So, who won this trade?


Todd's Tiki Bar
May 29, 2001
So, who won this trade? A WNBA star who kneels for her anthem and openly hates her country, or an arms dealer nicknamed "The Merchant of Death."
Leftist win they get back one of their own. Russia wins get back an upright arms dealer.
Depends who we send

Yikes, I thought our only Breitbart 'News' follower got banned!!!
OH FFS. Well, she kneels for the anthem and hasn't exactly been patriotic. It's ok to see her exactly for what she is. If she doesn't like it, she can stay in sunny Russia.
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OH FFS. Well, she kneels for the anthem and hasn't exactly been patriotic. It's ok to see her exactly for what she is. If she doesn't like it, she can stay in sunny Russia.

Speaking out against things in our country isnt a sign of not being patriotic. If it was, then nobody is patriotic since we have all criticized things in this country.
Speaking out against things in our country isnt a sign of not being patriotic. If it was, then nobody is patriotic since we have all criticized things in this country.
As with most things, patriotism is in they eyes of the beholder. There were a bunch of American flags being carried by the MAGA crowd who stormed our Capitol to kill Mike Pence and stop the electorial college certification.

I guess when it comes to 'patriotic' protests, it all depends on the color of one's skin. ;)
I guess when it comes to 'patriotic' protests, it all depends on the color of one's skin. ;)
I have 100% called for the imprisonment of the 6 Jan. crowd and for Donald to be indicted. You need to take that RACISM!!!! shit elsewhere with me.
Speaking out against things in our country isnt a sign of not being patriotic. If it was, then nobody is patriotic since we have all criticized things in this country.
Yes, refusing to be on the court when the National Anthem is played is 100% patriotic.

The same country she's bitching about, she cries to and asks to save her because she's "terrified."
Yes, refusing to be on the court when the National Anthem is played is 100% patriotic.

The same country she's bitching about, she cries to and asks to save her because she's "terrified."

So who gets to decide who is patriotic and who isnt? Trump and Ivanka referred to the 1/6 people as patriots, does that make it so? Republicans go on and on about how kneeling disrespects our troops (though it has nothing to do with our troops) but just today they turned their backs on war veterans. So who exactly gets to decide what/who is patriotism and who isnt? I would argue the whole idea of patriotism has basically lost its meaning at this point, because it is just another partisan word game.
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So who gets to decide who is patriotic and who isnt? Trump and Ivanka referred to the 1/6 people as patriots, does that make it so? Republicans go on and on about how kneeling disrespects our troops (though it has nothing to do with our troops) but just today they turned their backs on war veterans. So who exactly gets to decide what/who is patriotism and who isnt? I would argue the whole idea of patriotism has basically lost its meaning at this point, because it is just another partisan word game.
I do. You do.

Now, who won the trade?
I do. You do.

Now, who won the trade?

But if we all get to define it, then it really has no meaning since I am sure everyone has a unique view of patriotism.

As to who won the trade, who cares? This isnt a football team trading players, this is essentially a political prisoner situation involving American citizens. Plus, it isnt just about Griner, Paul Whelan would also be a part of this swap. Fun fact, John Ashcroft, Bush's AG, actually used to represent Bout to get him out of prison.
You need to take that RACISM!!!! shit elsewhere with me.
Who said kneeling for the national anthem to protest police killings of unarmed Black people automatically means she "hates this country"? Who said it also means she "hasn't exactly been very patriotic"?

I simply noted that this is the same racist bullsh*t that sites like Breitbart use to inflame all the Crazyholes in this country. If it stung, don't blame me.
But if we all get to define it, then it really has no meaning since I am sure everyone has a unique view of patriotism.

As to who won the trade, who cares? This isnt a football team trading players, this is essentially a political prisoner situation involving American citizens. Plus, it isnt just about Griner, Paul Whelan would also be a part of this swap. Fun fact, John Ashcroft, Bush's AG, actually used to represent Bout to get him out of prison.
If you don't care, why reply? And yes it is subjective, hence why you replied.
Who said kneeling for the national anthem to protest police killings of unarmed Black people automatically means she "hates this country"? Who said it also means she "hasn't exactly been very patriotic"?

