Delicious Bull Tears Mega Thread

I was hoping they would win today so they would keep that crappy coach....LOL

At least they kept it close
He said he going to keep moving forward. That would imply they were moving forward in the first place. My guess is that he is toast.
Looks they just fired Jeff Scott. That really sucks....was hoping that dumb ass AD would extend him for a few more years...

If you read the press release and at the bottom it lists their accomplishments including being ranked #2 for part of the 2007 season . 😆

So , will Scott Frost send in his application with references. ?
Bulls fans already clamoring for Frost.
They thought they were getting a Frost type coach when they hired Jeff Scott. Young OC from a P5 school. Young and to 'relate' to the recruits.

Their attempts to copy UCF didn't work out so well...

And I think UCF would be in the same boat today if it were not for a particular QB with initials MM.

Regardless....glad the da*Bools are in the predicament they are in. Broke as sh*t, gotta pay Scott out, looking for a new coach something, wishing for an OCS.....none of which they can afford with their $7 million a year payout from AAC and measly revenue from ticket sales at the rented pirate ship stadium.
And I think UCF would be in the same boat today if it were not for a particular QB with initials MM
Could be a lot of things. Who would have thought after that day in 2007 that not too many years later we'd be P5 and they would be one-win and left behind in realignment.

People used to say back then, "UCF did it the right way, building a program over time and fan support," etc, whatever that stuff meant. USF had a stadium full of people with household brands coming to town and signature wins. Nothing succeeds like success.

But nevertheless here we are. Whatever all the inside baseball is, I'm glad that the place I went to school figured out how to get all that stuff done to put us where we are.
Could be a lot of things. Who would have thought after that day in 2007 that not too many years later we'd be P5 and they would be one-win and left behind in realignment.

People used to say back then, "UCF did it the right way, building a program over time and fan support," etc, whatever that stuff meant. USF had a stadium full of people with household brands coming to town and signature wins. Nothing succeeds like success.

But nevertheless here we are. Whatever all the inside baseball is, I'm glad that the place I went to school figured out how to get all that stuff done to put us where we are.
Hitt is the reason . He got it.
Bulls fans already clamoring for Frost.
Might not be a bad choice. He can't do any worse than Scott and it would be similiar to taking over our team after we went 0-12. But we all know we had talent that OLeary wasn't using correctly.
Lol they are still delusional . Conference Realignment has made that job less attractive along w so many coaches failing there

Where is all this money they have to spend???

They will be paying 2 coaches through 2026 at least (thanks to Jeff Scott's extension earlier this year). On an AAC budget. $350MM+ stadium 'in the works". No current stadium revenue. Pays rent every time they have a home game. 5,000 fans there unless they are playing us. BOGO ticket offers and free tickets if you buy a sub at Subway and pinkie swear to show up at the game.

Again....where is this "money to spend' coming from????? T-shirt sales? 'Stadium Fund' jar at Mons Venus?
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Where is all this money they have to spend???

They will be paying 2 coaches through 2026 at least (thanks to Jeff Scott's extension earlier this year). On an AAC budget. $350MM+ stadium 'in the works". No current stadium revenue. Pays rent every time they have a home game. 5,000 fans there unless they are playing us. BOGO ticket offers and free tickets if you buy a sub at Subway and pinkie swear to show up at the game.

Again....where is this "money to spend' coming from????? T-shirt sales? 'Stadium Fund' jar at Mons Venus?
Good question. UCF was in financial trouble bc of COVID and the Danny White /Heupel domino bailed us out . And we have Big12 money coming. I have no idea how they are going to pay another fired college coach on top of claiming to build a $300 Million dollar stadium
It’ll be a weird feeling if they get Frost. On one hand, could we forgive him for going to a bitter rival? On the other hand, they are going to be in the rear view mirror after this year.
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It’ll be a weird feeling if they get Frost. On one hand, could we forgive him for going to a bitter rival? On the other hand, they are going to be in the rear view mirror after this year.
the only people bringing up Frost are UCF podcasts hosts. that job doesn’t make sense for him after Nebraska. He needs a place where success is guaranteed fast
I really think they need to go out and buy one of the staffs at the top of FCS (top-to-bottom). A staff that has been together a little bit, and that would at least stay around USF for 3-4 years to build some kind of foundation. They literally have nothing going for them right now except for an indoor practice facility and "plans". They have no hardware (have never even played for any), no tradition, no place to call "home", are going to have less money coming in starting next season, and a depleted conference that will, at least for the near future, be seen as perhaps the worst conference in college football except for CUSA (the best of CUSA is coming to the AAC, and then CUSA is bringing in Jacksonville State, New Mexico State, Sam Houston State and Liberty. I think Liberty bails out the first chance they get but since they are currently an independent they at least get a home for all of their athletics...kind of like what we had to do with the MAC).

