It's "juvenile" to respect that the Chief of Police, Chauvin's boss, thought Chauvin's actions were excessive?You really do take a juvenile approach to a lot of your arguments.
It's "juvenile" to watch a cellphone video of police officers ignoring the dying pleas of a man who is handcuffed and on his stomach with officers on top of him for over nine minutes?
You question MY 'level of critical thinking' because...why? Because I respect the testimony of a senior police officer, Chauvin's boss, the police chief who fired him for inappropriate conduct??!? Really? You really want to wage war on THIS hill?
Funny thing is, you might have more of a case if the police chief was strongly BACKING Chauvin. Normally, we usually see a department rallying around 'one of their own.' It may be another "juvenile" thought, but I find the fact that so many officers are testifying against him to be telling in and of itself.
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