Russian invasion into Ukraine is imminent

Then what's the problem with Disclose reporting what the AP publishes?
It’s your “go to” and most of the things that you post from there have been bogus and this was not because other sources have confirmed it. If you’re going to post things, it might as well be factual, otherwise you’re just another Bostonstrangler.

We have already done the schoolgirl giggling thing back and forth with you and @KNIGHTTIME^ of nonfactual Twitter articles and BDS nonsense posted incessantly
As the war drags on the west is folding under pressure.

The only threat the Soviets have to the world is cyber and nuclear (yes, I realize that's still bigly). But is anyone really scared of their military, which is running on 100-year old technology? It's hilarious to watch these idiots continually get their dicks kicked in by the junior varsity. What a bunch of losers.

Although, I am sure this absolutely pisses off the Soviet handjobbers in Crazyhole, knightttime, boston, and knighttime's newer bchailmary. Brainwashed trolls.
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The only threat the Soviets have to the world is cyber and nuclear (yes, I realize that's still bigly). But is anyone really scared of their military, which is running on 100-year old technology? It's hilarious to watch these idiots continually get their dicks kicked in by the junior varsity. What a bunch of losers.
Yeah, but ... the Chinese look at us the same. Our 'readiness' kinda sucks, especially in many aviation aspects. The US military now is nothing like the one that fought in Desert Storm, and has far, far more 'broken down' equipment. We're calibalizing what we cannot CNC or even 3D print, and we cannot CNC or 3D print a lot.

Although, I am sure this absolutely pisses off the Soviet handjobbers in Crazyhole, knightttime, boston, and knighttime's newer bchailmary. Brainwashed trolls.
I have so much I want to retort in that, but ... many of us are non-interference Americans. We don't support Russia, we just don't want to interfere.

Let Europe deal with Europe, instead of dragging us into everything.

The US, like Russia, is becoming the old guard. I'm with some of the GOP on flat out stating that Asia is now more important than Europe, and we cannot do both.

This is why I've long wanted to pull out of NATO, especially with Obama/Biden inhibiting, and sometimes -- despite being against the law -- shutting down domestic Shale, in total violations with treaties with NATO and Canada. We're already ****ing over NATO allies in energy, and have been for 10 of the last 18 years. So ... why bother?

Heck, just watched a video of Trump the other day from 2018 that basically predicted what was going to happen, and why the US should have nothing to do with Germany, or any other country, that was at the mercy of Russia. It was probably the most anti-Russian and anti-German video I had ever watched from Trump ... and he was 100% right.

We should focus on the US being a sea projecting power again, and pull out of land bases, let alone stop subsidizing European defense.
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Yeah, but ... the Chinese look at us the same. Our 'readiness' kinda sucks, especially in many aviation aspects. The US military now is nothing like the one that fought in Desert Storm, and has far, far more 'broken down' equipment. We're calibalizing what we cannot CNC or even 3D print, and we cannot CNC or 3D print a lot.
This is 100% bullshit minus what China thinks, and who the fukc cares what they think. Yet again, you have no idea what you're talking about.

I have so much I want to retort in that, but ... many of us are non-interference Americans. We don't support Russia, we just don't want to interfere.

Let Europe deal with Europe, instead of dragging us into everything.
No, Señor Burrito, those three sat around with bated breath praying for the Soviets to invade and are Russian sympathists, as evidenced by their four years of slobbering all over Putin while the orange raccoon was in office. You don't have to defend your imaginary shit stain friends at every turn.
Yeah, but ... the Chinese look at us the same. Our 'readiness' kinda sucks, especially in many aviation aspects. The US military now is nothing like the one that fought in Desert Storm, and has far, far more 'broken down' equipment. We're calibalizing what we cannot CNC or even 3D print, and we cannot CNC or 3D print a lot.
This is 100% bullshit minus what China thinks, and who the fukc cares what they think. Yet again, you have no idea what you're talking about.
You can honestly turn to me and say our 'readiness' today is the same as back in '90-91 ... or even close?! Heck, increasingly every military leader is saying 'we have to choose one or the other.'

