McCarthy says NO to a Bipartisan Commission on 1/6


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
The House has put together a bill to create a 10-member bipartisan commission to study the Capitol riot last January 6th and issue a report of its findings by the end of the year. The commission would have five members appointed by Democrats and five by Republicans. Subpoenas would be approved by a majority vote or by the top Democrat and Republican appointees. Sounds like the fairest way to investigate what happened on January 6th, right?

But wait!
After working on the bill with the blessing of Kevin McCarthy, Republican John Katko was abruptly thrown under the bus by the House minority whip. Apparently, McCarthy had a sudden change-of-heart. Hmmmm, does anybody here have any idea why? :) :) :)

God forbid, we have a bipartisan committee to look into all of this, right? 🙄

So let me peer into my magic crystal ball and predict what's going to happen:
  1. Congressional GOP will nix this bipartisan plan.
  2. Then the House Democrats will 'go it alone' and form a commission anyway through a House subcommittee.
  3. Then this House Subcommittee will issue a report that will be D.O.A and will roundly be declared a 'partisan hit-job' by Congressional Republicans.
Let's see how close I was come next January.

What needs to be studied? Some people did something. It's all on video.
Good grief! 🙄

I guess you could have said the same thing back in the day about the 9/11 Commission too.
Sure. All they do is spend a bunch of time and money that could instead be used to prosecute and imprison the perps. I prefer less talk and more action.
Well for one, I would like to know if there was any coordination with political leaders, and I have a feeling that might be why some of them are so against looking into that.
Sounds like a job for the FBI and police to me.
Congress has investigative powers as well. You and I both know there are reasons a lot of Republicans dont want an investigation.
Yeah, but subpoenas take years because congress is essentially feckless when it comes to "getting to the bottom of this". Best case scenario, in 2029 they will release a report saying exactly what we all know already. Trump riled up tensions after the election and a bunch of "patriots" let their emotions get the best of them, which led to mob mentality.
Yeah, but subpoenas take years because congress is essentially feckless when it comes to "getting to the bottom of this". Best case scenario, in 2029 they will release a report saying exactly what we all know already. Trump riled up tensions after the election and a bunch of "patriots" let their emotions get the best of them, which led to mob mentality.

Subpoenas do not take years. They could start a commission tomorrow and start issuing subpoenas pretty quickly, especially to someone like McCarthy. We know he talked to Trump during the riot, we know he changed his tune after meeting with Trump, etc, and I think we deserve to know why.
Subpoenas do not take years. They could start a commission tomorrow and start issuing subpoenas pretty quickly, especially to someone like McCarthy. We know he talked to Trump during the riot, we know he changed his tune after meeting with Trump, etc, and I think we deserve to know why.
Oh bless your heart. Congress sends out a subpoena and they get a partial or redacted response. Then they request it again. Then they take it to court, and the court cites some bullshit thing so they start over. Congress is feckless, period.
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The House has put together a bill to create a 10-member bipartisan commission to study the Capitol riot last January 6th and issue a report of its findings by the end of the year. The commission would have five members appointed by Democrats and five by Republicans. Subpoenas would be approved by a majority vote or by the top Democrat and Republican appointees. Sounds like the fairest way to investigate what happened on January 6th, right?

But wait!
After working on the bill with the blessing of Kevin McCarthy, Republican John Katko was abruptly thrown under the bus by the House minority whip. Apparently, McCarthy had a sudden change-of-heart. Hmmmm, does anybody here have any idea why? :) :) :)

God forbid, we have a bipartisan committee to look into all of this, right? 🙄

So let me peer into my magic crystal ball and predict what's going to happen:
  1. Congressional GOP will nix this bipartisan plan.
  2. Then the House Democrats will 'go it alone' and form a commission anyway through a House subcommittee.
  3. Then this House Subcommittee will issue a report that will be D.O.A and will roundly be declared a 'partisan hit-job' by Congressional Republicans.
Let's see how close I was come next January.

The House has put together a bill to create a 10-member bipartisan commission to study the Capitol riot last January 6th and issue a report of its findings by the end of the year. The commission would have five members appointed by Democrats and five by Republicans. Subpoenas would be approved by a majority vote or by the top Democrat and Republican appointees. Sounds like the fairest way to investigate what happened on January 6th, right?

