
Had to repeat my broken record ...

You obviously havenā€™t taken your medication for another one of your manic episodes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
^^^^^^^^ Mass Murderer
Seriously Mikes ... stop making 3-4 posts for every post of not just mine, but 3-4 other people, and anyone that agrees with them. You're just abusive at this point, and we know why you do it. Because you don't want anyone else to interact with us, because if they do, you'll pull the same sh-- on them.

Now I have you on ignore. But other people do not. So when you post 9-10 posts, after I've made 2-3, other people then think I must have made 9-10 posts, and then there's 10+ more posts about me. I think this is a level of board abuse that really undermines community.

But I'm not into censorship. And your problems speak for themselves. Every now and then you post something funny. But copy'n pasting and posting over and over, in the hope other people blame me, or others, for posting ... is really just makes you the biggest @$$hole possible on this board, followed by Ninja and a few others.

There is a line between randomly funny and purposeful hatred ... and you've long crossed it.
Seriously Mikes ... stop making 3-4 posts for every post of not just mine, but 3-4 other people, and anyone that agrees with them. You're just abusive at this point, and we know why you do it. Because you don't want anyone else to interact with us, because if they do, you'll pull the same sh-- on them.

Now I have you on ignore. But other people do not. So when you post 9-10 posts, after I've made 2-3, other people then think I must have made 9-10 posts, and then there's 10+ more posts about me. I think this is a level of board abuse that really undermines community.

But I'm not into censorship. And your problems speak for themselves. Every now and then you post something funny. But copy'n pasting and posting over and over, in the hope other people blame me, or others, for posting ... is really just makes you the biggest @$$hole possible on this board, followed by Ninja and a few others.

There is a line between randomly funny and purposeful hatred ... and you've long crossed it.
Every one of your posts is nearly 5000 words. Nobody in the history of the internet posts manifestos. Only you. You were voted the most wanted to evict

Read that 10 times narcissist
Seriously Mikes ... stop making 3-4 posts for every post of not just mine, but 3-4 other people, and anyone that agrees with them. You're just abusive at this point, and we know why you do it. Because you don't want anyone else to interact with us, because if they do, you'll pull the same sh-- on them.

Now I have you on ignore. But other people do not. So when you post 9-10 posts, after I've made 2-3, other people then think I must have made 9-10 posts, and then there's 10+ more posts about me. I think this is a level of board abuse that really undermines community.

But I'm not into censorship. And your problems speak for themselves. Every now and then you post something funny. But copy'n pasting and posting over and over, in the hope other people blame me, or others, for posting ... is really just makes you the biggest @$$hole possible on this board, followed by Ninja and a few others.

There is a line between randomly funny and purposeful hatred ... and you've long crossed it.
Wanted for murdering hundreds or thousands with false propaganda

And proceeds to put on a mask that the CDC says doesn't work.

How are we not supposed to "own the libs" when you're giving us low hanging fruit?
And even some conservatives here that are pro-Statism, anti-Freedom when there is no proof supporting their Mandates.
Stupidity transcends politics.

And the assumption that majority/mob profileration is always right ... that's the whole reason we don't censor experts and encourage fruitful discord.

But not any more.

And the assumption that majority/mob profileration is always right ... that's the whole reason we don't censor experts and encourage fruitful discord.

But not any more.
Nope. Comfortable lies are much more marketable than uncomfortable truths. Add in an enforcement arm like what we see with certain people (including some on this board) and you're just inviting an authoritarian dictator to take control.
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Is that why Pfizer is trying to release a vaccine that actually works against omicron? It shouldn't be necessary if the vaccines and boosters we have now actually do work.
And even some conservatives here that are pro-Statism, anti-Freedom when there is no proof supporting their Mandates.
Nope. Comfortable lies are much more marketable than uncomfortable truths. Add in an enforcement arm like what we see with certain people (including some on this board) and you're just inviting an authoritarian dictator to take control.
Stupidity transcends politics.

And the assumption that majority/mob profileration is always right ... that's the whole reason we don't censor experts and encourage fruitful discord.

