Kavanaugh Vote Now in Jeopardy

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Right, he needed to answer honestly, especially since he was under oath. He didn’t do so. At best, the person who’s trying to be someone responsible for deciding the supreme law of the land has no problem with breaking the law himself...even while in court and under oath.

How do you honestly answer a question about whether you have forgotten something?
How do you honestly answer a question about whether you have forgotten something?

This is where lefties have gone to now. Trying to assert that Kavanaugh is some criminal because he answered in generalities when being asked about high school slang from 37 years ago. This is a truly deep pit of pathetic they've dived into.
He hasn’t forgotten that a Devil’s Triangle is a MMF threesome.

And how do you know this, aside from making asinine assumptions and presuming that you're in his head?

This is where we're at- lefties trying to assert that they know what BK does and does not explicitly remember related to high school sex slang from 37-39 years ago.
This is where lefties have gone to now. Trying to assert that Kavanaugh is some criminal because he answered in generalities when being asked about high school slang from 37 years ago. This is a truly deep pit of pathetic they've dived into.

I have had 2 continuing questions that have yet to be answered by anyone on the left. Why didn't senate dems ask any questions about the supposed sexual assault, and should a SCOTUS appointment hearing be held to a higher standard than a crinimal trial.

What is boofing? What is a devil's triangle? Neither of these questions are relevant to the accusation because the accuser never referenced them. If boofing is a sexual term, did Kavanaugh ever admit to "boofing" Ford? If the devils triangle is a 3-some, did Kavanaugh ever reference having one or attempting to have one with Ford? Did he get into Yale because of connections? How is that relevant to the accusation?

These are all things that would be objected upon by a lawyer and sustained by a judge, which is why I ask whether or not a SCOTUS hearing should be held to that standard. If not, his responses to ANY question not involving the alleged incident are irrelevant. If so, the questions should be stricken from the record for several reasons.
And how do you know this, aside from making asinine assumptions and presuming that you're in his head?

This is where we're at- lefties trying to assert that they know what BK does and does not explicitly remember related to high school sex slang from 37-39 years ago.

It’s an asinine assumption to believe that someone who says “devil’s triangle” is referring to a threesome? What’s next? It’s an asinine assumption to believe that when a guy says he got a blowjob...he’s referring to a sex act and not someone blowing bubbles on him?
Kavanaugh crashing and burning because hes a sexual predator and watching the red hats on this board try to mental gymnastics him to innocence has been glorious. I only wish @NinjaKnight were here to see it. We have now reached the point where they're just like, "prove it." They aren't even trying to say what likely happened anymore just that it can't be proven.
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Kavanaugh crashing and burning because hes a sexual predator and watching the red hats on this board try to mental gymnastics him to innocence has been glorious. I only wish @NinjaKnight were here to see it. We have now reached the point where they're just like, "prove it." They aren't even trying to say what likely happened anymore just that it can't be proven.

What happened to Ninja?
Kavanaugh crashing and burning because hes a sexual predator and watching the red hats on this board try to mental gymnastics him to innocence has been glorious. I only wish @NinjaKnight were here to see it. We have now reached the point where they're just like, "prove it." They aren't even trying to say what likely happened anymore just that it can't be proven.

In other words, you're pissy because the burden of proof is on the accuser and that's not the rules you wanted to use here.

Too bad. Cry all you want, but the rules aren't getting perverted and twisted around just so you liberals can wage partisan war against BK.
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In other words, you're pissy because the burden of proof is on the accuser and that's not the rules you wanted to use here.

Too bad. Cry all you want, but the rules aren't getting perverted and twisted around just so you liberals can wage partisan war against BK.

