What was Tucker's 'damning' evidence?


Diamond Knight
Nov 30, 2003
I've been monitoring the interwebs waiting -- with bated breath -- to learn all about Tucker Carlson's blockbuster incriminating Joe Biden evidence that was sent to him through UPS. We were all alarmed on Wednesday when Tucker informed us that the Deep State has STOLEN IT from UPS. THOSE BASTARDS!!!! But...whew....fortunately, UPS said they'd found it the next day. Sooooooooo...

What was it?

I searched Fox News to find out what incriminating evidence Tucker shared with his viewers at the end of the week since I missed his show...and found nadda. The only recent piece from Carlson I found was this little diddy linked below on his frustration over the MSM's 'collusion' to keep damning Biden evidence of criminality secret. Does this collusion include his own network? What happened to Tucker's damning evidence?

Inquiring minds want to know.
It was stolen then he got it back and started downplaying it and saying he shouldn’t have been so hard on Hunter. Pops up a few weeks prior to the election and the Trump campaign is infuriated at everyone isn’t covering the hunter Biden hard drive. Meanwhile other media outlets have requested the contents of the drive to presumably report on it only to be denied access. It’s a Hail Mary to cast doubt on Biden immediately before the election. Apparently it is a home run in right wing echo chambers of Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and the New York Post tabloid. No legitimate news agency will touch it with a 10 foot pole.
It was stolen then he got it back and started downplaying it and saying he shouldn’t have been so hard on Hunter.
Let me get this straight: Tucker spent his Wednesday show talking about how the Deep State was out to protect Biden at all costs -- even going to the lengths of stealing damning Biden evidence from UPS. But when the missing documents are found, it's suddenly "I guess I shouldn't have been so hard on Hunter??!?" WTF???

It would be one thing if this foreign troll sleaze wouldn't have been forecast in advance by our intelligence community. But it's further evidence that there are people who are gleefully willing to believe whatever red meat BS you feed them no matter how crazy it is. Truth takes a back seat to anything that makes them 'feel good.'
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Let me get this straight: Tucker spent his Wednesday show talking about how the Deep State was out to protect Biden at all costs -- even going to the lengths of stealing damning Biden evidence from UPS. But when the missing documents are found, it's suddenly "I guess I shouldn't have been so hard on Hunter??!?" WTF???

It would be one thing if this foreign troll sleaze wouldn't have been forecast in advance by our intelligence community. But it's further evidence that there are people who are gleefully willing to believe whatever red meat BS you feed them no matter how crazy it is. Truth takes a back seat to anything that makes them 'feel good.'
The reality is there is not enough information to get Joe. Hunter may walk as well. No news agency was allowed to investigate Hard drive of laptop. And fake names behind the story make it risky to post. This story is over 1 year old. Trump's FBI has known about this for over a year. Nothing has been done. I doubt anything happens. But its 2020.
The reality is there is not enough information to get Joe. Hunter may walk as well. No news agency was allowed to investigate Hard drive of laptop. And fake names behind the story make it risky to post. This story is over 1 year old. Trump's FBI has known about this for over a year. Nothing has been done. I doubt anything happens. But its 2020.
There is enough that the FBI took possession of a 2nd laptop in February. If there's nothing to the one they got in December, why did the want the 2nd one?
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There is enough that the FBI took possession of a 2nd laptop in February. If there's nothing to the one they got in December, why did the want the 2nd one?
The 2nd one? You mean the one Hunter accidentally left with a blind Trump supporter in Delaware? That one? :)
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I've been monitoring the interwebs waiting -- with bated breath -- to learn all about Tucker Carlson's blockbuster incriminating Joe Biden evidence that was sent to him through UPS. We were all alarmed on Wednesday when Tucker informed us that the Deep State has STOLEN IT from UPS. THOSE BASTARDS!!!! But...whew....fortunately, UPS said they'd found it the next day. Sooooooooo...

What was it?

I searched Fox News to find out what incriminating evidence Tucker shared with his viewers at the end of the week since I missed his show...and found nadda. The only recent piece from Carlson I found was this little diddy linked below on his frustration over the MSM's 'collusion' to keep damning Biden evidence of criminality secret. Does this collusion include his own network? What happened to Tucker's damning evidence?

Inquiring minds want to know.

Well, you should just reference UPS' mantra: we will get it there....... eventually
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There is enough that the FBI took possession of a 2nd laptop in February. If there's nothing to the one they got in December, why did the want the 2nd one?
Actually lawyers took first one.. Second is in question. But this involves Hunter only.
You are thinking entirely too deeply about this. It doesn't have to make sense. It's a painfully obvious "October surprise" aimed at the lowest common denominator of the american population, aka Trump's base.

