd? I don't really have to support this argument .... because we all have the googles.

"a college professor no less" means absolutely nothing. And you know it.
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A woman who went to school with these people came out claiming she "heard" of the incident on Facebook and of course Fake News NBC ran with it as fact.

She was asked about it and has now admitted that she made the whole thing up. To "feel empowered".


This entire accusation and story is revealing itself to be as fake as FC's small business.

A former classmate of Christine Blasey Ford tells NPR that she does not know if an alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh took place as she first suggested on social media.

“That it happened or not, I have no idea,” Cristina King Miranda told NPR’s Nina Totenberg. “I can’t say that it did or didn’t.”

That’s different from what Miranda wrote Wednesday in a now-deleted Facebook post that stated definitively, “The incident DID happen, many of us heard about it in school.”

“In my [Facebook] post, I was empowered and I was sure it probably did [happen],” Miranda told NPR. “I had no idea that I would now have to go to the specifics and defend it before 50 cable channels and have my face spread all over MSNBC news and Twitter.”

@fried-chicken At what point will you salvage what little dignity you have left and just admit that your team ran a really horrid smear campaign and that it didn't work? How long will you go along with this cooked up charade?
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Read my post above. That's why. Every single person named has called this accusation "nuts" and now we have people like this woman being caught lying about claiming people "heard about it".

They know they're complicit in an unmitigated disaster of a smear campaign and they need a way out.
The thing is that, if everyone know something happened, then there should be plenty of people coming out talking about it. And, no, coming forth despite the fear of media scrutiny does not add veracity to any of their claims. Also, on the death threats, I'd like to hear that they've referred them to the FBI. Maybe even make those public. Like Dana Loesch has with the continual death threats she receives from the left.

I will support this woman as soon as she, or her lawyers, present some damn proof of what they claim. I don't want conservative principles to be undermined by people who are dirtbags and I would be first in line calling for their punishment. As would most conservatives. But we believe in evidence and proof and it would be damn nice to have some of it here.
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I'm a non-drugusing educated white straight male business owner in the financial sector in a red state that goes to church and maintains a monogamous relationship with my wife. I'm untouchable by anything this supreme court does.

Will I feel bad for the millions who will be harmed by this appointment. Yeah I will. Will I be shook, na not over this.
Who will be hurt by this appointment?
@fried-chicken At what point will you salvage what little dignity you have left and just admit that your team ran a really horrid smear campaign and that it didn't work? How long will you go along with this cooked up charade?
When you explain step by step how she pit this complicated smear campaign together like I've been asking you to do for a week.
Democrats on Monday: "WE MUST HEAR FROM THIS WOMAN!!"

Can one damn red hat please explain step by step how the liberals pulled this smear campaign off. Start your timeline in 2012.
New Grassley letter, burning Feinstein and her complicit accomplices

“An open session would be a matter of public record, while a closed session will remain confidential. I certainly can understand that Dr. Ford might be distrustful of the Committee’s ability to keep matters confidential based on the Democratic members’ recent conduct, but I sincerely hope that, if she chooses to testify in a closed session, that my colleagues can see their way to plugging the leaks which have plagued this nomination and gain her trust.”
The thing is that, if everyone know something happened, then there should be plenty of people coming out talking about it. And, no, coming forth despite the fear of media scrutiny does not add veracity to any of their claims. Also, on the death threats, I'd like to hear that they've referred them to the FBI. Maybe even make those public. Like Dana Loesch has with the continual death threats she receives from the left.

I will support this woman as soon as she, or her lawyers, present some damn proof of what they claim. I don't want conservative principles to be undermined by people who are dirtbags and I would be first in line calling for their punishment. As would most conservatives. But we believe in evidence and proof and it would be damn nice to have some of it here.

Great post!
No one is going to lay out how the dems pulled this off?

You know why? Because your conspiracy sounds really really dumb when you try to explain how it actually happened.

It's an open invitation to anyone who cares to lay out the facts of how Professor Ford set this all up.
No one is going to lay out how the dems pulled this off?

You know why? Because your conspiracy sounds really really dumb when you try to explain how it actually happened.

It's an open invitation to anyone who cares to lay out the facts of how Professor Ford set this all up.

Are you dumb? She sent in a letter thinking the D's could use and abuse, cause enough dirt to stick to Kavanaugh while shielding her from accountability of the claim, and either delay the vote or destroy Kav enough to defeat his vote.

