
Here we go. 3 month boosters.

Judging by the immediate reaction, it's looking more and more like the existing vaxes don't do a damn thing for the new variant. In the meantime, excess deaths are screaming red as a safety signal. Totally ignored.

Why are you so scared? You’re obsessed with COVID and vaccines 24/7. So are your make believe friends
Seriously Mikey, among Lite and several others...

The push for 3 month Boosters with outdated vaccines are exactly what we were warning about.

Wake the **** up and STOP making this about us. I mean, where the **** does this end?!
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Seriously Mikey, among Lite and several others...

The push for 3 month Boosters with outdated vaccines are exactly what we were warning about.

Wake the **** up and STOP making this about us. I mean, where the **** does this end?!
You are scared 😱 too. I saw you at a game by yourself with 2 masks 😷

Good deal. Nothing better than seeing the vaccinated get sick.

  1. Biden said he would fix covid

    Good deal. Nothing better than seeing the vaccinated get sick.
  2. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    THREAD: Mass hysteria evidence topics only

    Seems to me like the operative part of the story is that he had already had covid and they still required him to get vaccinated.
  3. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    THREAD: Mass hysteria evidence topics only

    Is one scenario better than the other?
  4. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    How America got Divorced from Reality

    Interesting that he left out things like "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" and "snow will be a thing of the past".
  5. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Ghislaine Maxwell trial

  6. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Great Economic News 🇺🇸

    Everyone with a brain knows how to stop a respiratory virus that can jump from humans to animals and back? Pray-tell, how exactly is that done?
  7. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    "Brawndo! Mike" strikes again with some fantastic insight. You totally showed me.
  8. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    800k deaths among 49 million cases equals 98.4% survival (1.6% CFR). How many infections went unnoticed due to asymptomatic infection? Guaranteed that it's at least triple the 49 million. But by all means, update your subscription to the vaccine of the month club. It should be...
  9. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    This isn't about waning immunity. No rational thinking person thinks it makes sense to get a shot every 3 months to protect themselves from a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate. There's a purpose for all of this and it isn't public health.
  10. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Worthless? Nah. They are saving the planet by killing off as many people as they can.
  11. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

  12. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Good deal. The more deaths among the vaccinated, the more it will expose the lies that have been propagated. Keep getting the jab, chuds.
  13. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Rittenhouse trial is over before it begins

    Other than platitudes, how do you make their lives better?
  14. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]


    Why did they have to stop with a kiss? Let's see these 2 get naked and sweaty.
  15. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    New Twitter CEO

    Mike may get his way and speech will be censored there like everywhere else
If you translate the tweet, it doesnt say it is a severe case, and actually says he attended conferences, so my guess is that it isnt severe.
So basically, in 3 months we should expect Fauci to come out and say that it's possible that within a year we will know whether or not this variant is dangerous.
  • Haha
Reactions: UCFBS
If you translate the tweet, it doesnt say it is a severe case, and actually says he attended conferences, so my guess is that it isnt severe.
Which is what top, now resigned, FDA officials as well as WHO have been saying for many months.

The mRNA vector vaccines -- especially not updated -- were never designed to reduce the spread, and Boosters are not going to help, but ... if you're vaccinated -- even without a Booster -- you're almost entirely protected (80%, if not 90%+) from serious disease, and even more so with the latest Omicron variant.

I'm honestly tired of both politicians and the Mass-Social Media not understanding why we do not need any Boosters, and how new variants are not likely to threaten. Even Delta, per infection, wasn't as deadly as Alpha. Omicron is even less so, especially if one is vaccinated -- not even Boosted.

It's really time to end the non-sense ... seriously. We need to stop trying to stop all spread of a, now, endemic disease to the human race.
I dont know what this has to do with my post.
Lol. Your guess is the same as mine, and it's probably 100% accurate. Fauci needs about 15 months to come to the same conclusion.

It was a joke.
Indeed. This is becoming absolutely comical at this point. I'm glad more and more medical professionals are 'pushing back' on statements and related policies that have become total jokes at this point.
Which is what top, now resigned, FDA officials as well as WHO have been saying for many months.

