
The rest of the country has moved on? Are you delusional? ERs are literally being closed down due to vax mandates. There are travel bans based on a mutation that presents with mild cold-like symptoms. The stock market dropped 1,000 points on Friday because people are concerned about how political leaders will respond to the new variant. Truckers are going to be fired because of mandates which will exacerbate the supply chain crisis.

No sir, our country has not moved on.
Keep spending your entire weekend indoors obsessing about COVID and vaccines. Literally all day and all night. The rest of us are going to packed stadiums and traveling everywhere
Keep spending your entire weekend indoors obsessing about COVID and vaccines. Literally all day and all night. The rest of us are going to packed stadiums and traveling everywhere
You're a dumbass. I was at a football game with 86,000 people on Friday. Not a single one of us was wearing a mask and the 3 guys I went with are all unvaxxed.

Of course, afterwards we went to a restaurant and the local politicians determined that to be safe we all had to wear a mask between the front door and our table, and from our table to the john. And somehow you can relate to that logic.
You're a dumbass. I was at a football game with 86,000 people on Friday. Not a single one of us was wearing a mask and the 3 guys I went with are all unvaxxed.

Of course, afterwards we went to a restaurant and the local politicians determined that to be safe we all had to wear a mask between the front door and our table, and from our table to the john. And somehow you can relate to that logic.
Once again, you’re spending your whole weekend obsessing over COVID and vaccines. Is that not true?

We need a global vaccine for a virus that has mild cold symptoms. The only people that are this stupid are the vaccinated.
  1. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    We need a global vaccine for a virus that has mild cold symptoms. The only people that are this stupid are the vaccinated.
  2. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    You're a dumbass. I was at a football game with 86,000 people on Friday. Not a single one of us was wearing a mask and the 3 guys I went with are all unvaxxed. Of course, afterwards we went to a restaurant and the local politicians determined that to be safe we all had to wear a mask...
  3. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    The rest of the country has moved on? Are you delusional? ERs are literally being closed down due to vax mandates. There are travel bans based on a mutation that presents with mild cold-like symptoms. The stock market dropped 1,000 points on Friday because people are concerned about how...
  4. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    It was a conversation between 4 people, so obviously someone cares. I'm the only one that even responds to you anymore, so you're speaking to a crowd of 1. But again I'll ask, would you like to chime in on any aspect of the topic?
  5. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    ^^^still responds but has nothing to say. It's pretty pathetic.
  6. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Looks like pretty much every European country is experiencing the same thing. This one at 87% vaccination rate. Is it possible that this is just a product of bad tests or testing when it's not really necessary?
  7. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]


  8. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    3 black men drove at high speeds through a Waukesha parade today

    Weird how a violent racist felon can drive through a Christmas parade and kill 6 people, and the MSM only covers the story for about a day.
  9. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Well that didn't age well.
  10. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    It's likely that most strains of the common cold did kill a lot of people when they first emerged. Then they mutated down and exist symbiotically with humans. Omicron is the natural progression of covid, and its probably nothing to fear based on the medical reporting coming out of South Africa.
  11. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    We've got another common cold virus. That's it. Our fvcktard politicians are still going to destroy the world's economy over it as they jockey for position, but its just the sniffles. Just remember: Omicron is an anagram for "moronic".
  12. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]


    Yes. The pilgrims were gay. All of them. They actually had trouble with the whole procreation thing because of all of the gayness going on in pilgrim town.
  13. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]


    They are being murdered AND misgendered. The struggle is real folks.
  14. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Good God almighty! No wonder countries are shutting down international travel and the stock market tanked. Clearly this is the existential threat we've been waiting for and the only solution is total government control for our own good. I'd be having a panic attack right now if it wasn't...
  15. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Rittenhouse trial is over before it begins

    You have 2 choices: either the tree of liberty is watered by the blood of patriots, or the tree of communism is watered by the blood of the proletariat. Those are the options we have left. Choose or get out of the way.
If you can't see that this is all part of the bigger culture war going on, you are either comfortable in your ignorance or a flaming liberal. Which one is it Mike?
There are travel bans based on a mutation that presents with mild cold-like symptoms.