But wait!
After working on the bill with the blessing of Kevin McCarthy, Republican John Katko was abruptly thrown under the bus by the House minority whip. Apparently, McCarthy had a sudden change-of-heart. Hmmmm, does anybody here have any idea why? :) :) :)

God forbid, we have a bipartisan committee to look into all of this, right? 🙄

So let me peer into my magic crystal ball and predict what's going to happen:
  1. Congressional GOP will nix this bipartisan plan.
  2. Then the House Democrats will 'go it alone' and form a commission anyway through a House subcommittee.
  3. Then this House Subcommittee will issue a report that will be D.O.A and will roundly be declared a 'partisan hit-job' by Congressional Republicans.
Let's see how close I was come next January.

Stating the obvious. GOP is scared the investigation will uncover evidence that hurts them in 2022. So you are right, they will not help seek the truth of what happened and then claim it’s a democrat witch hunt. Standard GOP playbook.
Should include all the riots into the investigation and nail all Washington politicians who condoned and incited violence. Kill to birds with one stone.
Should include all the riots into the investigation and nail all Washington politicians who condoned and incited violence. Kill to birds with one stone.
Sure although I think your request is just another diversion tactic to avoid the reality that you and others know an investigation into the Jan 6th insurrection will reveal complicit participation from GOP leaders. I get that you and others want to redirect the conversation with “What aboutism...” but any rational person understand an attack on the US capital requires an investigation. It’s going to happen, however the GOP is simply positioning to say the results are partisan. You know it, everyone knows it.
I find it fascinating that ordinary citizens are scared to look into it and support team politics despite obvious benefits. It just promotes the nonsense that is happening in politics.
Further, The GOP was given every request to form this commission, everything they asked for was included.
I find it fascinating that ordinary citizens are scared to look into it and support team politics despite obvious benefits. It just promotes the nonsense that is happening in politics.
What happened January 6th makes it clear that if America ever falls, it will collapse from within.
Further, The GOP was given every request to form this commission, everything they asked for was included.
That's what's so crazy about it. The Congressional Democrats went out of their way to give Republicans equal control (including blessing or vetoing subpoenas.) But Republicans would rather hide from the facts than learn from them.
So you don't want to have a committee review the democrats that push rioting and bailouts of criminals during riots? We had many democratic "insurrections".
Again, it seems to be a push point for you. It's a matter of opinion. I believe you are trying to express "What about isms... and play games like "see what these other groups do...." makeing the incorrect point that "Storming the Capital is not really a big deal..." I disagree... Storming the capital and holding elected officials basically hostage is a totally different matter. We can all agree riots that get out of control and violate laws are not acceptable.. Again I think you just want to distract from the fact that a President of the United States incited a riot that stormed the capital. Which shows you really don't care because it was your team. I'm absolutely certain that if the capital riots and insurrection were left leaning you would be screaming bloody hell for an investigation. Can you say Benghazi? I say all this because you are an absolute Hypocrite of the worst kind. Insincere in everyway to the point your opinion is so diluted, it's just mindless dribble not worth a second thought. It only represents the uninformed tribal, brainless following of team politics that will eventually lead to this countries destruction.... Until the masses of voters start caring about what is right for the country vs their chosen party we'll continue down this path.... However, I guess people like you do enjoy the arguing.
Until the masses of voters start caring about what is right for the country vs their chosen party we'll continue down this path.... However, I guess people like you do enjoy the arguing.
Americans have always argued about the direction of this country. What makes today's political climate different is that adherence to the Republican party has become more important than the future of our country. Its gotten to the point where we have cottage industries that have been built up to cover-up, offer fake news alternatives, and outright lie in order to keep their supporters in line.
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I am all for Legal actions, against any and all involved. That includes Trump, but if there is no legal action to take, then drop it. The commission is a waste of money we don't have. It is simply a political gotcha commission.
I am all for Legal actions, against any and all involved. That includes Trump, but if there is no legal action to take, then drop it. The commission is a waste of money we don't have. It is simply a political gotcha commission.
You believe that there were no illegal actions associated with the insurrection? You believe there was no failures leading up to 100s of rioters storming the capital and we should not understand how those failures occurred? Interesting. Please take you GOP shaded glasses off. What are you scared of learning. Although I agree we probably already know much of what will be found but people who support Trump will not accept it unless a formal bipartisan committee investigates
I am all for Legal actions, against any and all involved. That includes Trump, but if there is no legal action to take, then drop it.
I know this is going to fall on your deaf head but how do you know whether or not legal action should be taken unless...wait for investigate?

