UCF football recruiting: Tampa-area guard commits as Knights seek 5-star flips, quarterback help

UCF football recruiting: Tampa-area guard commits as Knights seek 5-star flips, quarterback help​

Chris Boyle
Daytona Beach News-Journal

US Olympic Swimming Trials in Lucas Oil Stadium


The temporary pools came from northern Italy. The two million gallons of water came from a fire hydrant on South Capitol Ave., via 6,000 feet of piping that snakes through an NFL stadium. The swimmers will come from all over the United States, and step onstage near what’s usually the 45-yard line. And from June 15-23 in Indianapolis, they’ll take part in a grand, unprecedented experiment — all while trying to qualify for the Olympics.

It’s “crazy,” Bobby Finke, a 2021 gold medalist, said of the plan for this year’s U.S. Olympic swimming trials — crazy in a good way.
“It’s wild,” and “bananas,” USA Swimming chief commercial officer Shana Ferguson told Yahoo Sports last month as she surveyed the project from inside Lucas Oil Stadium.
The 70,000-seat home of the Indianapolis Colts, over the past month, has been transformed from a football field into the world’s biggest aquatic arena.

It’s a bold, grandiose ploy to expand the reach and scale of swimming, and its execution, Ferguson says, revolved around one core question: “How in the heck are we gonna put swimming pools in a football stadium?”
(Courtesy of USA Swimming)

(Courtesy of USA Swimming)

An ambitious gamble

The answer came together over multiple years, and came to life over the past four weeks. Eighteen-wheelers and heavy machinery rolled into Lucas Oil. Scores and eventually hundreds of workers cycled in and out, passing stashed-away yellow goal posts on the way. They built more than an acre of pool deck some 10 feet above the stadium’s floor. The elevated “false deck,” made of “rubberized woven flooring,” allowed them to fit a 2.5-meters-deep pool without drilling into the stadium’s concrete base.

“If I drill 4,000 holes in the arena floor,” explains John Ireland, who’s overseeing construction of the pool, “they're gonna charge me $20 million for ruining their arena.”

To make the arrangement look semi-normal, they folded up the first 10 rows of seats. They also brought bleachers from one end zone in past midfield, and hung a giant black curtain at the 50-yard line, to divide the cavernous building in half. On the unseen half, they built a warmup pool. And on the other, they built the competition pool, the star of the show.

“They,” at this stage of the build, is Myrtha Pools, an industry-leading contractor that has supplied Olympic pools for decades. It manufactures materials, including rigid PVC and stainless steel panels, at its factory in Italy, then ships them all over the world — in this case to Indianapolis.

There, “millimetrically-perfect steel panels are bolted together and then chemically sealed in order to create a waterproof vessel,” said Ireland, the company’s director of technical services. After trials, the entire thing will be disassembled, and the parts shipped off to build permanent pools in Fort Wayne, Indiana, and the Cayman Islands.

The final integral step, then, is water. Working with the local fire department and an energy company, engineers tapped into a nearby hydrant, and pumped in some 1,200 gallons per minute. The water flowed through specially built pipes, from the concourse down over seats, to the stadium floor — which is two stories below street level.

After passing through regenerative media filters and UV-light chambers, which help with sanitation, it filled the pools. And after an Olympic team has been named, it will be pumped back out to the street.



The Knighted Ones Podcast - Ep 41: We're Gonna Need a Bigger Wallet, RJ Humble, & Gus' Revenge Szn

Welcome to The Knighted One’s Podcast, Episode number 41. We are the ONLY podcast that features a former UCF National Champion, a former UCF radio host, an ESPN Analyst and Hoops Player, a INfamous rapper, and an IG star, shooting the breeze, talking UCF Sports.

This week we talk about recruits at the BounceHouse this weekend, a HUGE donation/ that's certainly no bull and what it means for ucf's future, a new rivalry that could be brewing, and capping off a stellar season from baseball coach Rich Wallace.

Please comment for subjects that we should cover in our Intern Re-Education segment!

UCF Football - 00:05:40
- Recruits In The BounceHouse. The Experience And How It Gives Us A Leg Up
- Washington Wants To Be Knighted? Boggs Next?
- The CyberTruck Craze And Roger Is Upset. Hellcats > CyberTrucks?
- From The IOA To The BounceHouse
- Three Star Wants To Be a Knight
- Oline And Letting Hand Cook
- Malik Autry Is Giving Us A Serious Look
- First Impressions Matter
- Josh And Jimmy Skiles Take A Trip
- DeSalvo Does It For The Brand
- Our Wallets Are Getting Fatter
- An Insanely Big Donor That's No Bull!!! UCF Get's A Billionaire!
- Josh's Tale From The Big Apple
- RJ Harvey Is a Humble Star With A Humble Brag
- The Cows Aren't Cash Cows
- Shunning OSU
- Our Winning Chances This Year With Transfers
- From Meme to Rivals?
- Roger Uses a Big Word
- Getting Primed For Primetime
- UCF Makes Lindy's Big 4 Cover!!!
- Andy Staples Has High Hopes For Us
- The Media Is Starting To Respect The Black & Gold
- Gus Is Coming Back With a Vengeance
- Shuffling Bowls Around
- Will Texas and OKC Be Bowl Eligible?
UCF Baseball - 01:07:41
- A Loss In The Regionals
- Rich Wallace Came Out Swinging This Season
- UCF Is Rich's Nebraska
- Holding Our Own In a Big Conference
- Looking Elite Like We Used To
- Roger Makes a "Brief" Point...Is This Years Team Better Than Past Teams?
- A Lot of Reasons To Be Excited
- A Huge Time To Be a UCF Sports Fan...Great Group Of Coaches On Campus
- Gazing Into The Portal
- Did Baseball Exceed or Meet Expectations?
- A Shift in Culture Made a Great Shift In Our Game
Josh's Sometimes Funny Fact of The Week - 01:35:24
- D1 Outdoor Track & Field Championships
- Not Just The Rayniah Show Anymore
UCF Athletic Sports Update - 01:38:50
- We Talked About Them All Already!!
Final Thoughts - 01:39:35

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OT: tiktok ban / sale legislation passes

Saw this shared elsewhere but the Wall Street journal and NYT both published research showing what is being shoveled to American kids

If trump and Biden both want it there has to be some sort of classified national security smoking gun we’re not being told about

(Below shows rate of conflict related videos being served to minors, with 4 anti Israel videos for every one pro Israel video)

Censorship in action

I pulled it off a Twitter thread I saw last night sorry can find sources as needed

Tl;dr this shit is poisonous to a civil society and needed to be sold off or shut down when trump first proposed it years ago

All time UCF athletic season(s)?

Thinking how we elevated into a P5(4) and went bowling, had a really competitive season in basketball, and postseason in baseball, this has to be one of the most successful athletic years for UCF all time. A few other years pop for various reasons; 2018-2019 may be best with the football/basketball success but this year was different because of the path we had to take. Kudos to all the coaches and athletic department for making it happen.

OT-UCF Alum, Former 4 Star Navy Admiral -Arrested Bribery Scheme

Really hard to understand why such an accomplished Military Man would do this. He has a MS in electrical Engineering from UCF, and was one of six 4 Star Navy admirals before retiring.

NCAA Regional Final: FSU 5, UCF 2 ⚾

Knights vs. Noles. Rich Wallace vs. Link Jarrett.

Alabama-Stetson elimination game gets on ESPNU, but this one is on ESPN+.

FSU starter Jamie Arnold (LHP) has a 2.45 ERA.