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. One lady was quoted that on a handful of patients. When we have epi data for 100k+, then we can start talking about observations

The same thing was said about Delta . Sniffles variant, which ended up being mostly fake news.

I’m not saying it isn’t mild, not saying it is. Btw, Geett Vanderbosche thinks this one could escape robust natural immunity too
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The common cold doesnt kill millions of people, are you guys not past that yet?
But it used to, don't forget that.

Also don't forget we don't understand coronaviruses, and didn't even think they existed until not even 50 years ago, and have only considered them a threat for the past 15.

This is what an endemic, with a poorly understood virus, is.

Anyone saying they understand this or that our current vaccines are useful at containing any spread just continue to spew bullshit.

It's time to stop letting authorities tell us what to do when they not only obviously don't understand anything, but many resigning/resigned FDA officials have stated that over and over.

We are controlled by politicians and the Congressional-Pharmaceutical-Technological complex who are pushing more patents and tracking systems, respectively.

It's a crap shoot, but a trillions of dollars profitable one.
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Yeah, everybody has moved on from the virus. Well, not if the government tells you that you can't.

Some of us have been saying this for 2 years. Nice to see the expert finally catch up
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The same 4 circlejerks still at it! Spending their entire weekend worrying about COVID and vaccines

Lol...we were told covid would go away if we had enough vaccinated. Goal posts are now across the city limits. How this clown has a job still is amazing especially after funding this mess.
The 'X vaccinated to stop the spread' continues to be a math test. Even the best, pro-vax estimates put spread over time reduction of 41%, and the main argument being used for pro-vaccination, which means an 'effective vaccination' rate required to achieve alleged 'effective herd' immunity, the easiest, is 91%.

It's impossible to achieve 91% effective, even if 100% of everyone, including toddlers, were vaccinated, because over 10% have immunity deficiencies and other limitations. It's time to end the rule of bullshitters, and start calling out people screaming 'Science!' for who they are... 'Witch doctors.' Seriously, the joke was dead on arrival with the IgG-predominant vaccines earlier this year.

It's endemic, because -- just like all Coronaviruses over the decades and even centuries -- we don't understand them, and we keep talking about it like it's smallpox. Way too many sheep in the world.
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Way too many sheep in the world.
You’re sheep. We are all doing things and you are living your life like a hermit. Didn’t you attempt to go to games with 2 masks and sitting alone?

Everybody run out and get your cold vaccine so they don't have to shut down the country again. We are all in this together.

Everybody run out and get your cold vaccine so they don't have to shut down the country again. We are all in this together.

  1. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    ^^^still responds but has nothing to say. It's pretty pathetic.
  2. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Looks like pretty much every European country is experiencing the same thing. This one at 87% vaccination rate. Is it possible that this is just a product of bad tests or testing when it's not really necessary?
  3. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]


  4. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    3 black men drove at high speeds through a Waukesha parade today

    Weird how a violent racist felon can drive through a Christmas parade and kill 6 people, and the MSM only covers the story for about a day.
  5. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Well that didn't age well.
  6. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    It's likely that most strains of the common cold did kill a lot of people when they first emerged. Then they mutated down and exist symbiotically with humans. Omicron is the natural progression of covid, and its probably nothing to fear based on the medical reporting coming out of South Africa.

A week ago, scientists were "baffled why Africa was doing so well with only 6% being vaccinated. It's no coincidence that this is now the leading story in the world, because that narrative needed to be destroyed.
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Among the litany of "conspiracy theories" that have been posited and mostly turned out to be true, the one left hanging is ADE. Maybe omicron is the variant that brings this one to the same table as all of the rest. It sure would be interesting to see droves of vaccinated people dying by the millions after blindly dismissing those warnings and how the survivors would respond.
Anyone remember Merck’s molnupiravir interim report announcement about a month ago? 50% efficacy in hospitalizations in mild to moderate covid. Led the nightly news and was pumped nonstop by MSM as ‘miracle drug’

They just released their final report and it shows 24% efficacy 🙄 They published all the good data upfront. 50% interim to 24% final 💰🤦‍♀️

And I can tell you, published 24% means 0% or less than 0%. Moneypiravir also causes cancer and birth defects. It’s mechanism of action is to mutate the virus, but it mutates you too. Bank on it that moneypiravir will cause a cov2 mutation that gets out in the wild

But all the pharma shills went nuts over it. Ivermectin and HCQ both blow away moneypiravir. What a corrupt bunch of 🤡

Among the litany of "conspiracy theories" that have been posited and mostly turned out to be true, the one left hanging is ADE. Maybe omicron is the variant that brings this one to the same table as all of the rest. It sure would be interesting to see droves of vaccinated people dying by the millions after blindly dismissing those warnings and how the survivors would respond.

