What I find is we have largely 3 groups...
Group 1: Vocal Majority - Certainty and Mandates For All
These people have claimed everything is known since 2021 Spring, that the Pandemic is of the unvaccinated, the unvaccinated are to blame for everything, Pharma must be listened to, has no ulterior motives in only providing mRNA over traditional vaccines, that only new drugs will work, and that there are no issues with the advisement out of the CDC or FDA and any changes have due to changes in the science. They also believe mandates are the only way to end the pandemic. Everything else must be outlawed, and no doctors should be allowed to do anything... even if legal, and commonly tried in 20%+ cases of other infections and disease, which is actually how we find out a lot and long-term cures in combination.
Group 2: Vocal Minority - Let Individual Doctors Decide, Not All Vaccines or Medicines Are the Same
The people who have repeatedly pointed out we're utterly ignorant of Coronaviruses (CoV) in general, and while we weren't against the FDA and EMA approving mRNA and even re-vax'ing the elderly.... we've been concerned the younger we go because - as even the now published FDA and EMA documentation shows, the risk was worth it the older we go - with more of their lifespan left, the more risk to them, especially has the FDA expert panels have been ignored or bypassed, and definitely as the FDA's own, top experts have repeated there was no data showing any benefit for the general population to be re-vaxed, and even openly complained about the lack of clinical data on children. The FDA has also backed off its claim Ivermectin is not an anti-viral (it is), and expert panels are taking real issue with some of the 'repurposed, but still under patents' drugs that failed against the flu, and are known to be less-than-safe. And the science hasn't changed, the politics has... on everything from masks to how effective natural immunity always has been.
Group 3: Silent Majority that believed #1 more initially, but now realize #2 had a point that the science hasn't changed.. we've just censored the experts, until more recently.
More and more people realize this is not only turning more into something like Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos, but the same experts that were right about them, have been right about SARS-CoV-2 and Pharma from the get-go ...
Follow the money.
We are becoming a complete oligarchy with expanded statism, and the proof is in that we refuse to manufacture a traditional vaccine for our kids, and are mandating things most western countries will not, and the refuse to follow the science on.
People are actually defending oligarchy-statism over individual freedom, even when no data supports the populace benefit, and we've done everything to censor those who are arguing with that data.
That's everything wrong with this country right now!