Uh, the guy wrote the things in question. You’re just trying to pretend that he didn’t know what the words meant. Some guy could apparently confess to a crime and write, “I killed a woman!”...and you would apparently would try to argue that we can’t prove he knew what the word kill meant.
Uh, the guy wrote the things in question. You’re just trying to pretend that he didn’t know what the words meant. Some guy could apparently confess to a crime and write, “I killed a woman!”...and you would apparently would try to argue that we can’t prove he knew what the word kill meant.
You've never used slang incorrectly?
You've never used slang incorrectly?
Yes, and by yes I mean no...or maybe. Words apparently have no meaning anymore so even if we type something...we can just go ahead say the words meant something completely different and unrelated. It’s asinine to think we can’t just make stuff up after the fact.
Incredible. We've moved from BK being a sexual predator, to him not being able to hit on the SC (despite an incredible career and record), because butthurt liberals don't like something that was written in a yearbook 37 years ago.

Hitting a new low every day it seems.

I don’t even have much of an issue with what he said in his yearbook. I just dont think he should be lying about it while trying to make the case that he’s an honest person. Seems like a pretty rational position.
Yes, and by yes I mean no...or maybe. Words apparently have no meaning anymore so even if we type something...we can just go ahead say the words meant something completely different and unrelated. It’s asinine to think we can’t just make stuff up after the fact.
You don't write in your own yearbook. Other's wrote in his yearbook phrases that he may or may not have known the definition of. Do I believe this? No. However, I don't give a flying rat's ass. It was high school.
I'm remained quiet on this issue, but if anything comes out of this it is that Brett Kavanaugh has to be the greatest walking example of white privilege on this entire planet. It is only fitting that our biggest example of white privilege is his biggest defender on this board.
Sounds like Fab agrees that since he wrote the things himself...he knew what they meant.
Sounds like Fab agrees that since he wrote the things himself...he knew what they meant.
I think it's stupid to think he didn't know what they meant. He knew dang well what they meant and I think it's bullshit that he misrepresented it. However, as I stated in earlier posts, I don't think it matters since it's all politics at this point.
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I think it's stupid to think he didn't know what they meant. He knew dang well what they meant and I think it's bullshit that he misrepresented it. However, as I stated in earlier posts, I don't think it matters since it's all politics at this point.
So it doesn't bother you that a potential Supreme Court Justice is lying under oath for all the world to see why making the case that he is an honest person and has utmost respect for the law? Just go with the next guy who doesn't have all of this baggage and who isn't constantly lying under oath. There are plenty of qualified candidates to choose from. Doesn't have to be this guy.
So it doesn't bother you that a potential Supreme Court Justice is lying under oath for all the world to see why making the case that he is an honest person and has utmost respect for the law?

Of course, I don't like it but as I stated in earlier posts, this whole thing has turned into a circus and I absolutely want him confirmed. That high school crap should have never been brought up in the first place.
Debatable. The yearbook editors could shed light on that?

Regarding "boof". If he had said "fart", is there any chance that would have gotten through the editors?
Boof=butt fvck. That would definitely not have made it past the editors. Boof is not flatulence as Kavanaugh so eloquently put it.
Lefties here have absolutely no problem with Feinstein holding this accusation back, weaponizing it, deploying it at a time to assure that everyone's time had been wasted, but they are besides themselves because BK said that he doesn't know what boofing means when everyone is sure that he does.

Maybe we should have the FBI investigate why a member of the Senate Judiciary committee held things in secrecy, did not properly share with other members of the committee, and why it was used as a partisan political football rather than taken seriously as an allegation.
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Boof=butt fvck. That would definitely not have made it past the editors. Boof is not flatulence as Kavanaugh so eloquently put it.

Thats even more questionable then. No way does an editor allow a reference to anal sex get printed.
Can we go to BK's Middle School? Let's go back 42 years and see if we can find some slang word that he may misspeak about so we can demand the FBI investigate. There's nothing more dangerous in this world than the childish writings and inputs into a yearbook between the ages of 12-16.

Thank God we have the Democrats in the Senate to lead this most noble cause.
Thats even more questionable then. No way does an editor allow a reference to anal sex get printed.

FWIW, boof is short for boofoo. I'm wondering how our esteemed and righteous senators knew what this horrible slang term was.
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