Not just ADE, rather more broadly vaccine enhanced disease. Antigenic drift, and low quantity neutralizing antibodies are required for ADE and friends, and now we have it.

OAS is also in the picture, and how it relates to vaccine immunity and antigenic drift. This is one of the reasons why boosting with the OG antigen is so horrible

Good point with that 6% vaccinated. Pfizer needs a few more billion in that region
They don’t have the refrigeration infrastructure. That’s why the J&J shot was such a big deal for them. Until it had its problems.
Look at the same 4 circle jerk pathetic losers still searching Twitter 24/7 worried about COVID and vaccines.

Who’s posting and worried? The unvaccinated
Here we go. 3 month boosters.

Judging by the immediate reaction, it's looking more and more like the existing vaxes don't do a damn thing for the new variant. In the meantime, excess deaths are screaming red as a safety signal. Totally ignored.

You guys still obsessing about COVID and vaccines? I thought we already concluded that horse paste was the answer? Why y’all so worried?
Here we go. 3 month boosters.

Judging by the immediate reaction, it's looking more and more like the existing vaxes don't do a damn thing for the new variant. In the meantime, excess deaths are screaming red as a safety signal. Totally ignored.

Good deal. The more deaths among the vaccinated, the more it will expose the lies that have been propagated. Keep getting the jab, chuds.

What a robot. His handlers have him trained well. Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine. Pharma Pharma Pharma. These guys are worthless.

The UK already moved to every 3 months, the US will without doubt be next and the world to follow. Why? Because the Spike only vaccines cannot handle spike mutations, and the T-cell immunity conferred also sucks. My God I realized my mother in law went 8 months before being boosted. She was probably vulnerable for the last 5 months

We're nowhere near this shit show being over. Pharma is just now sinking it's teeth into the flesh of the all too trusting public. Next up Molnupiravir ! 💰 💀 ☠️
What a robot. His handlers have him trained well. Vaccine, Vaccine, Vaccine. Pharma Pharma Pharma. These guys are worthless.

The UK already moved to every 3 months, the US will without doubt be next and the world to follow. Why? Because the Spike only vaccines cannot handle spike mutations, and the T-cell immunity conferred also sucks. My God I realized my mother in law went 8 months before being boosted. She was probably vulnerable for the last 5 months

We're nowhere near this shit show being over. Pharma is just now sinking it's teeth into the flesh of the all too trusting public. Next up Molnupiravir ! 💰 💀 ☠️
Worthless? Nah. They are saving the planet by killing off as many people as they can.
Called it. With waning immunity the vaccine would be required every 3 months.
This isn't about waning immunity. No rational thinking person thinks it makes sense to get a shot every 3 months to protect themselves from a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate. There's a purpose for all of this and it isn't public health.
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Hahahahaha!! More deaths amongst the unvaccinated. What a bunch of morons

Better check your chud unvaccinated stats again pathetic loser
800k deaths among 49 million cases equals 98.4% survival (1.6% CFR).

How many infections went unnoticed due to asymptomatic infection? Guaranteed that it's at least triple the 49 million.

But by all means, update your subscription to the vaccine of the month club. It should be interesting to see what happens to all of the test subjects.
800k deaths among 49 million cases equals 98.4% survival (1.6% CFR).

How many infections went unnoticed due to asymptomatic infection? Guaranteed that it's at least triple the 49 million.

But by all means, update your subscription to the vaccine of the month club. It should be interesting to see what happens to all of the test subjects.
Oh.., so your stats are made up? Your shit for brains math isn’t even correct.

Now tell us about the greater than 65 age group for the variants.

Why are all the unvaccinated so scared? The vaccinated aren’t?