The mRNA vector vaccines -- especially not updated -- were never designed to reduce the spread, and Boosters are not going to help, but ... if you're vaccinated -- even without a Booster -- you're almost entirely protected (80%, if not 90%+) from serious disease, and even more so with the latest Omicron variant.

I'm honestly tired of both politicians and the Mass-Social Media not understanding why we do not need any Boosters, and how new variants are not likely to threaten. Even Delta, per infection, wasn't as deadly as Alpha. Omicron is even less so, especially if one is vaccinated -- not even Boosted.

It's really time to end the non-sense ... seriously. We need to stop trying to stop all spread of a, now, endemic disease to the human race.
Spoken from the guy who wears 2 masks sitting by himself in an empty stadium. What a dumb fukc!
Indeed. This is becoming absolutely comical at this point. I'm glad more and more medical professionals are 'pushing back' on statements and related policies that have become total jokes at this point.
Well, I don't know if comical is the correct term. Just consider the scenario that has occurred in the last 4 days:

South Africa calls the WHO to tell them that they discovered a new variant, and the symptoms are very, very mild.

The DOW drops 1,000 points out of fear of what governments might do.

The WHO calls an emergency meeting, and decides that because of this situation, we need vaccine equity (i.e. the US pays for vaccines for Africa), and that we need a one-world approach to Healthcare.

The EU, Japan, and the US shut down international travel from Africa. New York declares a state of emergency and cancels all elective surgeries.

South Africa comes back out and says "guys, it's just a couple of days of body aches, what's the big deal?"
Well, I don't know if comical is the correct term. Just consider the scenario that has occurred in the last 4 days:

South Africa calls the WHO to tell them that they discovered a new variant, and the symptoms are very, very mild.

The DOW drops 1,000 points out of fear of what governments might do.

The WHO calls an emergency meeting, and decides that because of this situation, we need vaccine equity (i.e. the US pays for vaccines for Africa), and that we need a one-world approach to Healthcare.

The EU, Japan, and the US shut down international travel from Africa. New York declares a state of emergency and cancels all elective surgeries.

South Africa comes back out and says "guys, it's just a couple of days of body aches, what's the big deal?"
Why you so scared celibate boy? 99.9999% survival rate for the unvaccinated. You should be fine.😂😂😂
Why you so scared celibate boy? 99.9999% survival rate for the unvaccinated. You should be fine.😂😂😂
I am fine. Caught it, got over it, now I'm good. Plus, I'm at no risk of any vaccine related side effects so the skies are clear in my world.

You on the other hand, have to keep getting shots. And you will because you're afraid to lose your Faux immunity.
I am fine. Caught it, got over it, now I'm good. Plus, I'm at no risk of any vaccine related side effects so the skies are clear in my world.

You on the other hand, have to keep getting shots. And you will because you're afraid to lose your Faux immunity.
You said that you had long term complications and people you knew died from it, but we all know that you’re an attention seeking, narcissistic, pathological liar who who be better off killing himself. You live a worthless existence
  1. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    How America got Divorced from Reality

    Found another one of them thar stories The people that struggle to pay 10 bucks more at the pump should buy a 55,000 dollar EV instead.
  2. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    I am fine. Caught it, got over it, now I'm good. Plus, I'm at no risk of any vaccine related side effects so the skies are clear in my world. You on the other hand, have to keep getting shots. And you will because you're afraid to lose your Faux immunity.
  3. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Well, I don't know if comical is the correct term. Just consider the scenario that has occurred in the last 4 days: South Africa calls the WHO to tell them that they discovered a new variant, and the symptoms are very, very mild. The DOW drops 1,000 points out of fear of what governments...
  4. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Lol. Your guess is the same as mine, and it's probably 100% accurate. Fauci needs about 15 months to come to the same conclusion. It was a joke.
  5. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    How America got Divorced from Reality

    I found one of them divorced from reality stories:
  6. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    So basically, in 3 months we should expect Fauci to come out and say that it's possible that within a year we will know whether or not this variant is dangerous.
  7. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    Good deal. Nothing better than seeing the vaccinated get sick.
  8. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    THREAD: Mass hysteria evidence topics only

