You deal in lies and bullshit more than anyone I've ever seen. Honestly.
$2M may be a "benchmark" but it's EXTREMELY RARE when it comes to Americans actually having that much put away in retirement. Here is from CNBC citing a study that actually looked at this:
According to the Economic Policy Institute (EPI), which looked at the state of American retirement in a 2016 report, the top 1 percent of families had $1.08 million or more saved in 2013.
The 90th percentile family had $274,000 saved, and the 80th percentile family had $116,000. Meanwhile, the median working-age family had only $5,000 saved in 2013.
So basically, this puts your beloved grandparents into the Top .5% of all Americans with $2M in retirement saved or invested.
And while I am actually very happy for them and am happy to hear they achieved so much in life and did the right things to save that much, you have already professed your hatred and scorn for the wealthy in this country, so I can only assume that you detest your grandparents, think they didn't really earn that $2M in retirement savings, and will immediately demand that they be punitively taxed to death to redistribute that money to others. Like any good socialist would do, whose life revolves around butthurt and envy of wealthy people.