They just don't get it, and I don't know how you can't get it in a business that is so clear on what you have to do in order to compete. That doesn't always mean success but you won't even have the opportunity otherwise. You either do what needs to be done or fail. Pretty obvious which path they took.
It’ll be a weird feeling if they get Frost. On one hand, could we forgive him for going to a bitter rival? On the other hand, they are going to be in the rear view mirror after this year.
No way he goes to that dump. He takes a year off or next season becomes an OC somewhere like Auburn or Texas A&M, as examples. He couldn't compete at Nebraska with their facilities and money. I think he'd spit milk out of his nose if shown what he has to work with at USF right now.
This is a new one… they could go after T Will

"Terrified" of losing T-Will...funny. A bit dramatic. It' s business. That's what they don't seem to get. We've already lost two staffs to success in the last 6 seasons. We lost Gus's OC after one season. You hope good people find good replacements. That's all you can do.
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They need to take a look at Bryan Harsin. Yes, he just got sh_t-canned and diligence needs to be done as to why but he was 69-19 prior to Auburn. Auburn would be paying a majority of his pay. Kind of the same deal as Gus but some baggage. He needs to rebuild his image. Might need to stay around for a bit to do that.
They need to take a look at Bryan Harsin. Yes, he just got sh_t-canned and diligence needs to be done as to why but he was 69-19 prior to Auburn. Auburn would be paying a majority of his pay. Kind of the same deal as Gus but some baggage. He needs to rebuild his image. Might need to stay around for a bit to do that.
This is their most likely scenario. They need to hire someone who can take a bare minimum salary while they pay Scott until the 2026 season.
Where is all this money they have to spend???

They will be paying 2 coaches through 2026 at least (thanks to Jeff Scott's extension earlier this year). On an AAC budget. $350MM+ stadium 'in the works". No current stadium revenue. Pays rent every time they have a home game. 5,000 fans there unless they are playing us. BOGO ticket offers and free tickets if you buy a sub at Subway and pinkie swear to show up at the game.

Again....where is this "money to spend' coming from????? T-shirt sales? 'Stadium Fund' jar at Mons Venus?
That's right. Tip generously on the 26th - or don't F 'em.
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Might not be a bad choice. He can't do any worse than Scott and it would be similiar to taking over our team after we went 0-12. But we all know we had talent that OLeary wasn't using correctly.
There is a HUGE difference between the UCF team that went 0-12 and the USF Bulls team right now. UCF was the Conference Champions of the BE 2 years prior and Champion of the AAC the prior year. When we had the 0-12 year, in the first game UCF's starting RB, C, 2 DL, and a Corner all had season ending injuries. The Center broke his neck somewhere in the 2Q. By game 3, we lost our QB for 7 games due to breaking his throwing wrist (Holman). We also lost 5 starters on Defense due to injuries. By Game 8 we were playing more scout players than any other NCAA team because almost every starter was injured and out for 1-3 games. At the end of the season, we had 2-3 starters left un injured in total that ended the season - 1 was drafted in the 3rd round. It was why Frost concentrated on conditioning. The next season, we had a lot of players back, we had more experienced back ups, and team morale was "We can only get better."

USF has not had a winning season since 2017. USF does not have a fanbase. USF does not have the facilities to compete in their own conference. USF does not have the money to invest in their program. USF has been pointing their finger at everyone other than themselves. My honest opinion is that they need to find a coach near the end of his career who will stay there and make that school their legacy. GOL did that for us. They need a coach who will bring stability to their program and their fanbase needs to understand change will come over 3-5 years because their program is so far behind CUSA and Sun Belt schools. Marshall and FAU have better facilities!
Where is all this money they have to spend???

They will be paying 2 coaches through 2026 at least (thanks to Jeff Scott's extension earlier this year). On an AAC budget. $350MM+ stadium 'in the works". No current stadium revenue. Pays rent every time they have a home game. 5,000 fans there unless they are playing us. BOGO ticket offers and free tickets if you buy a sub at Subway and pinkie swear to show up at the game.

Again....where is this "money to spend' coming from????? T-shirt sales? 'Stadium Fund' jar at Mons Venus?
We'll be giving them a couple hundred thou, a year starting next year.