Having said that, we do have laws that restrict your freedoms with regarding to driving an automobile.
only on public roads! People forget that!
That's why arresting someone on their own property is usually thrown out of court, whether we're talking driving or handling a firearm ... on their own property. They would actually have to endanger someone other than themselves and, again, off of their property.
It's very difficult to convict someone for doing something in their own home on their own property. It raises the bar significantly! To think otherwise is literally the #1 thing we Libertarians take issue with. The government should
never be inside your home, and it's why our
freedoms are eroding.
It is illegal to drink and drive.
But DUIs are becoming regulatory landmines to the point they are worse crimes than actually doing something intentionally. So DUI is becoming the best examples of government overreach with utter lack of logic. Very poor example because I can tear down how DUI has become special interest, and are actually getting worse.
You are required to wear a seatbelt.
Another poor example! That's 100% special interest ... insurance companies!
We also design airbags to work without a seat belt, which makes things worse!
Consumers, not government, market, not government, knows better!
This is my #1 pet peeve, we have such special interest to the point of worse environmentalism, worse healthcare, worse roads, worse safety, etc... Cars in the US actually have massive stupidity in their design! Why? Government.
Seriously, NOT a good example! Do NOT use it! Please STFU if you cannot because you ALIENATE EXPERTS. That's literally it these days, the US Media and the mob literally ALIENATE EXPERTS.
And I'm not sure how "getting rid of cars" or "getting rid of alcohol" is at all analogous to vaccines.
Again, poor use of logic. The argument is whether the government has the power to regulate your property and what you do with it, when they have shown they are passing laws that have nothing to do with stopping crime and preventing others from being hurt, but
serving special interest.
You're literally starting to use
examples that
showcase what is
wrong with government!
The number of influenza deaths in the U.S. varies every year, but it is often nowhere near 38,000.
Influenza Virus (IV) been 50-100,000 many years.
Pneumonia has also been much, much higher too!
In 2018 IV was down because the C strains were most common, not the B strains which will more.
And I
V A strains do kill far more ... and they
have killed more than SARS-CoV-2!
IV kills far more kids than coronaviruses (CoV) too.
This goes to the whole theory of why SARS-CoV-2 is the new OC43-CoV.
But going with your number, how is 38,000 comparable with 615,000? I thought people were finally done comparing COVID with the flu, but here we are.
But IV-A kills far more than Coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV and now SARS-CoV-2.
You don't get to start playing games and say,
"Oh, I mean 'regular' flu."
But in any case, it still doesn't kill or maime kids ... like IV-A does.
I swear people literally don't know how to maintain consistency.
I have yet to hear an anti-vaxxer articulate a legitimate reason why they refuse to get vaccinated.
And I've yet to hear a pro-vaxxer admit that their spewing
misinformation is why there are skeptics, even people who aren't anti-vax, wondering why the pro-vaxxers are utterly ignorant of the details and history.
Honestly, if 90% of you would stop pulling this sh-- out of your rectum, and be honest, transparent and forward, then the skeptics wouldn't have anything to fall back on. But because you spew
misinformation, you cause this! It's easy to find!
And then you start using government over-reach with special interest as examples! Geez, you might as well say,
"You don't have a choice ... comrade!" Stop with the DUI and seatbelts argument! That's literally
exactly what's wrong!
Stop! Stop! Stop giving them ammo!
"You can still have a breakthrough infection even if you're vaccinated!" Yes, but the chances are miniscule,
Not they are
not! STOP BEING A 3RD GRADER! If you cannot, please, STFU! You look massively ignorant spreading
infection != diseased != hospitalized
Rates of infection aren't much less for mRNA vaccinated.
Rates of diseased, especially seriously diseased to the point of hospitalization, are.
Either educate yourself or, if you cannot, Shut The F--- Up!
I'm so tired of things being stated by pro-vaxxers being
You are literally giving the anti-vaxxers so much ammunition!
Either get it right, or STFU because YOU are THE PROBLEM!
Seriously guys ... either get your facts straight or keep CAUSING MORE SKEPTICS!
And stop using DUI and seatbelts ... that chaps a lot of asses because they are about special interest.