As long as ita paints biden as corrupt/pedophile/loser it doesn't matter how ridiculous it sounds to a normal person. These alt right inbreds eat it up.
You are thinking entirely too deeply about this. It doesn't have to make sense. It's a painfully obvious "October surprise" aimed at the lowest common denominator of the american population, aka Trump's base.
I'll be honest, given that the United States did nothing to curb the abuses we witnessed in 2016, I expected something much more sophisticated and clever from Russian counterintelligence than this stupid Hunter Biden 'expose''

It might have given little stiffies to our WC crew but it didn't even register with the public at large.
I'll be honest, given that the United States did nothing to curb the abuses we witnessed in 2016, I expected something much more sophisticated and clever from Russian counterintelligence than this stupid Hunter Biden 'expose''

It might have given little stiffies to our WC crew but it didn't even register with the public at large.
Oh the irony.
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I'll be honest, given that the United States did nothing to curb the abuses we witnessed in 2016, I expected something much more sophisticated and clever from Russian counterintelligence than this stupid Hunter Biden 'expose''

It might have given little stiffies to our WC crew but it didn't even register with the public at large.

translated for non-retards:

I've been monitoring the interwebs waiting -- with bated breath -- to learn all about Tucker Carlson's blockbuster incriminating Joe Biden evidence that was sent to him through UPS. We were all alarmed on Wednesday when Tucker informed us that the Deep State has STOLEN IT from UPS. THOSE BASTARDS!!!! But...whew....fortunately, UPS said they'd found it the next day. Sooooooooo...

What was it?

I searched Fox News to find out what incriminating evidence Tucker shared with his viewers at the end of the week since I missed his show...and found nadda. The only recent piece from Carlson I found was this little diddy linked below on his frustration over the MSM's 'collusion' to keep damning Biden evidence of criminality secret. Does this collusion include his own network? What happened to Tucker's damning evidence?

Inquiring minds want to know.
Tucker....what a loser he is
You are thinking entirely too deeply about this. It doesn't have to make sense. It's a painfully obvious "October surprise" aimed at the lowest common denominator of the american population, aka Trump's base.

As long as ita paints biden as corrupt/pedophile/loser it doesn't matter how ridiculous it sounds to a normal person. These alt right inbreds eat it up.
I'll be honest, given that the United States did nothing to curb the abuses we witnessed in 2016, I expected something much more sophisticated and clever from Russian counterintelligence than this stupid Hunter Biden 'expose''

It might have given little stiffies to our WC crew but it didn't even register with the public at large.
which one of you pedos wants to continue this convo?
Radio silence. It was known that Hunter was involved with underage prostitutes but involving family is even more disturbing. Now when you look at Biden sniffing kids you see it might be a Biden gene. The MSM knew about this prior to the election. Tell me what the attack on democracy is these days.
Photographic evidence of a crime being committed and yet he hasn't been charged yet. No corruption involved at all, amirite?
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and the demented Big Guy doesn't even remember all the money that was funneled to him. Sniff, sniff.
Comments? Another conspiracy turned true.
Nah, the NYT is now a right wing propaganda outlet. They are lying just like Schweizer, Solomon, Beck, and the Post. The pictures are all doctored because Hunter spends 90% of his day at church saying his Hail Mary's.
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It was stolen then he got it back and started downplaying it and saying he shouldn’t have been so hard on Hunter. Pops up a few weeks prior to the election and the Trump campaign is infuriated at everyone isn’t covering the hunter Biden hard drive. Meanwhile other media outlets have requested the contents of the drive to presumably report on it only to be denied access. It’s a Hail Mary to cast doubt on Biden immediately before the election. Apparently it is a home run in right wing echo chambers of Fox News, Breitbart, Daily Caller, and the New York Post tabloid. No legitimate news agency will touch it with a 10 foot pole.
And yet ... it was true.

The NY Post was censored over something the NY Times would pull on Trump any day, and often did at least weekly. That's journalism.

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Now WaPo is confirming the biden Chinese energy deals that Solomon and Beck were talking about 3 years ago.

10% for the big guy.
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Now WaPo is confirming the biden Chinese energy deals that Solomon and Beck were talking about 3 years ago.

10% for the big guy.

And clearly have compromised his fathers ability to act objectively. I have little doubt that he is being extorted right now.
What I find crazy is that they are all over Justice Thomas for what his wife did, but not all over President Biden for what his son did. Both of them are all about conflicts-of-interest.

We had the same problem with Bill and Hillary for decades too, W. and his father, and the list goes on. And it took forever for people to realize not only were the Cuomos an issue, but CNN utterly compromised themselves ... I'm glad one CNN commentator actually pointed that out, and how it made even him uncomfortable for years.

It's uneven application everywhere, so as much as I tire of the GOP BS, the excusing of DNC BS is getting old.

Oh, BTW, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) is silently back ... despite many foreign regulatory agencies pressuring it to shut down years ago.
What I find crazy is that they are all over Justice Thomas for what his wife did, but not all over President Biden for what his son did. Both of them are all about conflicts-of-interest.

We had the same problem with Bill and Hillary for decades too, W. and his father, and the list goes on. And it took forever for people to realize not only were the Cuomos an issue, but CNN utterly compromised themselves ... I'm glad one CNN commentator actually pointed that out, and how it made even him uncomfortable for years.

It's uneven application everywhere, so as much as I tire of the GOP BS, the excusing of DNC BS is getting old.

Oh, BTW, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) is silently back ... despite many foreign regulatory agencies pressuring it to shut down years ago.
Thomas is only one of nine that make decisions, so it's pretty ridiculous to compare him to Biden who can do things unilaterally.