    Seems to me like the operative part of the story is that he had already had covid and they still required him to get vaccinated.
  9. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    THREAD: Mass hysteria evidence topics only

    Is one scenario better than the other?
  10. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    How America got Divorced from Reality

    Interesting that he left out things like "if you like your plan you can keep your plan" and "snow will be a thing of the past".
  11. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Ghislaine Maxwell trial

  12. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Great Economic News 🇺🇸

    Everyone with a brain knows how to stop a respiratory virus that can jump from humans to animals and back? Pray-tell, how exactly is that done?
  13. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    "Brawndo! Mike" strikes again with some fantastic insight. You totally showed me.
  14. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    800k deaths among 49 million cases equals 98.4% survival (1.6% CFR). How many infections went unnoticed due to asymptomatic infection? Guaranteed that it's at least triple the 49 million. But by all means, update your subscription to the vaccine of the month club. It should be...
  15. [IMG alt="Crazyhole"][/IMG]

    Biden said he would fix covid

    This isn't about waning immunity. No rational thinking person thinks it makes sense to get a shot every 3 months to protect themselves from a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate. There's a purpose for all of this and it isn't public health.
You said that you had long term complications and people you knew died from it, but we all know that you’re an attention seeking, narcissistic, pathological liar who who be better off killing himself. You live a worthless existence
My liver enzymes were up and my kidneys were having some problems but I got over it.

I don't know anybody that has died from covid. I mentioned that my ex-FIL died of a heart attack 3 days after getting vaxxed.
I am fine. Caught it, got over it, now I'm good. Plus, I'm at no risk of any vaccine related side effects so the skies are clear in my world.

You on the other hand, have to keep getting shots. And you will because you're afraid to lose your Faux immunity.
So… the skies are clear in your world living indoors and cowering over the Twitternet
You said that you had long term complications and people you knew died from it, but we all know that you’re an attention seeking, narcissistic, pathological liar who who be better off killing himself. You live a worthless existence
Do you understand the hateful, hurtful, controlling future -- based assumption, instead of science -- you repersent? And every time we point this out, you literally tell us ... we're the ones killing people?!

At what point have you been correct about anything of any significance in this entire ordeal? And that includes the fact that you are still asserting you have sterilizing immunity because you're vaccinated and you don't need to do anything while everyone else is to blame?

You have repeatedly sold snake oil with the popular, but totally faux, certainty of a con artist, and yet when you are repeatedly proven incorrect, and the non-scientific assumptions that led to it, especially those at odds with the pre-existing, known reality (the vaccines themselves do not provide any sterilizing immunity and are incapable of reducing any spread in the upper respiratory tract), are proven wrong, you double-down and refuse to accept the statistics.

You even push total bullshit that the vaccines are the best medicine for those sick, especially those already vaccinated or who had medical issue that prevented them from such. You lash out and blame everyone, even more so once the snake oil is exposed, and that certainty is utterly vanquished.

Do you even care to show any semblance of logic at this point? Are you not even aware of all that you have stated that has been scientifically, medically and statistically obliterated?
Last edited:
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Reactions: Crazyhole
Do you understand the hateful, hurtful, controlling future -- based assumption, instead of science -- you repersent? And every time we point this out, you literally tell us ... we're the ones killing people?!

At what point have you been correct about anything of any significance in this entire ordeal? And that includes the fact that you are still asserting you have sterilizing immunity because you're vaccinated and you don't need to do anything while everyone else is to blame?

You have repeatedly sold snake oil with the popular, but totally faux, certainty of a con artist, and yet when you are repeatedly proven incorrect, and the non-scientific assumptions that led to it, especially those at odds with the pre-existing, known reality (the vaccines themselves do not provide any sterilizing immunity and are incapable of reducing any spread in the upper respiratory tract), are proven wrong, you double-down and refuse to accept the statistics.

You even push total bullshit that the vaccines are the best medicine for those sick, especially those already vaccinated or who had medical issue that prevented them from such. You lash out and blame everyone, even more so once the snake oil is exposed, and that certainty is utterly vanquished.

Do you even care to show any semblance of logic at this point? Are you not even aware of all that you have stated that has been scientifically, medically and statistically obliterated?

