Donald Drumpf sucks thread but come in and watch Sir Gal and Coke kneel before the dumbass

Rubio is tough but reasonable on immigration like most of America. Regardless of what you think of his campaign he is smart enough to know that Cruz's and Trump's extreme mass deportation pledge is suicide in a General Election. The thought of ICE officials hunting down 12 million law abiding Illegal Immigrants & breaking up families would be a terrible look for this country(imagine the worldwide media coverage of this happening) and most Americans agree on a path to legal status.
The main problem with all the "send them back" plans is how to find and detain the illegal aliens:
1. Stop people on the street, driving cars, on the bus, eating at restaurants and ask them to show their documents (btw, americans would have to carry their birth certificate all the time)
2. Go door to door and ask for proof of being here legally

BTW, racial profiling would only work in some states and hispanics come in all colors: black, caucasian, and asian. PRs and Cubans will get pissed off after a while
The main problem with all the "send them back" plans is how to find and detain the illegal aliens:
1. Stop people on the street, driving cars, on the bus, eating at restaurants and ask them to show their documents (btw, americans would have to carry their birth certificate all the time)
2. Go door to door and ask for proof of being here legally

BTW, racial profiling would only work in some states and hispanics come in all colors: black, caucasian, and asian. PRs and Cubans will get pissed off after a while
When the Social Security office notices a SSN being used multiple times or the SSN of a dead taxpayer is being used, they could pay that person a visit and start asking questions. As it is right now, nothing happens. I get why the tax office is happy to accept that payment. While employers don't mind hiring undocumented labor, they will not generally try to also skip payroll tax.
I'm willing to bet that the majority of those applicants would not want seasonal jobs. Why do you Disney has such trouble filling summer openings. That is what led to the magic kingdom college program starting.
And I'm glad that we forced disney to get creative in hiring college kids for the summer. With competition for labor we may get back to the days where kids worked summer jobs and graduated from college debt free.
They're American companies with the ability to hire Americans. Carnival, Disney, and Royal are all based in Florida and are no different than Donald and his resort.
It is absolutely 100% different. A ship flagged in a different country follows that country's laws/regulations. A resort on US soil follows US laws/regulations.

That means that cruiselines can legally hire at rates lower than our minimum wage if they'd like. Trump cannot do that legally. If there are non-Americans/VISA holders in the US willing to do a $10/hr job for whatever minimum wage is, why would you chastise the guy?
When the Social Security office notices a SSN being used multiple times or the SSN of a dead taxpayer is being used, they could pay that person a visit and start asking questions. As it is right now, nothing happens. I get why the tax office is happy to accept that payment. While employers don't mind hiring undocumented labor, they will not generally try to also skip payroll tax.
For what I know, there is something that prevents SSA to cross-check their files with ICE and USCIS.
It is absolutely 100% different. A ship flagged in a different country follows that country's laws/regulations. A resort on US soil follows US laws/regulations.

That means that cruiselines can legally hire at rates lower than our minimum wage if they'd like. Trump cannot do that legally. If there are non-Americans/VISA holders in the US willing to do a $10/hr job for whatever minimum wage is, why would you chastise the guy?
I'm not
The main problem with all the "send them back" plans is how to find and detain the illegal aliens:
1. Stop people on the street, driving cars, on the bus, eating at restaurants and ask them to show their documents (btw, americans would have to carry their birth certificate all the time)
2. Go door to door and ask for proof of being here legally

BTW, racial profiling would only work in some states and hispanics come in all colors: black, caucasian, and asian. PRs and Cubans will get pissed off after a while

Easy, deputize all card carrying members of the NRA to carry this out. 85% will probably jump at the chance. Think of all the tax dollars this would save.
And I'm glad that we forced disney to get creative in hiring college kids for the summer. With competition for labor we may get back to the days where kids worked summer jobs and graduated from college debt free.
Yes but Disney looks to hire kids not from Florida in this program. The reason, they want kids that commit to being here and thus not easy for them to quit and go home. Not much unlike what many of the resorts do with foreign workers.
Yes but Disney looks to hire kids not from Florida in this program. The reason, they want kids that commit to being here and thus not easy for them to quit and go home. Not much unlike what many of the resorts do with foreign workers.
Then Disney houses them in apartments for which they charge the kids rent. They end up with very little as their rent is withheld from their paychecks.
Then Disney houses them in apartments for which they charge the kids rent. They end up with very little as their rent is withheld from their paychecks.
It's a supply and demand thing. As more companies have to find more employees, Disney's college summer workers will figure it out and dump the mouse. Then Disney can't get away with it.
Takes MI & MS. F the haters.

Not by enough. He needs to be at 60% the rest of the way. That will only go higher after tonight. He'll never make it to 1237 thank God.
It's amusing. "Establishment!" is the new code word for "I have no f*cking idea about any policy matters, and I support a racist".

Unless you're a bigot, a racist, and a fascist, you're Establishment!
It's amusing. "Establishment!" is the new code word for "I have no f*cking idea about any policy matters, and I support a racist".

Unless you're a bigot, a racist, and a fascist, you're Establishment!
Nah, I would establishment stands for a group of people who get rich off of accomplishing nothing.
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Not by enough. He needs to be at 60% the rest of the way. That will only go higher after tonight. He'll never make it to 1237 thank God.

wouldn't count on that. soon most states will be winner take all. With votes split he likely gets Fl and OH and it is all but over. He will win big in North East. Cruz needed the Southern states, but lost them with too many still in splitting the votes.
Amusing: butt hurt establishment eunuchs still don't get it cos all their shit candidates got eaten alive by a reality TV star
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Nah, I would establishment stands for a group of people who get rich off of accomplishing nothing.

I'm still waiting for you to tell us what conservative bill the Republican congress could have passed that would have possibly been signed into law by Obama.

I notice you completely side stepped that challenge.

We'll keep waiting I guess.
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I'm still waiting for you to tell us what conservative bill the Republican congress could have passed that would have possibly been signed into law by Obama.

I notice you completely side stepped that challenge.

We'll keep waiting I guess.
85, you are far from a challenge. How about since the House controls the spending of the Country they fight the 2016 Omnibus bill. They took out language that would have restricted the funding of sanctuary cities, they took out language that would have restricted the movement of Syrian refugees to the U.S., hell they removed language from the bill that would have required Homeland Security to have increase vetting on Syrian Nationals. They had the chance to strip funding to Planned Parenthood but passed. They extended for three years the Land, Water and Conservation Fund. This Fund is used to manage federal land is often mismanaged and abused. Absent from the Omnibus Bill are provisions that would block the Obama administration’s climate change regulations, regulations that will drive up energy costs no climate benefit. There was no change to the failed school lunch program.

I cold go on and on and on but why. 85, you're clueless if you think there is any difference between Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney and Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. The republican establishment is all talk. It's time for a President that is not bought and paid for.
Lol, the President signs off on the budget. There would have been another government shutdown blamed on the GOP.
The PR from that would have been a disaster.

People forget that political PR stuff and why couldn't the GOP mount their own PR campaign to refute the claims that it was them? (Because they're a bunch of pusswahs). It may have served to energize the base.
You still don't seem to grasp what a Presidential veto is.
Oh I know full well what it is but this congress has turned this President into a King. What is the point of Congress than if all they do is rubber stamp what the President wants?

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