I simply noted that this is the same racist bullsh*t that sites like Breitbart use to inflame all the Crazyholes in this country. If it stung, don't blame me.
I did. And it isn't racist. It's unpatriotic. If it stung, don't blame me.
If you don't care, why reply? And yes it is subjective, hence why you replied.

Because I think your point is ridiculous, and felt like replying. Shuck is right, you sound like every generic conservative talking head who says stupid things to appease their stupid audience.
I did. And it isn't racist. It's unpatriotic. If it stung, don't blame me.

It is unpatriotic in your opinion. I would argue that the modern day Republican party is far less patriotic then Griner, or any athlete that kneeled. I dont think kneeling accomplishes much by any means, but at least when they see things going on they dont feel arent just, they at least tried to do something to bring attention to it. There is nothing unpatriotic about that. You can love your country while also criticizing it, just like someone can love their child, while also pointing out to them when they are doing something wrong.
Because I think your point is ridiculous, and felt like replying. Shuck is right, you sound like every generic conservative talking head who says stupid things to appease their stupid audience.
Patriotism isn't stupid. You're being extremely obtuse. Do better.
It is unpatriotic in your opinion. I would argue that the modern day Republican party is far less patriotic then Griner, or any athlete that kneeled. I dont think kneeling accomplishes much by any means, but at least when they see things going on they dont feel arent just, they at least tried to do something to bring attention to it. There is nothing unpatriotic about that. You can love your country while also criticizing it, just like someone can love their child, while also pointing out to them when they are doing something wrong.
I really like the part where she's unpatriotic about this country and whines and cries to bring her back. Glad we are good for something.
Patriotism isn't stupid. You're being extremely obtuse. Do better.

I didnt say Patriotism was stupid, I am saying all the people who have decided they are super patriots when many (not all, but many) have never lifted one damn finger or sacrificed anything for this country, yet for some stupid reason think they are the epitome of patriotism. Ben Shapiro, Clay Travis, Hannity, Tucker, etc etc and all of those commentators just use the whole concept of patriotism to make money. If they thought they could make more money defending kneelers, then kneeling would suddenly be the patriotic position. I would argue that is just as unpatriotic, if not more, than kneeling during a song.

Almost any event I have been to where the national anthem was player there are people who talk through it, who order beer or food through it, go to the bathroom during it so they dont miss kickoff or whatever. Do you tell those people they unpatriotic and disrespecting the anthem too?
I didnt say Patriotism was stupid, I am saying all the people who have decided they are super patriots when many (not all, but many) have never lifted one damn finger or sacrificed anything for this country, yet for some stupid reason think they are the epitome of patriotism.

Almost any event I have been to where the national anthem was player there are people who talk through it, who order beer or food through it, go to the bathroom during it so they dont miss kickoff or whatever. Do you tell those people they unpatriotic and disrespecting the anthem too?
I sure do!

And the correct answer is the Soviets clearly won the trade.
SO you are the patriot police at UCF games calling out everyone who drinks beer or gets up during the anthem?
I've been deputized as such. Don't let me catch you doing that shit. I will grab you by your XXS shirt and beat your ass like cornbread batter.
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I've been deputized as such. Don't let me catch you doing that shit. I will grab you by your XXS shirt and beat your ass like cornbread batter.

Ha, I doubt that homey, but congratulations on being a super patriot with regards to symbolism that accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Any comment on Republicans turning their back on war vets today? Because to me, that seems pretty unpatriotic but also has real life consequences. I know the Republican super patriots tend to be more into telling everyone how patriotic they are, without actually doing much of anything, but seems like people who consider themselves patriots would want to support our troops who got ill due to the wars they sent them to.
Ha, I doubt that homey, but congratulations on being a super patriot with regards to symbolism that accomplishes absolutely nothing.

