Remember that time we left Afghanistan

the Media won't let him sink below their impressions of Trump.
However, I will say I never saw the media turning on him just 8 months in and it sure seems like that is happening.
Can't wait for the 25th amendment articles on WaPo or NYT.
I’m reading and the stories are definitely not favorable towards him
the Media won't let him sink below their impressions of Trump.
As if that were possible. :)
I will say I never saw the media turning on him just 8 months in and it sure seems like that is happening.
I’m reading and the stories are definitely not favorable towards him
Weird how our "the MSM is fake news" crowd suddenly find them worthy of their attention when a Democrat is in the WH.

By the way, I'm curious. Where are 'all those libs' here who are defending our evacuation from Afghanistan?
As if that were possible. :)

Weird how our "the MSM is fake news" crowd suddenly find them worthy of their attention when a Democrat is in the WH.

By the way, I'm curious. Where are 'all those libs' here who are defending our evacuation from Afghanistan?
Child Tax credit has helped millions of families and he may get a bipartisan infrastructure bill through. He will take a big polling hit short term but this isn’t the Presidency death nail that some here assume. In 2004 America possibly but not now
You had a country that’s been free for 20 years and now they are basically been conquered by Barbarians. They are going to show some resistance and try to leave resulting in deaths
They weren't free, they just had a more benevolent dictator. Those people don't understand personal liberty, just what they are allowed to do.
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They are finally showing a backbone. A few regions taken back from Taliban
My reaction as I jump between the Afghanistan and COVID threads.

the Media won't let him sink below their impressions of Trump. However, I will say I never saw the media turning on him just 8 months in and it sure seems like that is happening.
I never like to root 'against' any US President ... ever. Not even Biden.

But ... damn, he's right there with Obama in his first year, and Obama wasn't a career politician, and more naive. I gave Obama somewhat of a pass for 2009 -- at least until his spying on more than just Rosen/Fox News came out in 2013, my mistake.

But this ... it's suicide.

Can't wait for the 25th amendment articles on WaPo or NYT.
It's looking hypocritical to have published all those Trump articles, and literally not apply the same 'standard' to Biden, when Trump wasn't even close.

Trump would say stupid things, literally regurgitate his experts all wrong, trying to 'look smart,' because he's a 'Confidence Man' (BTW, I don't mean that in a criminal sense).

Biden is literally 1-up'ing that.
Not sure why the Libs can’t just take the L with Biden. They didn’t like Trump not being presidential, the Tweets, handling of the pandemic and the “insurrection.”

However, most have said straight out that Biden wasn’t going to be a good president, so why defend him? He hasn’t done ANYTHING good for the United States which goes with his track record. Honestly, BIDEN may go down as the worst president ever when all is said and done.
^^^ = Anyone but Trump I have to agree at this point.

It's not just what is 'happening,' but the Biden administration's 'spin statements.'
It's like watching Benghazi 'talking points' all over again, but on a national scale.
At least a dozen dead and 3 US soldiers injured.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has called for a media blackout.

Just unreal.
A 2nd bomb just went off. This time at a location where Americans were gathered.

Just yesterday the Biden administration was telling the media to praise them for such a successful evacuation.
they should get a worst parents award. How dumb do you have to be when it was announced US presence was leaving by 2 different Presidents and you plan a trip there during a Pandemic
Particularly considering there has been a do not travel restriction on Afghanistan for a long time. In April all non essential personnel were instructed to leave. Let’s just hope they followed the travel guidelines and drafted a will and discussed funeral plans with their loved ones before they went.

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Wonderful. The 10th century Taliban mocking us, taunting us and wearing our gear

Not sure why the Libs can’t just take the L with Biden. They didn’t like Trump not being presidential, the Tweets, handling of the pandemic and the “insurrection.”