But not any more.

Yup...they are testing a vaccine that is supposed to work against omicron. They know the current vaccine + booster does little against omicron. I'm a little iffy on pushing monoclonal shots too since that is suuuuper expensive and supposedly does very little or nothing against omicron.

If this version of covid is just an upper respiratory virus that you kick in a few days why are we even having this discussion?

It's not rocket science. Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies against the original or alpha strain. The vaccines produce antibodies against the original or alpha strains. If one doesn't work, it stands to reason that the other doesn't as well.
It's not rocket science. Monoclonal antibodies are antibodies against the original or alpha strain. The vaccines produce antibodies against the original or alpha strains. If one doesn't work, it stands to reason that the other doesn't as well.
Yup...they are testing a vaccine that is supposed to work against omicron. They know the current vaccine + booster does little against omicron. I'm a little iffy on pushing monoclonal shots too since that is suuuuper expensive and supposedly does very little or nothing against omicron.

If this version of covid is just an upper respiratory virus that you kick in a few days why are we even having this discussion?

Yup...they are testing a vaccine that is supposed to work against omicron. They know the current vaccine + booster does little against omicron. I'm a little iffy on pushing monoclonal shots too since that is suuuuper expensive and supposedly does very little or nothing against omicron.

If this version of covid is just an upper respiratory virus that you kick in a few days why are we even having this discussion?

Technical degree
Means that the degree you got from a school is not accredited except at the school itself. There is a standard degree in which at the least takes 4 years and there is a technical degree which can take as little as 4 weeks. Usually the schools that offer technical degrees are for-profit private schools which tend to butcher the course. Such as taking out the standard liberal art requirements, Taking out the requirements for advanced classes, etc.

For the most part they are not accepted by other schools except the school you got it from. They tend to not be valued by employers. Due to the fact that if a diploma says Masters(type of degree) on it it technically doesn't mean anything.
Yup...they are testing a vaccine that is supposed to work against omicron. They know the current vaccine + booster does little against omicron. I'm a little iffy on pushing monoclonal shots too since that is suuuuper expensive and supposedly does very little or nothing against omicron.

If this version of covid is just an upper respiratory virus that you kick in a few days why are we even having this discussion?

Handyman duties and responsibilities​

A Handyman is generally responsible for electrical, mechanical and plumbing related repairs. Depending on the company, they may engage with landscape maintenance employees to ensure the exterior areas are kept in good condition. Here are some common duties performed by a Handyman:

  • Perform electrical repairs in community areas, including lights and laundry.
  • Ensure mechanical equipment is in working order and fixed as necessary.
  • Complete general building cleaning and maintenance.
  • Install and replace floors, stairs and piping as needed.
  • Repair and paint doors, windows, walls, ceilings, roofs and other parts of the building.
  • Maintain trash and recycling receptacles around the facility.
  • Maintain and repair air conditioning and heating systems as required.
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Is that why Pfizer is trying to release a vaccine that actually works against omicron? It shouldn't be necessary if the vaccines and boosters we have now actually do work.
It's always been vax + treat, not vax v. treat. This just proves how out-of-touch the administration is, and more interested in demonizing other politicians than working with them.
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This has gone from trolling, to annoying, to just kind of sad.

Seriously dude, if you need someone to talk to just reach out. Everybody needs an ear to bend from time to time.
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Crazyholeā€”-This has gone from trolling, to annoying, to just kind of sad.
Seriously dude, if you need someone to talk to just reach out. Everybody needs an ear to bend from time to time.
This is sad!