Any comment on Republicans turning their back on war vets today? Because to me, that seems pretty unpatriotic but also has real life consequences, but I know the Republican super patriots tend to be more into telling everyone how patriotic they are, without actually doing much of anything.
Yes. You see, the difference between you and I is that I think those Republicans are shit stains. Just like I think the Uvalde cops are shit stains. Just like I think Trump is a shit stain. But you already knew all that. And it's just like I think Britney Griner is a shit stain who should rot in prison. I have no problem calling them that and thinking that. They are all equally useless to me. But it is fun to watch you and Shuck autistically screech RACISM!!! and BREIBART!!!!!!! and GENERIC CONSERVATIVE TALKING HEAD!!!!!!!
Yes. You see, the difference between you and I is that I think those Republicans are shit stains. Just like I think the Uvalde cops are shit stains. Just like I think Trump is a shit stain. But you already knew all that. And it's just like I think Britney Griner is a shit stain who should rot in prison. I have no problem calling them that and thinking that. They are all equally useless to me. But it is fun to watch you and Shuck autistically screech RACISM!!! and BREIBART!!!!!!! and GENERIC CONSERVATIVE TALKING HEAD!!!!!!!

I think they are shit stains too, so not sure how that makes us different. Oh got it, you are comparing someone kneeling to Republicans starting 2 long ass wars and then bailing on the veterans of those wars. Yeah, these things arent remotely equal and you obviously know that.
it isn't racist. It's unpatriotic.

To me, one of The Most Disgusting Things about Donald Trump's tenure as President is the way he perverted the whole notion of patriotism for many of his followers.

Ironically, many of the people who are still saying that the January 6th riot was "blown up to be a big thing when it really wasn't" are the same ones who were side-by-side with Trump condemning those UNPATRIOTIC, COUNTRY-HATING Black professional athletes for engaging in a peaceful and respectful form of 'Black Lives Matter' protest during the national anthem.
I think they are shit stains too, so not sure how that makes us different. Oh got it, you are comparing someone kneeling to Republicans starting 2 long ass wars and then bailing on the veterans of those wars. Yeah, these things arent remotely equal and you obviously know that.
Uhhhh no, Try again,
Brittney Griner for the “Merchant of Death.”

This is why our leadership is a worldwide embarrassment. Just leave her there. Why is this even debatable?
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Who said kneeling for the national anthem to protest police killings of unarmed Black people automatically means she "hates this country"? Who said it also means she "hasn't exactly been very patriotic"?

I simply noted that this is the same racist bullsh*t that sites like Breitbart use to inflame all the Crazyholes in this country. If it stung, don't blame me.
It’s simply not a fair trade. She brought in illegal drugs to a foreign country, so regardless of the “kneeling,” we are getting a bad deal. She’s a nothing. Why is a millionaire, black, lesbian, female, athlete complaining about freedom anyway? Sounds like a lot of opportunity if you ask me, that you don’t get in other countries

Why is kneeling for the National Anthem the right answer to a few rogue white cops doing bad things to black criminals? Those cops will be doing jail time by the way
It’s simply not a fair trade. She brought in illegal drugs to a foreign country, so regardless of the “kneeling,” we are getting a bad deal.
I've got no dog in this fight. Until this thing happened I had no clue who the hell Brittney Grimer was. But that said, what---gasp!---illegal drugs did she bring into the country in plain sight inside her suitcase?

Was it cocaine? Heroin? Opiods? Meth? Weed and a pipe to smoke it?
No, none of the above. It was cannibus oil used to reduce inflamation. And guess what? She has documented to the Russian court that she had a doctor's prescription for it.
She’s a nothing.
Actually, she's a celebrity female athlete with a large following.

Celebrity status -- as we've seen countless times in the past with past celebrity hostages -- puts considerable pressure on the government due to the sheer number of people advocating on the person's behalf.
Why is kneeling for the National Anthem the right answer to a few rogue white cops doing bad things to black criminals? Those cops will be doing jail time by the way
Prior to George Floyd, no cop was ever convicted of murdering an unarmed Black man. In fact, the WC's thread about the Floyd trial where the entire scene had been videotaped by a bystander had the title "When Chauvin inevitably walks." What does THAT tell you?