However, most have said straight out that Biden wasn’t going to be a good president, so why defend him? He hasn’t done ANYTHING good for the United States which goes with his track record. Honestly, BIDEN may go down as the worst president ever when all is said and done.
Because you guys have this fake outrage. Biden is following Trump's plan to get out of Afghanistan. I don't give a f*** how we get out of Afghanistan, I just want the sh*t to be over so my tax dollars can be spent on my country period!
You had a country that’s been free for 20 years and now they are basically been conquered by Barbarians. They are going to show some resistance and try to leave resulting in deaths
Afghanistan was never free. The U.S was occupying the country for the past 20 years and dropping bombs every day. Out of the 60K civilian casualties, at least 20k came from our bombs.
Well good...they lost a lot of your tax dollars (like you pay federal taxes) because the dementia man didn't have a plan to get our weapons. Plus we have a terrorist organization running a country after bidens screw up. All around an absolute cluster f. We only had 2,500 troops
So explain to me what should have been done? What is YOUR solution? Keep troops there even longer? Lose more Americans lives and tax dollars? We freaking trained a 300,000 Afghan army soldiers, gave them weapons and spent $83 Billion getting them ready to defend their own country. I could give a rats ass how we leave the country as long as we LEAVE the damn country. If it was Trump or Biden I would still feel the same about leaving the country. All of you freaking Republicans are so damn phony. Trump was already planning on doing the same thing. Hell this was HIS PLAN. The Americans and Afghan citizens knew damn well the Taliban was going to take over as soon as the US left so they should have been left the country if they are so scared. I have NO SYMPATHY for anybody over there right now. Plus I think we killed enough Afghan Civilians with our bombs. All this tough talk and none of you "poo-seas" joined the army and went to Afghanistan to fight. All my buddies that went there and actually fought are f*cking traumatized. After 200K deaths, I don't care how it ends as long as we get the f*ck out. Don't forget the great Ronald Reagan armed, trained and help create the Taliban to beat the Russians in the Russian/Afghan war. Go see Rambo pt 3 if you want proof. Even Rambo didn't want to go to Afghanistan and only joined forces with the Taliban to save his buddy that was captured by the Russians. I'm laughing at your fake outrage.
I don't know...maybe start to get your weapons out. Maybe get our people out along with any others that helped us along the way. Maybe listen to intel that was going to happen? 2,500 troops isn't a big deal considering the stability that was in place. No combat death in 1.5 years. It's a complete f up by Biden. Frankly so incompetent that he should step down. He looks so weak and defeated. Now taking orders from a terrorist group. Wtf...
There will be an analysis of Vietnam v. Afghanistan at some point. We may even have similar 'Pentagon Papers,' although that was largely because McNamara had Rand et al. document most of the war by '67.

Remember, the RVN had some US military equipment during their downfall which fell into the hands of the Vietnamese (so the Soviet and Chinese), including the very small and efficient GE J85 engine, including the upgraded submodel in the F-5E, among other technologies.

But yes, this seems to be far worse. I won't comment further until all the details come out, but the 'apologists' that are trying to say it was just Afghan and PMC equipment are lying their butts off.
I don't know...maybe start to get your weapons out. Maybe get our people out along with any others that helped us along the way. Maybe listen to intel that was going to happen? 2,500 troops isn't a big deal considering the stability that was in place. No combat death in 1.5 years. It's a complete f up by Biden. Frankly so incompetent that he should step down. He looks so weak and defeated. Now taking orders from a terrorist group. Wtf...
Gtfoh. Trump had plenty of time to do all that and didnt. The only reason 2500 troops didnt die was because Trump made a deal to release Tal8ban prisoners. Also why would they kill American troops whwn all they had 2 do was WAIT for us to leave? I dont care no more. We should have left YEARS AGO. I dont care how we get out, im just happy we getting out period. If you want 2 cry about it like a whiney "snowflake" go ahead. I have no f*cks 2 give and happy we are getting out. If u want 2 be mad, then be mad at Ronald Regan for training the Taliban. We should have not interfered in the Russia/Afghan war and this is the Karma of the white American man's obsession with controlling other countries.
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Blah, blah, blah issues when trump was in office and when the beta shows up all hell breaks out in Afghanistan.
Oh course he made a deal to release prisoners and why would the tal8ban fight us when all they have 2 do is wait 4 us to leave the country on our own? In the end EVERYBODY, rep or dem wanted 2 get out of Afghanistan, so this FAKE outrage against Biden is laughable.
Remember when certain members of this board lost their shit when Trump removed US forces from Syria in 2019 and claimed we were betraying our allies and no one would ever trust us to stand behind people we fought with ever again?

Hmmm. Wonder what those same folks are saying about this.
For the record, this poster is saying the same damn thing he said when Trump abandoned our Kurdish allies last year. This entire post 9/11 Middle-East 'adventure' has been -- from beginning to end --- a colossal, mega-trillion dollar, clusterf*ck.
Gtfoh. Trump had plenty of time to do all that and didnt. The only reason 2500 troops didnt die was because Trump made a deal to release Tal8ban prisoners. Also why would they kill American troops whwn all they had 2 do was WAIT for us to leave? I dont care no more. We should have left YEARS AGO. I dont care how we get out, im just happy we getting out period. If you want 2 cry about it like a whiney "snowflake" go ahead. I have no f*cks 2 give and happy we are getting out. If u want 2 be mad, then be mad at Ronald Regan for training the Taliban. We should have not interfered in the Russia/Afghan war and this is the Karma of the white American man's obsession with controlling other countries.
Can’t imagine a worse take than this.
Can’t imagine a worse take than this.
I can defend Biden on some points, but yeah ... that's a total whitewash.
It's not just Afghan and PMC equipment and people.

EDIT: This is pretty simplified, but this opinion hits the 3 big points that people need to understand.
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Beck was talking about this being the biggest obstacle they were facing this week in extracting Christians.
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