WTF are you talking about? It matters not the race of the perpetrator. What matters is the guy killed a 5 year old at point blank range.. Some of you guys are Scarry. Oh,let's burry the story because it doesn't fit the narrative. I am 53 years old and never have I read a story so twisted that grown man , a 25 year old thinks I am going to kill that boy in my yard?When will it become obvious to republicans that the goals of right wing media include promoting a racist world view. This story has no political connection and only exists so their readers can see black people committing evil crimes.
If its all about clicks find me other stories on The Blaze that include no political connection like this one.
I don't see it as race issue and I clearly don't see it as a political one either. y'all need to realize that not wvery story has to have a political angle . This story is about the lack of humanity of that Dbag who went wacko. Why can't that be enough? Why does it have to have race or politics here? Guess what , if you want a better world stop looking at every issue ,every crime , every thing through the lens of politics and race. my opinion of that guy is based on what he did not the color of his skin. You know MLK once said judge a person by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. I am guessing this lowlife has severe character flaws. He just so happens to be African American. Does it matter? an innocent boy is dead.