The allegation doesn't remotely stand up, and the D's weaponized it in the most disgusting way possible - and are failing.

As I said, the sooner you realize you have been cheerleading one of the dirtiest smear campaigns in US history and admit your wrongdoing, the better you'll be.
In history, how many supreme court justices were confirmed in the last year of a president's term?
there is a long standing precedent of holding off on confirming during a presidential election year. there is no precedent for holding off during non presidential election year. this could be a very bad precedent to set.
Are you dumb? She sent in a letter thinking the D's could use and abuse, cause enough dirt to stick to Kavanaugh while shielding her from accountability of the claim, and either delay the vote or destroy Kav enough to defeat his vote.

The allegation doesn't remotely stand up, and the D's weaponized it in the most disgusting way possible - and are failing.

As I said, the sooner you realize you have been cheerleading one of the dirtiest smear campaigns in US history and admit your wrongdoing, the better you'll be.
I said start in 2012. Describe motives.
I said start in 2012. Describe motives.

You have absolutely no idea what was actually said in 2012. What we do know is that the "facts" as presented then aren't even consistent with her letter this year.

But I don't blame you in latching onto this one, single, unverifiable piece of non-evidence since there's absolutely nothing else out there for you to hitch your "Destroy Kavanaugh" obsession to.
there is a long standing precedent of holding off on confirming during a presidential election year. there is no precedent for holding off during non presidential election year. this could be a very bad precedent to set.
Considering that national campaigns are extending to years-long, at some point you’ll never be able to confirm anyone.
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You have absolutely no idea what was actually said in 2012. What we do know is that the "facts" as presented then aren't even consistent with her letter this year.

But I don't blame you in latching onto this one, single, unverifiable piece of non-evidence since there's absolutely nothing else out there for you to hitch your "Destroy Kavanaugh" obsession to.
Oh I see. So the 2012 thing isn't real.
You have absolutely no idea what was actually said in 2012. What we do know is that the "facts" as presented then aren't even consistent with her letter this year.

But I don't blame you in latching onto this one, single, unverifiable piece of non-evidence since there's absolutely nothing else out there for you to hitch your "Destroy Kavanaugh" obsession to.

"The therapist’s notes, portions of which were provided by Ford and reviewed by The Washington Post, do not mention Kavanaugh’s name but say she reported that she was attacked by students “from an elitist boys’ school” who went on to become “highly respected and high-ranking members of society in Washington.”

So now that that is out of the way (4 days ago) is your new stance that the Washington Post is in on this?
@UCFKnight85 we both know there is no way to prove or disprove this. But, it's pretty clear that it would take almost clairvoyant levels of foresight to start planning this back in 2012.

Where we differ is that I look at this and say well it's pretty likely she's telling the truth here. Why else would these notes exist? What does she stand to gain? Why would she risk prison time to make this up? Why would she put herself through the attacks to make this up?

You know that its likely true but you can't bear to see your team take an L so you dig in your heals and get dishonest.

This is why no one takes you seriously. You can't admit what's obvious and in front of your face. You're just lying and everyone knows your shtick by now.

Plus You're acting in the way I would expect
a child to act.
Believe me you're not fooling anyone.
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A little research shows that there is no statute of limitations for attempted sexual assault in the State of Maryland. So both Kavanaugh and Judge are under threat of criminal prosecution and can plead the 5th in any hearing without repercussion. Probably should, to be honest, to keep from falling into a perjury trap. Such as, them saying that party did not happen and then something comes up that shows them at that party.

But Kavanaugh said that he is going to testify openly and honestly. Will the people who give Ford the benefit of the doubt because she came forward despite the fear of reprisal also give Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt for testifying openly while under threat of prosecution in MD?
A little research shows that there is no statute of limitations for attempted sexual assault in the State of Maryland. So both Kavanaugh and Judge are under threat of criminal prosecution and can plead the 5th in any hearing without repercussion. Probably should, to be honest, to keep from falling into a perjury trap. Such as, them saying that party did not happen and then something comes up that shows them at that party.

But Kavanaugh said that he is going to testify openly and honestly. Will the people who give Ford the benefit of the doubt because she came forward despite the fear of reprisal also give Kavanaugh the benefit of the doubt for testifying openly while under threat of prosecution in MD?