Crazyhole said:
Lol, I've got him on ignore. I see that it looks like he posted like 20 times and nobody responded to him, LMAO. #nofriends
Hahahahaha! You have no friends. You canā€™t keep anyone on ignore. This is your life. Of course you ā€œsee that I posted 20 times without a response.ā€

Thatā€™s Golden šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Crazyhole said:
Lol, I've got him on ignore. I see that it looks like he posted like 20 times and nobody responded to him, LMAO. #nofriends
Hahahahaha! You have no friends. You canā€™t keep anyone on ignore. This is your life. Of course you ā€œsee that I posted 20 times without a response.ā€

Thatā€™s Golden šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
Hahahahaha! You have no friends. You canā€™t keep anyone on ignore. This is your life. Of course you ā€œsee that I posted 20 times without a response.ā€

Thatā€™s Golden šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
The offer stands dude. I apologize for whatever jabs I've taken at you if it made things worse, but in all seriousness you do need someone to talk to. What you've been doing isn't healthy and I think you know that. Call me and just bitch me out or scream about how stupid I am, but you really need to stop taking it out on a message board with memes and photo bucket images. I'm being sincere here.
The offer stands dude. I apologize for whatever jabs I've taken at you if it made things worse, but in all seriousness you do need someone to talk to. What you've been doing isn't healthy and I think you know that. Call me and just bitch me out or scream about how stupid I am, but you really need to stop taking it out on a message board with memes and photo bucket images. I'm being sincere here.
Stop the anti-vaxxer BS thatā€™s killing people; my friends and patients and Iā€™ll disappear. Hurting our business with the propaganda fear mongering. Stop with the incessant back and forth with your buddies. Additionally, the super annoying and ridiculously repetitive bogus Twitter feeds.

You canā€™t control yourself and either can the 3 imbeciles, so as a tribute to the people who have died, Iā€™m not leaving and your obsession for the WC fantasyland is going to continue to be the cesspool that you have made it. Iā€™ll continue to discredit all of you for your extreme lack of knowledge of the subject matter and being uneducated, unemployed and downright mentally unstable. I know 2 of the forementioned and they are certifiably insane. They have annoyed posters such as @DaShuckster etc. as well. I loathe anti-vaxxers and have said this before

Iā€™m easily able to work a demanding job, workout, go to sporting events with my buddies, see my GF and travel, so donā€™t think that this is an obsession or taking away one bit from my lifestyle. I multitask EXTREMELY well. Iā€™m not one but mad outside of this BS, but IDGAF about you morons
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Stop the anti-vaxxer BS thatā€™s killing people; my friends and patients and Iā€™ll disappear. Hurting our business with the propaganda fear mongering. Stop with the incessant back and forth with your buddies. Additionally, the super annoying and ridiculously repetitive bogus Twitter feeds.

You canā€™t control yourself and either can the 3 imbeciles, so as a tribute to the people who have died, Iā€™m not leaving and your obsession for the WC fantasyland is going to continue to be the cesspool forever

Iā€™m easily able to work a demanding job, workout, go to sporting events with my buddies, see my GF and travel, so donā€™t think that this is an obsession or taking away one bit from my lifestyle. I multitask extremely well
We both know that covid isn't what this is all about. It ain't the vaccines or treatments either. Pointing out what you do and how great your life is clearly is a shield that doesn't really work anymore. I'm being totally honest about giving me a call. You know that I've been through serious shit and had nobody that I felt like I could turn to. I really don't want you to go down that same path.
We both know that covid isn't what this is all about. It ain't the vaccines or treatments either. Pointing out what you do and how great your life is clearly is a shield that doesn't really work anymore. I'm being totally honest about giving me a call. You know that I've been through serious shit and had nobody that I felt like I could turn to. I really don't want you to go down that same path.
Thereā€™s nothing more to say or debate. Iā€™ve said it all
Stop murdering my patients and friends!
What on earth? Nobody is murdering anybody. If you are really a doctor or nurse or whatever, you're smart enough to say what is really frustrating you, and it isn't BS or BK talking about vaccine efficacy or remdesivir. Seriously, what is on your mind that you're so worked up?
What on earth? Nobody is murdering anybody. If you are really a doctor or nurse or whatever, you're smart enough to say what is really frustrating you, and it isn't BS or BK talking about vaccine efficacy or remdesivir. Seriously, what is on your mind that you're so worked up?
Stop the anti-vaxx propaganda thatā€™s killing the uninformed. Stop murdering people
Vaccine enhanced disease looking more and more like a thing. 3 boosters. 4 boosters. Doesn't seem to matter.

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