Maybe, just maybe, these peaceful protests had a role in finally waking up the public to the serious problem of how some Black Americans have been mistreated by police that has existed since Blacks were emancipated in this country. (Okay, okay -- let's be honest here -- a cellphone video of the murder probably helped a little bit too.) :)
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I've got no dog in this fight. Until this thing happened I had no clue who the hell Brittney Grimer was. But that said, what---gasp!---illegal drugs did she bring into the country in plain sight inside her suitcase?

Was it cocaine? Heroin? Opiods? Meth? Weed and a pipe to smoke it?
No, none of the above. It was cannibus oil used to reduce inflamation. And guess what? She has documented to the Russian court that she had a doctor's prescription for it.

Actually, she's a celebrity female athlete with a large following.

Celebrity status -- as we've seen countless times in the past with past celebrity hostages -- puts considerable pressure on the government due to the sheer number of people advocating on the person's behalf.

Prior to George Floyd, no cop was ever convicted of murdering an unarmed Black man. In fact, the WC's thread about the Floyd trial where the entire scene had been videotaped by a bystander had the title "When Chauvin inevitably walks." What does THAT tell you?

Maybe, just maybe, these peaceful protests had a role in finally waking up the public to a serious problem that has existed for ages before cellphones. (Okay, okay -- let's be honest here -- the videotape sure didn't hurt.) :)
Bottom line, is she knew their rules, but was dumb enough to avoid the state department warnings and take a chance at the ABSOLUTE WORST possible time in the WORST POSSIBLE country along with NK. A sense of entitlement maybe? American arrogance?

Now we have to trade someone that you never even heard of for a career, high profile arms criminal. Bad deal
I've got no dog in this fight. Until this thing happened I had no clue who the hell Brittney Grimer was. But that said, what---gasp!---illegal drugs did she bring into the country in plain sight inside her suitcase?

Was it cocaine? Heroin? Opiods? Meth? Weed and a pipe to smoke it?
No, none of the above. It was cannibus oil used to reduce inflamation. And guess what? She has documented to the Russian court that she had a doctor's prescription for it.

Actually, she's a celebrity female athlete with a large following.

Celebrity status -- as we've seen countless times in the past with past celebrity hostages -- puts considerable pressure on the government due to the sheer number of people advocating on the person's behalf.

Prior to George Floyd, no cop was ever convicted of murdering an unarmed Black man. In fact, the WC's thread about the Floyd trial where the entire scene had been videotaped by a bystander had the title "When Chauvin inevitably walks." What does THAT tell you?

Maybe, just maybe, these peaceful protests had a role in finally waking up the public to a serious problem about how Black Americans have been treated by police that has been around for ages. (Okay, okay -- let's be honest here -- a cellphone video of the murder probably helped too.) :)
Let’s not leave out all the good things that this country has done for people LIKE Brittney Griner. The land of opportunity for females, blacks, uneducated athletes, and the gay and lesbian community
Bottom line, is she knew their rules, but was dumb enough to avoid the state department warnings and take a chance at the ABSOLUTE WORST possible time in the WORST POSSIBLE country along with NK. A sense of entitlement maybe? American arrogance?
Or perhaps simple naivete? She wasn't a tourist; she traveled to Russia on business, just like thousands of other American business men and women were still doing at the time. This thing with her happened before Putin invaded Ukraine.

That said, you are correct. The State Dept. issued a travel warning on Russia that went into effect before she left the US. So if she had paid attention, she was warned.
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Biden caved to pressure too easily after athletes at the Espys kept calling him out but don’t care about the other Americans that have been detained for years

Obama wouldn’t even trade this guy for Snowden
Biden caved to pressure too easily after athletes at the Espys kept calling him out but don’t care about the other Americans that have been detained for years

Obama wouldn’t even trade this guy for Snowden

Snowden isnt detained though, so that isnt the same situation. Blinken has said they have been working on this for months, I dont think it has anything to do with the ESPY's. Also keep in mind, Paul Whelan would also be part of this deal, so it isnt just about Griner, there are other people involved.
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