He has no risk of prosecution if he tells the truth. Saying you weren't at a party and then being found to be at a party isn't a perjury trap. It's just perjury.
Sorry. I never meant to infer that there wasn't dignity and honor in McDonald's fry cook jobs. :)

If you follow Project Veritas (I'm guessing you don't) you will find educated people all over the State / Justice Departments that are doing anything and everything (including illegal) to stop Trump. Don't rush to comment on that statement until you watch it. They are actually on video admitting it.

So you are going to tell me a California liberal professor who is a known Anti-Trumper wouldn't possibly fabricate something that happened 40 years ago in order to stop a conservative supreme court justice? BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY
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So you are going to tell me a California liberal professor who is a known Anti-Trumper wouldn't possibly fabricate something that happened 40 years ago in order to stop a conservative supreme court justice? BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY

So she's going to fabricate an assault with a buddy of Kavanaugh in the room witnessing everything that happened?!??!!?

The funny thing is, if I were Kavanaugh and knew I was innocent, I'd take a lie detector test and demand the FBI thoroughly investigate her claims in order to clear my good name. Isn't that what any innocent man would do?
He has no risk of prosecution if he tells the truth. Saying you weren't at a party and then being found to be at a party isn't a perjury trap. It's just perjury.
People who are telling the truth get convicted for simple errors in memory all the time. Investigators have clear and often complete information and you are relying on your memory against their evidence. You are at a distinct disadvantage in this situation.

For example, a police officer contacts you and says, hey FC, describe your day on August 15th, 2018. You answer, well, I guess I got up at about my usual time, ate breakfast, went to work, ate lunch, worked, went home, and then just stayed in for the night. That's about what you'd be expected to remember on a normal day a month or so ago where nothing unusual happened. The investigator, knowing that you stopped for gas at a gas station that was robbed at about the time you were there (you, of course, didn't do it), asks if that's all you did. You say yes because that's all you can remember because our memories are far from perfect.

Now you're in court because the clerk doesn't have a clear recollection of who robbed the gas station and you are the only one on camera at that time and the cop decided that you did it. The prosecutor asks the cop if he felt like you were lying when you said that you all you did was go home from work that day. The cop, knowing that you were there, says yeah because he knew you were there and you avoided mentioning it.

You just fell into a perjury trap (I'm sure there are better examples). You had a simple memory error that anyone would have but it doesn't matter. To the officer and the court, you intentionally lied even though you told the truth as you remembered it. You are likely going to be convicted because of this as well.
If you follow Project Veritas (I'm guessing you don't) you will find educated people all over the State / Justice Departments that are doing anything and everything (including illegal) to stop Trump. Don't rush to comment on that statement until you watch it. They are actually on video admitting it.

So you are going to tell me a California liberal professor who is a known Anti-Trumper wouldn't possibly fabricate something that happened 40 years ago in order to stop a conservative supreme court justice? BY ALL MEANS NECESSARY
Project Veritas is documented all the time as being deceptive. If you look at their reporting as unbiased you're a kook.
People who are telling the truth get convicted for simple errors in memory all the time. Investigators have clear and often complete information and you are relying on your memory against their evidence. You are at a distinct disadvantage in this situation.

For example, a police officer contacts you and says, hey FC, describe your day on August 15th, 2018. You answer, well, I guess I got up at about my usual time, ate breakfast, went to work, ate lunch, worked, went home, and then just stayed in for the night. That's about what you'd be expected to remember on a normal day a month or so ago where nothing unusual happened. The investigator, knowing that you stopped for gas at a gas station that was robbed at about the time you were there (you, of course, didn't do it), asks if that's all you did. You say yes because that's all you can remember because our memories are far from perfect.

Now you're in court because the clerk doesn't have a clear recollection of who robbed the gas station and you are the only one on camera at that time and the cop decided that you did it. The prosecutor asks the cop if he felt like you were lying when you said that you all you did was go home from work that day. The cop, knowing that you were there, says yeah because he knew you were there and you avoided mentioning it.

You just fell into a perjury trap (I'm sure there are better examples). You had a simple memory error that anyone would have but it doesn't matter. To the officer and the court, you intentionally lied even though you told the truth as you remembered it. You are likely going to be convicted because of this as well.
We aren't that harsh on people normally. Kavanaugh lied under oath very recently and the media isn't beating him over the head with it.
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