
Vaccine enhanced disease looking more and more like a thing.

Vaccine enhanced disease looking more and more like a thing. 3 boosters. 4 boosters. Doesn't seem to matter.


Stands for "Information Stands for "Information Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay. Technology," and is pronounced "I.T." It refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking, hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies. Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other technical areas of their businesses. IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web development, technical support, and many other related occupations. Since we live in the "information age," information technology has become a part of our everyday lives. That means the term "IT," already highly overused, is here to stay.
No… unemployed handymen have sex with plungers. 🤪🤪🤪🤪
Why can't at least 50% of your insults be like this ... instead of 5% among the other 95% that are largely copy'n paste?! This one had me rolling!
Why can't at least 50% of your insults be like this ... instead of 5% among the other 95% that are largely copy'n paste?! This one had me rolling!
Dude. You think not funny stuff is funny. I’m not posting this for your amusement. I’m discrediting all of you anti-vaxxers as frauds. You’ve been exposed as a nothingburger
Vaccine enhanced disease looking more and more like a thing. 3 boosters. 4 boosters. Doesn't seem to matter.

This is why you are a complete imbecile. Who gives a crap if 1 billion people have Omicron if hardly anyone is dying from it. The most vaccinated country had 7 deaths yesterday Future mutations will be even weaker. You vaccinate for the Delta variant and the original virus. Shit for brains, murderer.

January 25 (GMT)​

January 22
January 21
January 20
January 19
January 16
January 15
This is why you are a complete imbecile. Who gives a crap if 1 billion people have Omicron if hardly anyone is dying from it. The most vaccinated country had 7 deaths yesterday Future mutations will be even weaker. You vaccinate for the Delta variant and the original virus. Shit for brains, murderer.

January 25 (GMT)​

January 22
January 21
January 20
January 19
January 16
January 15
The Wuhan, alpha, and Delta strains don't exist anymore. That's why they pulled the EUA on monoclonal antibodies.

I guess horsepaste actually is effective. Can't see why the NIH would publish this if it isn't true.
If this accurate in a 2 week time period no unvaccinated person died under 50. Tell me again why we are forcing vaccinations or promoting them on kids or a healthy 30 year old? We already know it does nothing to slow the spread.

Mike's link is bullshit data. There would have to have been 1 million boosted people that tested positive for the math to work.
Age breakdown of deaths with unvaccinated. I hope that helps. ✌

Technical degree
Means that the degree you got from a school is not accredited except at the school itself. There is a standard degree in which at the least takes 4 years and there is a technical degree which can take as little as 4 weeks. Usually the schools that offer technical degrees are for-profit private schools which tend to butcher the course. Such as taking out the standard liberal art requirements, Taking out the requirements for advanced classes, etc.

For the most part they are not accepted by other schools except the school you got it from. They tend to not be valued by employers. Due to the fact that if a diploma says Masters(type of degree) on it it technically doesn't mean anything.

I guess horsepaste actually is effective. Can't see why the NIH would publish this if it isn't true.
Bump for @Boston.Knight

I guess horsepaste actually is effective. Can't see why the NIH would publish this if it isn't true.
Cue the 'meta-analysis' counter-argument from @litehedded

I'm staying out of this one.
4.No repetitive negative posting. What makes a repetitive post? If you come to the forum and consistently say the exact same thing about the exact same topic day in and day out, that is being repetitive. Be sure to understand that no one is saying that you can not be critical. But this site will not be overrun by the same people coming on the site day after day saying the same negative things.
No flaming: If a poster come onto the board with the intent only to flame, and continues to post nothing but flames or engages in no substantive discussion, the poster's posts will be deleted and the poster will be banned at the mod’s discretion.
No, you have at this one. I'm not debating Ivermectin at this point.
it took a little digging because the full text wasn't even linked here for some reason (or maybe we all know the reason). It was published in the Indian journal of pharmacology, a very prestigious journal no doubt.

But of course, this meta-analysis and systematic review includes fraudulent data:


come on guys all you gotta do is actually read the things before you link to them...
in the largest RCT included in this meta analysis (the largest ever done so far in the world), NO BENEFIT WAS FOUND
it took a little digging because the full text wasn't even linked here for some reason (or maybe we all know the reason). It was published in the Indian journal of pharmacology, a very prestigious journal no doubt.

But of course, this meta-analysis and systematic review includes fraudulent data:


come on guys all you gotta do is actually read the things before you link to them...
in the largest RCT included in this meta analysis (the largest ever done so far in the world), NO BENEFIT WAS FOUND
So, don't link to pubmed?
So, don't link to pubmed?
you can link to pubmed, but as you can see if you attempt to read the meta-analysis, it's not there. you can only read the abstract. surely you noticed this when you tried to read the paper?