I have so much I want to retort in that, but ... many of us are non-interference Americans. We don't support Russia, we just don't want to interfere.
Let Europe deal with Europe, instead of dragging us into everything.
No, Señor Burrito, those three sat around with bated breath praying for the Soviets to invade and are Russian sympathists, as evidenced by their four years of slobbering all over Putin while the orange raccoon was in office. You don't have to defend your imaginary shit stain friends at every turn.
I wish George Washington was still alive to school the **** out of you. This is literally the problem, and was the problem with Thomas Jefferson as well. Many of us Americans are entirely sick of it.

Heck, it's why a lot of people voted Trump. Because they wanted us to stay out of wars. You're so pro-war hawk, Clintonesque, like self-cursing, self-hating (for it) Reagan and W. Republican @DaShuckster and others, that you will litearlly start World War III.

All when it was Germany and Europe, and our own, irresponsible energy policy in violation of our own agreements -- and repeatedly breaking US law too, illegally (as we always do, we **** domestic companies, but not foreign ones) -- that gave Putin the power to invade as he knew Europe is too dependent on his energy.

That is what did the most damage here, by far! And everyone in every NATO military, including ours, knows it! Strategic reality is not about what you say, but what you do ... well outside just military standing, but in readiness ... including energy and industry.

This is our real issue with the faux pro-Environmental left ... more, not less, CO2, and less NATO security. It's not even debated in NATO military circles, it's fact! Just like France and Britain both agreed with Trump's repeat assessments of Germany in 2018.
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It's soooooo much fun to watch loser Russia get their dicks kicked in. I'm sure bchailmary, Crazyhole (in heaven), knighttime, bostonknight, and UCFBaStante Gordito are all shitfaced pissed with their side losing.
Imagine cheering for team “invade a country for no reason and torture their citizens.”

Total human trash. The buy gold guy leads the list. Deplorable human being. Hopefully one day we will meet again at a UCF game.
Imagine cheering for team “invade a country for no reason and torture their citizens.”

Total human trash. The buy gold guy leads the list. Deplorable human being. Hopefully one day we will meet again at a UCF game.
Boston cheered almost as hard for Russia as he did for crazyhole to commit suicide. When the latter narrative was proved to be natural causes, he ran to the nearest abandoned double wide in his trailer camp to hide.
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Human Shitstain/loser/bullshit artist/little pecker/hero to Bostonknight, Knighttime/BChailmary/Crazyhole/UCFHillaryLover launches another loser initiative because he's getting his ass beat by the Ukrainians :

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a partial mobilization in Russia, which will require citizens to join the war effort in Ukraine. He also warned Western nations not to attack Russia's territories, which would be met with swift retaliation.

Putin’s address on Wednesday comes as Russia’s invasion reaches nearly seven months and amid a successful counter-offensive by Ukraine’s military.

Conscription is "fully adequate to the threats we face, namely to protect our homeland, its sovereignty and territorial integrity, to ensure the security of our people and people in the liberated territories," he said.

LMAO. Maybe they can train them on some of their up-to-date WWII Soviet technology shit LOLOLOLOLLLLLLLLL



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To this day, I can’t believe what a vile, disgusting human being this human trash is. Just had to say that. 🤷‍♂️😊
Remember when he prayed that crazy committed suicide and when he found out he didn’t, he put on his xxs Boston Celtic jersey and hauled ass from da Cooler?
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What the world needs right now is a Statesman. A real Statesman that can bring the temperature down on all sides. Not a stuffy diplomat that is owned by the Military-Industrial Complex. It is always better to have peace than war and IMO, there are more than enough resources and money to go around for all 7 billion plus people in the world without any of us having to fight over it.

Edwin Starr was right. War is good for absolutely nothing.
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What the world needs right now is a Statesman. A real Statesman that can bring the temperature down on all sides.
Tell me, Mister Statesman, what would YOU do to 'bring the temperature down' when an unprovoked Russia invaded its neighbor Ukraine and proceeded to bomb the holy sh*t out of entire cities and commit countless attrocities against innocent Ukrainian civilians?

How did Neville Chamberlain's "now play nice!" appeasement work out with Hitler back in the late 1930s?