Just curious, what's NOT fact?
- The Crowned Prince of Saudi Arabia didn't order a hit on the Washington Post's Jamal Khashoggi?
- Trump didn't side with Vladimir Putin over US intelligence?
- Trump hasn't pissed off NATO allies?
- Trump isn't trying to sweet talk and 'bromance' NK dictator Kim?
- Trump hasn't lied daily since taking office?
Do you REALLY think Obama would have done anything about Khashoggi? (please answer honestly)
When you say "Trump sided with Putin" you are just rehashing MSNBC headlines ... please leave that crap at home. The whole "Trump sided with Putin" nonsense is just all politics.
Can you please discuss the level of "pissed off" NATO allies are against Trump vs. Obama. I'll wait for your research on that.
Can you please tell me the effect on the average American from Trump "sweet talking" Kim? I'll wait for that research as well.
Please point to a politician that doesn't lie. I'll wait for that as well. Meanwhile, you can keep your doctor or your insurance plan if you like. Read my lips, no new taxes.
Last point ..... Can you please describe Obama's "toughness" on Russia vs. Trump's "toughness" on Russia and compare the two. I'll wait.
dude ... you have TDS. Big time. You sound like a baby. Don't cry when it hurts. Nut up.