Do you understand the hateful, hurtful, controlling future -- based assumption, instead of science -- you repersent? And every time we point this out, you literally tell us ... we're the ones killing people?!

At what point have you been correct about anything of any significance in this entire ordeal? And that includes the fact that you are still asserting you have sterilizing immunity because you're vaccinated and you don't need to do anything while everyone else is to blame?

You have repeatedly sold snake oil with the popular, but totally faux, certainty of a con artist, and yet when you are repeatedly proven incorrect, and the non-scientific assumptions that led to it, especially those at odds with the pre-existing, known reality (the vaccines themselves do not provide any sterilizing immunity and are incapable of reducing any spread in the upper respiratory tract), are proven wrong, you double-down and refuse to accept the statistics.

You even push total bullshit that the vaccines are the best medicine for those sick, especially those already vaccinated or who had medical issue that prevented them from such. You lash out and blame everyone, even more so once the snake oil is exposed, and that certainty is utterly vanquished.

Do you even care to show any semblance of logic at this point? Are you not even aware of all that you have stated that has been scientifically, medically and statistically obliterated?

  • Haha
Reactions: KnighttimeJoe

I was listening to a podcast from a doctor yesterday and he brought this up. The guy has been pro-vax the entire time but he's saying that booster shots in anybody under 50 is a bad idea because it could be priming your immune system to respond to new variants as if they were the original virus. The thing that stood out the most though, was his point about letting omicron become the dominant strain. If the data out of south Africa is correct, we should get out of the way and let this one take over and let the others burn themselves out. Instead, our politicians and health officials seem dead set on keeping the more deadly strains be dominant. Why?

Do we simply dismiss this out of hand like so many other troubling statistics?

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The very limited data I see is Omicron is weak and may not outcompete Delta

But if a less transmissible Omicron should outcompete delta it would be due to an immunity escape advantage over vaccine and natural immunity

So if Omicron ends up being the OG sniffles variant, everyone should take the opportunity to top up immunity
The very limited data I see is Omicron is weak and may not outcompete Delta

But if a less transmissible Omicron should outcompete delta it would be due to an immunity escape advantage over vaccine and natural immunity

So if Omicron ends up being the OG sniffles variant, everyone should take the opportunity to top up immunity
It shouldn't be able to escape natural immunity because it contains most of the same proteins as the previous strains. Vaccines, yes, because they only contain 1 viral protein.
Frankenfauci is responsible for this mess. He funded the research, hid the knowledge it was Wuhan lab created, and made the deals where government owned the vaccines. If the vaccines worked without causing problems senior deaths should not be elevated to any great extent yet they are. While I am not anti Vax, I will not be getting any booster shot.

Do we simply dismiss this out of hand like so many other troubling statistics?

I can chalk at most 50% to lifestyle changes. The vaccines and the virus is the other half.

That said, my two are still getting boosted. We did risk vs. reward analysis, and for them it makes sense. Every 3 months though? 💰🤦‍♀️

I don’t think a true harm percentage can be calculated yet. We’re sort of winging it in some of our assumptions on who, why and how long the injuries will last
Is it safe to say that you don't think they are covid deaths?
It shouldn't be able to escape natural immunity because it contains most of the same proteins as the previous strains. Vaccines, yes, because they only contain 1 viral protein.
Frankenfauci is responsible for this mess. He funded the research, hid the knowledge it was Wuhan lab created, and made the deals where government owned the vaccines. If the vaccines worked without causing problems senior deaths should not be elevated to any great extent yet they are. While I am not anti Vax, I will not be getting any booster shot.
I can chalk at most 50% to lifestyle changes. The vaccines and the virus is the other half.

That said, my two are still getting boosted. We did risk vs. reward analysis, and for them it makes sense. Every 3 months though? 💰🤦‍♀️

I don’t think a true harm percentage can be calculated yet. We’re sort of winging it in some of our assumptions on who, why and how long the injuries will last
You jerk offs have natural immunity and horse paste. Why are you all panicking?

You’ll never need any vaccines? Just take aspirin, a z-pack and you should be fine