2020 Democrat hopefuls

Joe Biden is done. His multiple gaffes are only getting more numerous. Imagine him 4 years from now? Americans will not overlook this. His cognitive functions are going south

it’s going to be Bloomberg or Bernie now.

I don't know about that. The MSM is going nuts about Biden right now. Bloomberg can't get any coverage.
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Joe is EXACTLY what voters are looking for this November! The question going into 2020 was whether or not Joe Biden could do it. He's demonstrated now that he can.
  • American voters want a candidate who will be a CALMING change from the turbulence of the last four years.
  • They want someone who won't be freaking them out by proposing radical, new programs.
  • They want someone who will protect the foundation of Obamacare: protecting people with pre-existing conditions from being locked out of insurance options.
  • They want someone who they can TRUST. While politicians are known to lie, Trump has put that characterization into overdrive with his daily crap. No one is perfect, but a majority of voters will see Biden as a comforting, old "Uncle Joe."
  • They want someone who is a good person. Joe might not be the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to debates, but across party lines he's known a 'good guy' and an honorable man.
I gotta thank you for posting some actual thoughts of your own about why you like Biden rather than just posting all things anti-Trump. With that said, you have to see how weak your points are when compared to the reality of Joe Biden.
- Your choice for calming change has snapped at multiple reporters, common people at town halls, and challenged multiple people to fisticuffs in this campaign alone. Seems like he’s more fighter than lover.
- 15 years ago pushing an individual mandate to force people into a government program or else pay a fine would be radical. Now it’s not? Either way, Biden takes credit for Obamacare and he’s going to have to defend it.
- Maybe the few millions who didn’t have healthcare that got it free with Obamacare love it, but the many millions whose insurance payments increased without any commensurate increase in service do not. Neither do the people who were pushed off of their healthcare entirely when the plan was initiated. I think that you’re greatly overstating the desire for Obamacare and that’s seen in how every Democrat candidate other than Biden is falling all over there feet to replace it.
- The only comfort Uncle Joe provides is when he’s rubbing your wife or daughter’s shoulders at the worst of times. He’s also been caught out in numerous lies designed to fool people into thinking that he’s someone that he isn’t. Like the lies about being arrested in a Mandela protest or the lies about how he was front and center in civil rights marches. Or the lies about how all of the Obama administration’s successes were his successes.
- I’ll give you the last part. Democrats and moderate Republicans do say that Biden is a good person. Not sure how that’ll play out internationally when Biden can’t remember who he’s talking to or what purpose he’s there for.

The sad part is that Biden is the better alternative of the career politicians for you. You may want to go find a Bloomberg sign.
The MSM is pushing a narrative that Bloomberg is hurting Biden's chances at stopping Sanders. The only reason Bloomberg is running is because Biden has been failing for 11 months. All of a sudden Biden has a good couple of days and Bloomberg is suppose to drop his campaign that has been in the works for 6 months and spent $500 million? GTFOOH!
Biden doesn't know what planet he lives on. The Bloom is off the Bloomberg, Bernie will win today, and go on to be the nominee.
Biden doesn't know what planet he lives on. The Bloom is off the Bloomberg, Bernie will win today, and go on to be the nominee.
The party will burn down if Bernie becomes the nominee. He will never be the nominee. The Bloom may be off of Bloomberg but money fixes a lot of problems.
Joe Biden is done. His multiple gaffes are only getting more numerous. Imagine him 4 years from now? Americans will not overlook this. His cognitive functions are going south

it’s going to be Bloomberg or Bernie now.
i agree with the first part. but i dont think the dnc likes bernie and would rather prop joe thinking he is there best shot against trump. they might settle for bloomberg instead.

we shall see the results tonight. well maybe tonight, the dnc is terrible at counting.... maybe tomorrow or sometime later this week.
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Biden just vowed to bring on the guy who promised to go door to door to confiscate legally owned firearms as his Gun Grabber Czar if he were elected.
Biden so eloquently quoted the declaration of independence last night I think it bears repeating:

"We hold these truths to be self evident that men and women are created, by, you know the thing"
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Biden just vowed to bring on the guy who promised to go door to door to confiscate legally owned firearms as his Gun Grabber Czar if he were elected.

This really looks to me like the DNC has stepped in and are trying to rally the non-socialists into one camp. They see a greater likelihood of moving their traditional progressive agenda forward than bernies radical agenda without destroying the party. Smart move.
Biden just vowed to bring on the guy who promised to go door to door to confiscate legally owned firearms as his Gun Grabber Czar if he were elected.
Oh yeah, Trumpster Nation, let the Joe Biden fear-mongering begin!!!!
Joe Biden is done. His multiple gaffes are only getting more numerous. Imagine him 4 years from now? Americans will not overlook this. His cognitive functions are going south

it’s going to be Bloomberg or Bernie now.

So are you still standing behind that statement?
Biden's having a good night.
The Texas and Cally numbers aren't out yet but Joe is having a great night. States that were listing as leaning Sanders have gone Biden and Bloomberg's case for viability in a number of key states is going down the toilet.
Democrats hate successful business owners.
Typical partisan bullsh*t.
Bloomberg never had a chance.
Bloomberg was gambling that Biden's campaign was going to tank (which it almost did.) Biden is showing tonight the kind of across-the-board electability that will make him the Democratic Party's nominee.

Talk about Joe's gaffs 'til the cows come home, the reality is that all of the Right's typical partisan bullsh*t fear-mongering isn't going to stick against Biden.
This gem from the same guy who proclaimed that Biden was done. :)
This gem is from the guy who thinks that Americans are going to overlook these gaffes forever. Keep trying to catch lightening in a bottle with your savior Biden. He is done. The Democrats are rolling him out there as the best of the worst. He’s their prayer. The least clown-like in a cast of misfits and characters.
The Democratic Party is rigging the nomination with its bias. The same party that accused Trump winning the election because Russian interference doesn’t need outside help.

Just use American resources like the media and crooked Hilary and her big mouth, right guys? :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
The one thing that I liked about sleepy Joe is when he said that if he’s elected, he will make sure that no illegal immigrant from Nebraska will be allowed to cross the border into Florida.

Sanders lost alot of his momentum and the anti-Semite "squad" members all had their preferred candidates squashed yesterday too.
The one thing that I liked about sleepy Joe is when he said that if he’s elected, he will make sure that no illegal immigrant from Nebraska will be allowed to cross the border into Florida.

It doesn’t look like a done deal for Biden. I guess Shuckster went to bed too early
Obama finally got involved Fri and Sat. when he got bud and klo to drop out and throw their support behind Biden. The power brokers of the DMC have now spoken and Biden will be the dude.