You are eligible to vote in Georgia if you are a
citizen of the United States; a legal resident of
Georgia; at least 18 years old; have not been found
to be mentally incompetent by the court; are not
serving a sentence for a felony of moral turpitude;
are registered to vote; and meet all other state
requirements, such as showing a Photo
Identification if you choose to vote in person or properly
requesting and returning an absentee ballot if you
choose to vote by mail.
Georgia law requires registered voters to show photo
identification in order to vote in person. When you
vote in person, you must show one of the following
photo IDs:
• A Georgia driver’s license, even if expired
• Any valid state or federal government issued
photo ID, including one issued by the
Department of Driver Services or your Voter
• Valid U.S. passport
• Valid employee photo ID from any branch,
department, agency, or entity of the U.S.
Government, this state, or any county,
municipality, board, authority or other entity of this
• Valid U.S. military photo ID
• Valid tribal photo ID
If you DO NOT have one of these forms of ID, you can
receive a FREE Georgia Voter ID card. Just contact your
county registrar’s office or a Department of Driver
Services office. For more information, call 404-656-2871,
or go to
If you do not have a photo I D listed above, you can
still vote by provisional ballot. You have three days
after the election to bring the required photo ID to
your county registrar’s office in order for your
provisional ballot to be counted.
If you have to vote a provisional ballot because you
don’t have one of the forms of Photo ID listed above,
you can go to your county voter registration office,
get a FREE photo ID and present it within three days
after the election and your provisional ballot will be
If you simply forget your Photo ID, and time permits,
you can retrieve it, return to the polling place, and
Voting must be readily accessible to disabled and
elderly voters. If you need special assistance to vote or
to access your polling place, contact your county
registrar’s office.
1. Vote Early in Person: Voters may vote at early
voting locations
beginning the 4th Monday prior to the
election. Voters are
not required to provide a reason for
voting early. When casting your vote in person, you
must present present an appropriate photo ID. Please
contact your county registrar’s office for early voting
times and locations in your county.
2. Vote By Mail: Voters can request an absentee
180 days before an election without providing
a reason.
3. Provisional voting allows you to cast a ballot in
person even if all the requirements for doing so
cannot be met at the time. The provisional ballot will
count if the problem is solved within three days after
Election Day.
The three reasons for voting a provisional ballot are:
1. You are unable to show one of the required
forms of photo ID when you vote in person;
2. When you first registered to vote in Georgia,
you registered by mail, did not provide any
identification at that time, and are unable to
present acceptable identification the first time
you vote in person; or
3. Your name does not appear on the list of
registered voters in the precinct.