I mean I am confused as hell over this. Now-dead Rush Limbaugh and many other Republican politicians told us all it was Antifa and BLM posing as hillbillies running around the Capitol. Then we have retards like knighttime who tell us that this was nothing more than a glorified photo tour.

At a bare minimum, it would have been pretty interesting to see what these folks would have done if they got into a face-to-face encounter with Pence, Pelosi, or any of the other people they were after...
I know this is going to fall on your deaf head but how do you know whether or not legal action should be taken unless...wait for investigate?

I mean I am confused as hell over this. Now-dead Rush Limbaugh and many other Republican politicians told us all it was Antifa and BLM posing as hillbillies running around the Capitol. Then we have retards like knighttime who tell us that this was nothing more than a glorified photo tour.

At a bare minimum, it would have been pretty interesting to see what these folks would have done if they got into a face-to-face encounter with Pence, Pelosi, or any of the other people they were after...
Well we have the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA all investigating it at the moment. Somehow I doubt that congress is going to find anything that those agencies won't. Seems like they could just ask for all of their material to be turned over and accomplish the same thing.
Well we have the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA all investigating it at the moment. Somehow I doubt that congress is going to find anything that those agencies won't. Seems like they could just ask for all of their material to be turned over and accomplish the same thing.
That’s basically what they’re going to do. Then they can issue subpoenas and “force” people to testify.

The thing is that Congress’s investigative powers are supposed to be used generally to inform future legislation or the removal/adjustment of current legislation. They aren’t really meant for political show trials geared to keep pushing out negative sound bites against one party in advance of an election.

Do you honestly see Congress making any changes to legislation or funding after this?
Well we have the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA all investigating it at the moment. Somehow I doubt that congress is going to find anything that those agencies won't. Seems like they could just ask for all of their material to be turned over and accomplish the same thing.
Put that shit on live tv for the world to see in front of congress. Trump told me we can’t trust the fbi and cia as it were. Buh-leeeeve me.
Well we have the FBI, DOJ, CIA, and NSA all investigating it at the moment. Somehow I doubt that congress is going to find anything that those agencies won't. Seems like they could just ask for all of their material to be turned over and accomplish the same thing.
We’ve been conditioned to believe those departments are corrupt. We need public hearings.
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You believe that there were no illegal actions associated with the insurrection? You believe there was no failures leading up to 100s of rioters storming the capital and we should not understand how those failures occurred? Interesting. Please take you GOP shaded glasses off. What are you scared of learning. Although I agree we probably already know much of what will be found but people who support Trump will not accept it unless a formal bipartisan committee investigates
I did not say there is no legal actions. We all know what happened at the capitol, we don't need congress to spend millions of dollars to tell us. There is nothing to be gained, and tons of money to be wasted.
I did not say there is no legal actions. We all know what happened at the capitol, we don't need congress to spend millions of dollars to tell us. There is nothing to be gained, and tons of money to be wasted.
Would you be saying this if a Democrat were in office during the insurrections? Be honest...
Again, it seems to be a push point for you. It's a matter of opinion. I believe you are trying to express "What about isms... and play games like "see what these other groups do...." makeing the incorrect point that "Storming the Capital is not really a big deal..." I disagree... Storming the capital and holding elected officials basically hostage is a totally different matter. We can all agree riots that get out of control and violate laws are not acceptable.. Again I think you just want to distract from the fact that a President of the United States incited a riot that stormed the capital. Which shows you really don't care because it was your team. I'm absolutely certain that if the capital riots and insurrection were left leaning you would be screaming bloody hell for an investigation. Can you say Benghazi? I say all this because you are an absolute Hypocrite of the worst kind. Insincere in everyway to the point your opinion is so diluted, it's just mindless dribble not worth a second thought. It only represents the uninformed tribal, brainless following of team politics that will eventually lead to this countries destruction.... Until the masses of voters start caring about what is right for the country vs their chosen party we'll continue down this path.... However, I guess people like you do enjoy the arguing.
You can't try to use logic, data, or common sense with these MAGOT Redhats.