Absolutely booming now
As I stated, Obama's economy has continued to thrive despite Trump. The right never gave Obama the credit he deserves for bringing our economy out of the depths of George Bush's Great Recession, and now Trump wants to take credit for it. He doesn't get to. The economy has continued despite Trump but now the economy is actually showing signs of slowing due to Trump's idiotic trade policies.
Meet the Trump Economy, Same as the Obama Economy
After a small, brief bump, GDP growth is back to trend.
Trump Sabotages Own Economy
If the U.S. economy ever enjoyed a “Trump bump,” then it has been replaced by a “Trump slump.”
New GDP numbers released Friday showed the economy grew 2.5% last year– decent, but not the 3% President Donald Trump promised to deliver with his buffet of tax cuts and deregulation. And the economy slowed to a 2.1% annualized rate in the latest quarter – again, not horrible, but off the pace of the past decade and slowed by Trump’s ready-fire-aim approach to global trade. Presidents don’t really have that much influence on economic growth, notes Justin Fox; but the “economic turnaround of historic proportions” Trump promised is hard to discern from 30,000 feet:
Facts, schmacts